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Taking a gun to work?

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I can legally carry in the parking lot, and I carry a Taurus 709 slim in a Tagua clip on IWB holster. It votes on my hip when I get dressed in the morning, and I put the gun and holster in the center console after pulling into the gated parking lot where I work. After punching out, the rig goes back onto my hip where it stays until I go to bed.

If I didn't feel that was secure enough, I have an empty case for a cordless drill that I can bring to and from the car into work and lock in my toolbox or locker.
One of my old jobs updated their policy to say no guns on company property, even in your vehicle. I think they were surprised when so many of us started parking across the street.
Where I work. It's actually illegal to carry, even in the "company" parking lot. Surprisingly, management sent out a memo recently reminding everyone of this fact and then pointing out that the last two rows of the lot (which we share with another office) don't actually belong to the "company" so we could leave guns in our cars if we park back there. ;)

EDIT: I dont know if it is legal to ban me from having a gun in my truck on their property. But I [ was assuming this would be a long-time job and didnt want to make waves.
Check your state laws. Some have recently passed laws prohibiting employers from banning guns in their parking lots. Anyplace else, assume they can dismiss you for breaking company policy, even if you are not technically breaking the law.

Sent from the Andromeda galaxy using Tachyon particles
Sounds like most all of you work in lax environments. Where I work, it's a US foreign trade zone. So in other words, carrying at my job could get you some serious time in prison. They did hold a meeting letting us know that we could lock our guns in our vehicles, as long as we were in the employee parking area. They even increased security patrols through the parking lots. In the work place we have Coast Guard and TSA patrolling, so I do feel a small sense of security. Fishing the river the docks are on, I like anchoring up and watching the patrol boats with fore and aft M240's mounted. Who would be willing to carry at my job? Everyone that knows me, knows I am a gun nut and most are certain that I carry while at work. But unlike some here, I am not willing to jeopardize my position and pay.
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When i need to go anywhere where i can't carry, my gun goes into a fireproof lockbox that fits under the passenger seat, anchored by a security cable. That works very well.
My brother in law does the same rbid. Fortunately our state is close to passing a law allowing parking lot storage and restaurant carry. We have no security at night unless we ask for an escort to our car. Some women do but you'll never see a man do it. Hopefully nothing evil will happen that makes them wish they had done better.
First I want to say that I know it’s probably not my place to say this but one of my biggest pet peeves is gun owners who don’t take the time to research applicable local and state laws. “I heard it on the internet” won’t stand up in a court of law.

Moving on

Since this thread is almost 7 month old I more want to address the general topic than the OP specifically.

In general I would never ask my HR department about their policy on firearms in the work place because IMO just asking that question puts me on their radar. I read the company manual for myself and draw my own conclusions.

I have been in the work force 35 years and (barring the Army and armed security positions) I have only ever worked at one place that specifically allowed firearms in the work place. It was a machine shop that allowed employees to use company machines to do repair work on their firearms and even they had a strict policy that the firearm must be stored unloaded in the owner’s office during work hours.

As for leaving the gun in the car I have a lock box in my car that is cabled to the seat. I don’t have a problem spending 30.00$ to protect my 4 to 600.00$ investment.

And finally if I choose to carry at work or even have a gun in my car (contrary to company policy) I operate under the assumption that if one person knows it’s common knowledge and tell no one.
Our employee manual states clearly that the company is NEVER responsible for any damage, vandalism, etc. that occurs in the parking lot. I believe that makes a strong case for them not being allowed to search my vehicle, but you never know when the new administrator will decide to make his own new rules. Big shot bosses are like that.
Reading this thread makes me all the more thankful for my job (particularly after nearly three decades working for a poorly managed airline)...

I usually work from home and keep several guns within reach. When at my office in Texas, I carry all day long and I am frequently asked to enter the owner's office to show my carry rig to his friends that drop by.
I am struggling with getting my EDC routine right on work days. My place of work doesn't allow fire arms and so I am left to leaving it in my truck. I've walked around all day with my concealed holster but that seems silly.

