Those @#$%& cats again!

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Oh, and good thing you stopped the process in time!

Ignore the smell, what's more important is that that there kitty-pee is one of the more corrosive substances known to man. I had a tomcat relieve himself on a baked-enamel surface of my camp stove, which had already survived my bad cooking skills (spills) with no un-wipable damage. His "cider" got through the coating and ate into the steel, overnight. He also ruined a snowmobile suit I used for winter motorcycling. The aluminum zipper just crumbled away after he'd had his way with it.

Toss those cartridges, sir! That kitty-pee contamination might give you a case head separation, or somethin.

Cat pee is nasty stuff, not to be trifled with!

Maybe CJ just wanted to load mags for you. Should have left the loose rounds where they lay, and brought empty magazines for her to stuff.

One of my old cats, Bastet, used to sleep in a big cardboard box of .38 wadcutter reloads (you can figure how long ago that was) - I called her GunKitten (like gun cotton, but softer; still energetic though).

My fat tabby, Purrkins Diesel Cat, gets a .45 ACP case to play with when I'm loading - keeps him off the bench, occupied, and amused for hours.

If they pissed on any rounds, you might want to break them down and recycle the brass. Ammonia can cause stress corrosion cracking in brass. Probably ok to shoot, but might crack if left on the shelf for any length of time.

Here's a thought, given the reaction of your average cat to a laser pointer...
(I have five cats, mind you..)

Just walk your lazer spot onto any target you'd like "softened up" then click it off and administer the coup de grace with a triggerpull.

Who says cats can't hunt?

I keep all my gun stuff in a room in my basement. I have to race the cat to get there first- no matter where he is in the house. He hears me going down the stairs and the race is on. He's pretty fast, so I usually have to pick him up and give him a toss as I quickly close the door. I swear that cat is a reincarnated 5 year old boy. He just loves to mess with my stuff.

This critter top right
It's called the embrace before going for the jugular....which is what happened next. The tan one stalks and pounces on the longhaired one most of the day...then they nap together.
On our farm, We had a small number of true farm cats, verminators of good use, we also had many MANY stray and ferals that would show up and who did not play nice with any of the farm cats, these strays were considered TOONYR pronounced "tuner" An acronym for "targets of opportunity not yet realized". On the farm, any cat with out a flea collar was fair game. same with dogs, feral dogs and cats are a huge mess in the near rural areas, uncontroled breeding and releases are a big problem, killing thousand of song birds, spreading diseases and parasites. No we do not shoot pets, but we sure do shoot 'tuners".
Pete F,

If you TNR (trap, neuter, release) the TOONYRs, they will not overpopulate but will hold the territory against incursions by other cats. A manage feral colony is a pretty good answer to a lot of the problems...

My neighbor-across-the-road takes in, vets, and places a lot of dogs that people tend to dump out in the country. My other neighbor-up-the-road will shoot at (he is 84 and misses a lot) any dlc (doglike creature - dog or coyote) that he sees. Guess who has less aggravation?

If the cat is FELV+ then it has to be isolated or put down. If it is FIV+ *and aggressive* - same (FIV is spread by deep bite wounds). Other diseases - cats don't spread... they kill rats and things that spread plague and -- the name escapes me right now, the thing you get from breathing dust from mouse/rat feces.


Your cat stories are great! I always enjoy reading them and continue to look for more.

"CJ" is the product of a misnomer. She adopted me as a kitten. I'd just come back from a trip up to Tennessee with a friend, and both of us were wearing T-shirts from the Casey Jones Museum there. Since we had no idea what sex the cat was, we named "him" Casey Jones on the spur of the moment. Later, when the kitten grew a bit and we discovered that "he" was actually a "she", the name was shortened to CJ for convenience and accuracy.
I haven't had a cat since I moved out of the house at 18. But one that we had when I was about 16 scared my Mom half to death one night. Sometime around midnight or so, I'm sitting out in the livingroom watching TV, when all of the sudden I hear Mom start screaming and she comes running down the hallway from her room. So I jump up and ask what's wrong and she says that the cat is on her bed and is making these horrible noises. She says she thinks it maybe hurt or dieing.

Now the cat just happened to be pregnant so I had a pretty good idea what may have been going on. So I go back to her room to check and sure enough kitty had decided to start popping them out right on the pillow on the other side of the bed about 2 feet from my Mom's head while she was sleeping.
You have to be real careful about the things around your house that look like litterboxes. I had an empty shoe box that I was using for sunflower seed empties. Guido The Wonder Cat(tm) understandably thought dad was relocating the litter box to his desk. This was really quite nice, as Guido spends most of his time on my bed. He thought I put it there as a convenience to him. I come home one evening, and my room smelled like cat poop. Sure enough, he had left a big ol' stinker right in the middle of it.

I can't say that he's ever dropped a deuce on a pile of brass, but I wouldn't put it past him.
The sex

Since we had no idea what sex the cat was, we named "him" Casey Jones on the spur of the moment

CJ's sex has always been manifest. This kind of color is peculiar to females. Spots or streaks of ginger on black, white or gray.

Best regards, Alexey
I cannot speak due to feline ignorance in the reloading room....BUT...I have a 2-1/2 year old Lab, Piper, who seems to think that her hair belongs on EVERYTHING...I have to check every piece when sizing and such...and of course she must be at the center of attention...she has an indestructable toy called a Kong and for some reason it always winds up in my lap...nice and wet...and her sitting there looking back and forth from it to me...waiting for me to toss it for her.

here are my thoughts on cats, in general.....

"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea."
-- Robert Heinlein

I had a cat when I was at home that was scared of the guinea pig. :neener: Sammy would go for the parakeet while he was around, but if Feller was out, he'd walk up to the cat to say hello, and Sammy would take off. Truly boggled the mind.

I plan on getting another guinea pig one day, I guess I'll find out how they like reloading stuff.
i love those cat stories! You should post some pictures of your cats if you habvn't already!

(but i think you have because i remember somebody posting 2 pictures of their cats. Maybe it was in the ammo closet thread)
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