The JC Higgins Model 31

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Joined THR to join this club. I have a model 31 that I purchased several years ago. Never any real problem with it that I can remember. Long story short is...the son in law took it out to shoot a possum the other night and came in with the rifle in two pieces. The receiver tang or lug broke off at back of receiver. I've seen on the net for a replacement tang that would screw into the back of the receiver but mine looks like a solid tang receiver unit. Does it unscew or can it be soldered?
No pics sorry. The other daughter's boyfriend took it to show some gunsmith buddy of his...he didn't know either. It looks like pot metal to me. Does it unscrew from back of receiver or is it a solid unit?
A couple years back I repaired a JC Higgins Model 31 with the retractable sling, it needed a firing pin, and an extractor, I do believe I got both parts from Numerich Gun Parts, if not them than it was, Dick Williams Gun Shop Inc. out of Saginaw, Michigan phone 989-777-1240, you can also try Jack First although he is a bit expensive though. BTW they are neat little rifles, and yes they do get a bunch of crud built up in them.
A couple years back I repaired a JC Higgins Model 31 with the retractable sling, it needed a firing pin, and an extractor, I do believe I got both parts from Numerich Gun Parts, if not them than it was, Dick Williams Gun Shop Inc. out of Saginaw, Michigan phone 989-777-1240, you can also try Jack First although he is a bit expensive though. BTW they are neat little rifles, and yes they do get a bunch of crud built up in them.
Dad passed his 31 to me a few years before he died. As I recall,in the '60s, it tended to jam. I took it down, for the first time, and cleaned the gunk out, it was filthy. Now it runs like a top and still looks new!
I have just acquired my third ,sort of ,JC Higgins,the first is 30,this is a 31.this one is very ,very tight and was stuck together with old lube maybe,I had to pry the bolt upto get it started out of the receiver,it is still hard to cycle by hand,round bolt handle after clean and lube.iu U.S.sweet guns
I have a 30 and now a 31 and some pieces that may someday be a 31,I have used my 30 as a competition rifle for years now,I converted a model 60 Marlin to clip feed( mod.70) to use this year ONLY because clip ( box magazine) is more amenable to competition shooting. Removing the tube every shot is a pain,and for the life of me I can't find a J.C Higgins 30 series that has a clip ( box magazine) I don't know why they didn't, it is conceivable .oh by the way I worked over it today and fixed its problem which was a bent bolt handle, smooth as silk now.
I never thought much about J.C.Higgins,always thought " just another house brand" but I own 2 1/2 and the construction of them is actually very well done ,no thin metal or crappy finishes here,barrels are threaded ,quality bluing,and walnut ,this is everything they need and don't have in .22's today AND they work ,I have heard of some that don't ,but,I bet if I worked on those I could fix them ,nowadays you get brand new from the factory and they don't work,I should not get a new rifle and have to " break it in " for 1000 rounds before it starts to work right.
Oh, the guy that had one break last year,the metal is not pot metal ,it is good Alcoa aluminum ,if it broke,a good tig welder can fix it,my bolts are threaded right in the rear of the receiver but I have seen tangs for sale they look like they are steel and thread in also but if not aluminum is easy to weld,TIG is the way To go and it is easy to work out any minor imperfections later and easy to re thread ,I wish he sent pics in.
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I have a Model 31, as I understand they were made for Sears by High Standard. Really a lovely gun until you need to clean it, which usually requires a near complete disassembly.
With a bit of practice,and repetition,I get along with the disassembly,not much worse than my Marlin 60 's or 70's,however if you get a good spray gun cleaner or carb.cleaner you can blast it clean pretty easily then a shot of spray lube or dry lube ,this negates the whole deal with removing the bolt and bolt handle which can be time consuming,depending on my mood,patience,and the weather!My other is a Mod.30 which though it looks exactly the same,has the bolt handle on the left side,this little deal makes all the difference in the world,as the operating spring is situated in front of the bolt wrapped around the tube mag,this simplifies takedown as you basically remove the trigger mechanism,turn the rifle right side up,pull back the operating handle ,and the bolt falls out on its own,no fight,no bolt handle under the bolt to remove.BUT, as far as I know it won't shoot shorts but I am soon going to try as there is not much difference in them except the bolt operating placement.
Any lube you use,if liquid or semi liquid(grease)will hold dirt,sand,dust burnt particles,lead dust etc. this is why we clean them after use,also why we use them sparingly,that said,grease will stay in place longer and is a heavier duty lube,it is fine for summer use ,in winter it will freeze much better than oil- use light oils in winter and as with grease in summer,enough to leave finger prints or swirls is all you need any more just makes a mess ,if your in a sandy dusty environment,clean more often,firearms when hunting can be quite spare of lube,even semi's ,however if you expect to go tactical lube is a friend!
Hi guys. I just joined up and want to be a member too. I have a model 31 that I inheirited. The end of the bolt handle is broken off. My stepdad owned the gun and the bolt was jammed. I took it apart and OMG, the gunk that was in there. I don't think it ever has been cleaned. But my question is when I pulled the bolt out a part fell out of the bolt. I think it is on the side opposite the bolt handle. It is about one inch long has flat spot on one side and a long narrow slide on the opposite side of it. I have looked at Steves pages at the schematic but it doesn't show this side of the bolt. I went to Numrich site but they don't show this part either.I think it is on the opposite the extractor and fits in the groove there but I don't which way.
I looked at 1K's pictures but didn't see this part. Any help will be appreciated. I also am going to need a bolt handle.
Hi guys. I just joined up and want to be a member too. I have a model 31 that I inheirited. The end of the bolt handle is broken off. My stepdad owned the gun and the bolt was jammed. I took it apart and OMG, the gunk that was in there. I don't think it ever has been cleaned. But my question is when I pulled the bolt out a part fell out of the bolt. I think it is on the side opposite the bolt handle. It is about one inch long has flat spot on one side and a long narrow slide on the opposite side of it. I have looked at Steves pages at the schematic but it doesn't show this side of the bolt. I went to Numrich site but they don't show this part either.I think it is on the opposite the extractor and fits in the groove there but I don't which way.
I looked at 1K's pictures but didn't see this part. Any help will be appreciated. I also am going to need a bolt handle.

I have recently been bitten by the JC Higgins 31 addiction and have accumulated three to date and enough parts to assemble one more. My problem is that I am missing the short extractor, the one inside the receiver. It's listed as item #15 in the schematics. Does anyone know where to find these? Gun Parts list them, but does not have them available.
Ah, the EJECTOR. How the heck did that get lost? Isn't it staked in or soldered? Looks like it would be fairly simple to make one if needed.
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