The ultimate cold blue?

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Moderator Emeritus
Jan 3, 2003
South PA, and a bit West of center!
Old subject I'm sure but ...... like to trawl for opinions ... this place is so rich in that.

What might it be then? Oxpho-blue from Brownells ...... 44/40 ..... Birchwood Casey .......

There are lots out there but ... whilst I have used most I am interested to get other's thoughts.

Needless to say ... prep'ing is perhaps the most critical and important part of the process, grease being bad news .. that excepted .. what is best for durability and depth of blue etc.?
You don't have too much choice but Brownell's might be a bit better. The gun should be warm, don't do it in a cold basement. Keep swabing it since when it dries it isn't doing anything. REpeat the process that will help too.
I've had great results -- almost factory like -- with Ox-Pho Blue intespersed with layers of other old cold blues laying around the work bench. The secret is 1) heat the gun {hair dryer works} , and 2) lots of thin coats.

Polishing helps too. The more you polish before you blue, the darker the blue will be afterwards. And clean it rigorously before bluing.

I reblued a ratty [polycoated] CZ-75, and the only problem I've had is that I must touch up the back strap every now and then. I also did a "shooter" Luger, and it looks authentic.

There's a new type of cold blue I've read about -- I have some but haven't used it yet -- by Novum Solutions. It comes highly recommended, but I haven't had a need to use my "kit" yet. You might try a "google" search for that firm.
I suspect I've used every brand of cold blue in the civilized world over the past 50+ years, and the best I've ever seen is called "G96". Simmons and Jerry's sells it, or you can get it from the manufacturer. It gives a deep-looking color but the best thing I lke about it is that it lasts!

Heard of G96 Bob but don't think I have tried it yet .... did tho order and get a ''Blue Wonder'' kit from Novum ... this is the stuff that has a developer.

Yet to find time to evaluate but - it is supposed to be good and durable. Thx for the mention Walt.
No one brand seems to work best on all guns but some brands seem to work better than others on different guns. I think it is dependent on the metalurical make up of the steel as to which brand works best. Some brands will produce a black finish on some guns while other brands will produce a blue finish on the same gun. I usally do a small test area on the gun to see which brand gives the finish color I want or matches the current finish I am trying to touch up.
I have found the hole trick to any cold blue is follow all directions starting with cleaning the metal squeaky clean with 100% alcohol,brake parts cleaner,or laquer thinner and heating the part.
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