Thanks from a trapped Blue Stater

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Feb 20, 2003
All you guys in the red states - thanks. Being in NY, my vote does little. I make up for it by being active in the NRA but nothing is a good as a vote. Feeling real good wearing my W hat on the subway....getting a lot of dirty looks. I love it.

Great job getting the word out.
Your welcome from the Hoosier state. Though I would politely disagree with your vote not counting. Your vote was one of millions that we can throw in the Democrats face that Bush won by electorial AND by popular vote. :D
You're welcome from the Akron/Cleveland area! Quite a few sour faces today, but the W fans proved what gracious winners they are. Why are the dems so mean around here?
You're welcome from Missouri- first time in 85 years I believe Mo has a Republican Govenor and both houses-
You're welcome from the great state of Texas. And in addition, after a fierce re-districting battle earlier, we can offer up four new Republican representatives as well.

Regards to All

Death and Confusion to our enemies
I feel your pain here in WA. Apparantly,though, here in Clark County we went Bush.
I'm still awaiting word on our Gov race. Last I heard the Rep. Dino Rossi is leading. He'd be the 1st GOP gov in 24.years. >fingers crossed<

Isn't it ironic that the socialists and communists get to be blue? Why is that?
Maybe its because the Republicans are more likely to shed our blood for the country....but who knows.

Keep fighting the good fight
I think the colors were switched in the 2000 election.

I think it was because the networks didn't want Al (I Invented The Internet) Gore associated with the color red which
might remind people of Communism.
Thanks from me too, being a NY stater and NYC college student. At least my vote helped the popular vote!
Thanks from Michigan.

However, candidates friendly to RKBA were the winners locally for me with Knollenberg returning the House and Gosselin going to the State House.
I don't know about CO, but isn't Northern NM where Taos and Santa Fe are? Those are liberal enclaves, I believe. There also may be a large Native American population there. Northern AZ has Sedona and environs, kind of a high $$ hippie/new age area.
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