I'm wearing an empty holster at work today, cuz I put on the same pants I wore to church yesterday and didn't want to mess with the belt.
My company HR sent out a msg stating that they would not allow firearms in the company lot. I sent HR an thank you note stating that I appreciated them taking responsibility for my welfare in my travels to and from work. Never heard any more. Retired seven years later.
Something along the lines of any county property, federal property, bars, court house, or other property with explicit warnings are prohibited. I admit if you go to a TV or Radio Station leave the heat in the "truck". Go to a lybrary leave it in the "truck". Going to court park somewhere else and leave it behind. If your "concerned" with a location make a anonymous call
Here is Florida's LAW
Concealed carry
Firearms regulations are uniform throughout Florida, and a carry license is valid everywhere other than in a few specially-defined areas. These specially-defined prohibited areas include:

 Any place of nuisance as defined in s. 823.05;
 Any police, sheriff, or highway patrol station;
 Any detention facility, prison, or jail;
 Any courthouse;
 Any courtroom, except that nothing in this section would preclude a judge from carrying a concealed weapon or determining who will carry a concealed weapon in his or her courtroom;
 Any polling place;
 Any meeting of the governing body of a county, public school district, municipality, or special district;
 Any meeting of the Legislature or a committee thereof;
 Any school, college, or professional athletic event not related to firearms;
 Any elementary or secondary school facility or administration building;
 Any career center;
 Any portion of an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, which portion of the establishment is primarily devoted to such purpose;
 Any college or university facility unless the licensee is a registered student, employee, or faculty member of such college or university and the weapon is a stun gun or nonlethal electric weapon or device designed solely for defensive purposes and the weapon does not fire a dart or projectile;
 The inside of the passenger terminal and sterile area of any airport, provided that no person shall be prohibited from carrying any legal firearm into the terminal, which firearm is encased for shipment for purposes of checking such firearm as baggage to be lawfully transported on any aircraft; or
 Any place where the carrying of firearms is prohibited by federal law.[5]
 In Seaports[6] – The seaport must provide clear notice of the prohibition against possession of concealed weapons and other contraband material on the premises of the seaport. Any person in a restricted area who has in his or her possession a concealed weapon, or who operates or has possession or control of a vehicle in or upon which a concealed weapon is placed or stored, commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
 In the Savannas Preserve State Park[7] – It is unlawful for any person, except a law enforcement or conservation officer, to have in his or her possession any firearm while within the Savannas except when in compliance with regulations established by the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission applying to lands within the described boundaries.
Anyone lawfully carrying a firearm in a concealed manner, may briefly and openly display the firearm to the ordinary sight of another person, unless the firearm is intentionally displayed in an angry or threatening manner, not in necessary self-defense.[8]

Currently, Florida's Concealed Weapon License is one of the most widely-recognized, state-issued concealed weapon license. The resident Florida Concealed Weapon License is recognized in thirty-five different states, while the non-resident Florida Concealed Weapon License is recognized in thirty states.[9]

Vehicle carry-

Vehicle carry without a license is permitted.

Handguns – must be either "securely encased" or not immediately available for use.[12] "Securely encased" means in a glove compartment, whether or not locked; snapped in a holster; in a gun case, whether or not locked; in a zippered gun case; or in a closed box or container which requires a lid or cover to be opened for access.[13] Carry of a Handgun on one's person inside a vehicle without a license is not permitted (except in the case of open carry in accordance with the law outlined above). Once a handgun is securely encased, it can be stored anywhere inside the vehicle and is not limited to just the glove compartment/center console.
Long Guns – a legal firearm other than a handgun may be anywhere in a private conveyance when such firearm is being carried for a lawful use.[14]
As of July 1, 2008, Florida became a "Take your gun to work" state (F.S. 790.251). This law prohibits most businesses from firing any employee with a Concealed Weapon License for keeping a legal firearm locked in their vehicle in the company parking lot. The purpose of the new law is to allow carry licensees to exercise their Second Amendment rights during their commutes to and from work. Exceptions listed in F.S. 790.251(7) include:

