Son of a......

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Mar 27, 2003
Music City, USA
This happened 3 miles from my front door, 1 mile from my parents front door. :(

Original story here
Police Search for Man Who Robbed Mt. Juliet McDonalds
Three fast food workers were locked inside a cooler late Saturday night by an armed robber.

It happened just before 11:30 at the McDonald's on Highway 70 in Mount Juliet

Police say a man came into the restaurant and pulled out a gun on the manager and the two employees inside. He made them open the safe and then locked them inside the cooler.

The employees managed to get out on their own by triggering the safety latch inside the cooler, then they called police. Police think the same man robbed the same McDonald's three weeks ago.

Police wouldn't say how much cash the robber got away with Saturday night, but they say he left behind some fingerprints that could lead them to an arrest.
The gas station that's about 30 yards from that McD's is the gas station I use most every day (night).
police sketch

Here is a sketch released of the suspect..


OK sorry since it was close to your folks it isn't funny, but I couldn't resist!
In high school, a friend of mine was robbed at gun point while working at a Taco Bell. Not a good experience especially for kids making minimum wage :cuss: Thank goodness no one was hurt.
Hey, I got a warning from the moderators for cop bashing...and, dangit, your doughnut shop comment is funnier than mine was. :D
Sounds like another operative example of why citizens should CCW, yes?
The only person old enough was probably the manager.

A few years ago, a friend of mine from high school was killed in a McD's by Paul Dennis Reed along with 3 others dead and 1 injured. (Not to mention the people from Capt'n D's and Baskin Robin's that the same bumhug murdered. :fire: )

The story just totally caught me off guard. I've lived in this town the better part of 14 years. This stuff doesn't happen here! (Of course, that's what everyone says, eh?)

I'm just glad my HCP will be in my hands in the next 3 to 5 weeks.
Retail business is one of the most dangerous b/c of the armed robberies. Cabbies and cops are also in high risk jobs.
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