Support Illinois Gun Owners by Participating in My Blog

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Feb 19, 2009
Midwest USA
In searching the web I found no real organized on-line effort to share pro-RKBA views or strategies targeted at the Chicago gun ban and Illinois' restrictive gun laws. So, I've spent a few of my own bucks and created a website, I've incorporated a news page and a blog that will permit reader comments.

I'll work on publicizing the website and the blog. I would ask that those of you who support this cause to occasionally navigate over to this new website and post some supportive comments, in THR fashion, of course.

It's pretty meager right now . . . I've only been working on it a few hours . . . and I apologize for what is less-than-polished graphics (I promise it will improve).

The blog's content will grow as I can create entries, but, more importantly, as well-reasoned and non-inflammatory comments are posted. Once this gathers a little steam, I'll endeavor to make the local news media aware of it. The only support I'd ask is that you help out by submitting content.

Once I am up to speed, I may ask that you help me to spread the word by sending the link to those who might be able to lend a hand.
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In searching the web I found no real organized on-line effort to share pro-RKBA views or strategies targeted at the Chicago gun ban and Illinois' restrictive gun laws. So, I've spent a few of my own bucks and created a website,

Thanks for doing this!

Have you contacted the Illinois State Rifle Association?
No, I haven't contacted them yet, but I intend to. I would be happy to link to them or any other organization promoting gun rights, but I don't want to be beholden to them, not do I want to seek financial support from ISRA or anyone else. If you or anyone else can suggest links or other news content, I'd appreciate it (with the caveat that I may not include everything (among other things, my time is limited).

As I mentioned above, members here can actually help me out by reading the blog and adding content through the "comments" function. If you note any glaring errors in my blog posts or news stories, please let me know. I have firm pro-RKBA beliefs, but I do not want to twist the truth to justify my viewpoint; I think there's plenty of good, factual information available to make the point.

I expect that I will ultimately receive and approve comments from the anti-RKBA crowd, though the beauty of a blog is that it allows you to control the content and keep out the more ridiculous stuff. Again, when those comments are published, it would be helpful to see some good counter-arguments from those other than the site owner . . . I think it adds to the credibility, and there are certainly many who are wiser and better informed than I am.

Again, thanks in advance for occasionally navigating to Yes, the content is presently meager, but it will grow as time goes on.

Please note that I'm futzing with it pretty often in these first few days. It'll be a while before it's all as I'd like it. This morning I spent quite a while trying to embed a local news video before I figured out the right way to do it. :banghead:

Bear with me . . . .
I think it looks great for just getting started

Do you have web design experience?

And I love how you included the video. It's a great video, of a citizen, expressing his view (and the correct one) about how the gun ban leaves 'the rest of us' unarmed and vulnerable to attacks. Good for him. I seriously hope this ban gets changed. I wonder if that clip actually made it on to the news
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Thanks. No, I don't really have any design experience. I am using a on-line tool called "Website Tonight." I took one of their stock templates and modified it slightly.

I'm sure that a pro could do much better, but I'm not particularly concerned with pizzazz. I want to to be clean and relatively professional-looking in appearance, but mostly I want the content to be accurate and on point.

As far as the video goes, it makes the exact point that I've always emphasized: Second Amendment issues aside, the current state of affairs leaves law-abiding citizens vulnerable to the predators. There are many, many Chicagoans who feel the way this gentleman feels; they just haven't gotten the message that they need to make their voices heard at the polls and in their interactions with their political representatives.

On kind of a funny note, the problem with embedded content like the video is that you can't control everything about the video--in this instance, as is almost always the case these days, an ad plays for a few seconds before the news story starts. I watched it about a half-dozen times and about half the time it starts out with a young couple rushing into a pharmacy and buying Trojan condoms. :what:

Please encourage other Illinois gun owners--or citizens who can't own but would like to--to join in the discussion on the blog. Thanks.
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An update . . . I wish I had more time to devote to this and the money to publicize it more broadly, but I've had several hundred hits since going live.

Interestingly, almost as soon as the McDonald opinion was published, I started getting hit with a bunch of spam. I suppose it could be entirely coincidental, but I have to believe that the antis are vehemently opposed to any effort to publicize opinions contrary to theirs. My guess is that it's a somewhat organized effort to make my life difficult.

I won't beg for contributions, but if anyone has anything positive to contribute please navigate over there and post your comments.
A few constructive critiques

Great website. Especially since you have no design experience and are using a template.

I have some web design experience and wanted to offer unsolicited advice because I want your website to be successful:

1. Your website Title says "Home Page" in the top of the browser rather than something descriptive and informative like:

"Support Gun Rights in Illinois" <<<Keep it simple and short. Capitalize like you would a book title. Use "keywords" that you would like to rank for in search engines (Google). If you are lucky enough to get exposure through Google or other search engines (Yahoo!, Bing, etc.) then it is beneficial for your website Title to be properly informative and descriptive in a few words.

The Title not only helps visitors get a better idea of what they are visiting, but Google "ranks" your site with the Title tag having a somewhat significant role.

Your GoDaddy template should offer a place to enter each webpage's Title.

2. Pizazz is not necessary--as you know--but user friendliness is. And your website is uncluttered and easy to navigate - good job. One thing that could add value to your website are links in the body of your homepage--in addition to the menu bar up top--just like the other webpages have links in the contents.

Even just one link after all the body text that says "click here to find out how to contribute" or something like that. Or maybe add other content to make the homepage more enticing to a casual visitor who might not be sold yet on your website.


Great website and best wishes.

Thanks for the tip. I'll make the changes you suggest. It's getting some more hits, but anything I can do to drive a little more traffic there would be helpful. It's a modest effort, but at least I feel like I'm doing something.
Illinois' problem has been and will contiunue to be the strangle hold that the Chicago area has on the remainder of the the State - if Chicago doesn't want it it doesn't happen. And, that is a function of the population distribution in that around 75% of Illinois' population lives in the five counties comprising the northeast corner of the state.
ACORN and other questionable tactics has led the the Commys that are all part of Dailey's crowd. Now when you make ya bed lie it. The people of ILL. also put the radical in the WH. So they are on there own. take back their city and state, don't wait on help, can't help those that don't help themselves. And that is the way it is....
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