Texas Statutes/ >1 gun

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I guess a man out with his family having a drink with dinner just doesn't need to be able to defend himself if attacked or robbed on his way out.

I guess a man that can only defend himself with a gun was never very well prepared to defend himself at all. I guess if you think not having a gun makes you a defenseless victim, then you already are one.
Some states someone can't take firearms in if they get over 50% of revenue from liqor. Some if they sell any. Others a person cannot have anything to drink while they have a firearm.
I guess a man out with his family having a drink with dinner just doesn't need to be able to defend himself if attacked or robbed on his way out.

An establishment that makes more than half their money from alcohol sales would be hard pressed to be described as a "family establishment".
I guess a man that can only defend himself with a gun was never very well prepared to defend himself at all. I guess if you think not having a gun makes you a defenseless victim, then you already are one.

That seems pretty low road.
Even a capable man leaving an establishment with thier family would be quite vulnerable to an armed man.
However this does not only apply to men, or to just healthy strong individuals.

Humans use tools, its a part of using our superior brain, which is what makes us more lethal than the fiercest animal.
No macho BS ingrained into you will change that fact. Yes you use your head and avoid bad situations. Yes you can defend yourself in many ways prior to a confrontation. Yes some people can still be quite capable physicly even unnarmed or improvising with less than ideal tools.

Luby's for example has a liquor license now and sells a lot of alcohol. Perhaps nobody there should be armed? Oh wait I think you tried that already, and it is one of the main reasons you have CCW now to begin with.

An establishment that makes more than half their money from alcohol sales would be hard pressed to be described as a "family establishment".
That is often true. However if you ever saw where most of the profits come from even in restaurants with a liquor license that serve a lot of food, you may be surprised.
Alcoholic drinks have some of the highest markup of any item sold, and more profit is made per glass on many drinks than on entire dinners. So even a busy family restaurants can approach that 50%. ~50 cents of alcohol can be sold for over $5 as a drink.
Selling people a steak and some side dishes for 10x more than cost is a bit harder to pull off. Would you buy an $6 piece of steak and side dishes for $60? There is also less labor involved in preperation of a drink.
So even selling more food than drinks, the drinks can easily equal close to or even more profit than the food in a family restraunt.

I agree the legislation had bars, nightclubs and the sort in mind when wording it that way. However if they had performed some audits on various restaurants prior to doing so they might have been surprised.
Regardless I don't see a difference if someone has a meal at a restaurant or a bar & grill.
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