school property;
correctional institutions;
property where a nuclear-powered electricity generation facility is located;
property upon which substantial activities involving national defense, aerospace, or homeland security are conducted;
property upon which the primary business conducted is the manufacture, use, storage, or transportation of combustible or explosive materials;
a motor vehicle owned/leased/rented by your employer;
any other property upon which possession of a firearm is prohibited pursuant to any federal law, contract with a federal government entity, or general law of Florida.
A case was filed against Walt Disney World Resort by Edwin Sotomayor, a former Disney security guard who was fired, despite having a CWL, for having a firearm locked in his car on July 1, in violation of Disney's pre-existing no weapons allowed policy. The case was later dropped by the plaintiff citing personal and financial reasons. Disney claims that they are exempt from the new state law, on the basis of their having a fireworks license for conducting nightly fireworks shows at Disney World.[15][16]

Florida law makes no distinction between loaded and unloaded firearms except in determination of the firearm's availability immediate for use.

Something along the lines of any county property, federal property, bars, court house, or other property with explicit warnings are prohibited. I admit if you go to a TV or Radio Station leave the heat in the "truck". Go to a lybrary leave it in the "truck". Going to court park somewhere else and leave it behind. If your "concerned" with a location make a anonymous call
State law varies.
Ya I know THAT part B...
I also was including a link as secret sarcasm. You can find the info you need for your area..
Update: my new company has no issue with anyone having a gun in his pocket/bag


God Bless Texas
Over the years, I've posted this at various times, in various forums, but it bears repeating:

Carry at all times unless some external "detector" makes such impractical or impossible, due to the inconvenience or other difficulty encountered in explaining yourself to agents of "the state".
I either avoid such circumstances, or endure them as little as needs be (such as when testifying in court).
The paper "legality" of CCW at any particular place or time is an effort by lawmakers to restrict the potentially-injurious actions of violent sociopaths.

Unfortunately, those efforts simply don't work, and criminal sociopaths don't obey those laws.

If you are a morally-upright, courageous, mentally-stable and sensible person, you have fulfilled the SPIRIT of the law, since you are no danger to the innocent.

If you carry discreetly and don't draw attention to yourself, no one will know if you are armed or not, and no one will be harmed by your discreet CCW, yet you WILL be capable of an armed response if a deadly threat requiring such appears.

Post office? Hospital? School? Church? What difference does it really make?

Understand, I'm NOT advocating ANYTHING LIKE wanton disobedience to authority or disregard for rule.

I'm speaking of MORAL issues which both underlie and supercede codified laws.

Some folks may find this beyond their comprehension, though those of us who have done this for decades, and have thought through the moral principles involved have no difficulty with the concept.
The paper "legality" of CCW at any particular place or time is an effort by lawmakers to restrict the potentially-injurious actions of violent sociopaths.
Unfortunately, those efforts simply don't work, and criminal sociopaths don't obey those laws.

I don't believe that is the real intent of gun laws; lawmakers aren't stupid (well, some of them aren't.) It's more sinister than that: the legislatures and the criminal sociopaths are secretly on the same team -- the laws don't target the sociopaths, they target the law-abiding to keep you dependent on the the government for protection (which they are not obligated to supply.) The sociopaths help provide that need for protection, and they are actually exempt from some of the gun laws via the 5th Amendment.
So many of you have an steady income. JOBS ARE NOT THAT EASY TO FIND. Some states (Tn) for instance doesn't protect your rights at work. Do what you must, assess your threat/risk and act accordingly.
my PROBLEM = gun free zones

My problem is that "gun free zones" do NOT work.

I love life and will not go down without a fight,so that means I MUST be prepared to survive.

That means [ to me ] that I must be ready to survive an attack,anytime - anyplace.

If there is no magnetometer to ASURE [ as much as possible ] that no other will enter armed ---- guess what :neener: .

I was LEO and carried for almost 40 years,I am pretty good at CONCEALED carry as I taught others to spot a gun wearer.

So far I have never been "made".

+ 1 to SAWBONES as we are on the same page.
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