Two bad firearms... what to do?

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Jan 7, 2004
Right now I own two firearms that I never shoot. A Century Hackjob .308 49/56 and a Mas 36/51 in 7.5 Mas. I do not shoot the first because of the fact that it jams every third shot, and I do not shoot the second because the ammo is outrageously expensive and I do not have the tools for reloading. All of my other firearms shoot cheap milsurp ammo, and I am also on a college budget, so getting into reloading for one rifle is out of the question.

I overpayed... by a LOT... on the 36/51. $300 for a $150-175 dollar gun. (It is in nice condition...) I traded a gun I paid $325 for for this Century POS. The gun I traded was a Mas 49 in 7.5 that I never shot either because not only was it in 7.5, but the 7.5 ammo I could find didn't operate at high enough pressures to cycle it properly.

So, I have $625 in guns (not including taxes), and for my college budget that is a lot. A whole lot. 3 car insurance payments, among other things...

What to do? Do I sell them and try to get what I can for them? Do I put the 49/56 underneath my car and run over it a few times, back and forth, back and forth? Do I try to trade them as a package? :confused:
if you don't like them, get rid of them. how much you want for them is entirely up to you, just learn from your mistakes, and you'll avoid over-paying in the future.
I think you are missing the point of his post. I think he is concerned with the ethics of selling a gun he knows does not work to another shooter.

No way to get around it you must tell any buyer the gun does not work.
Well, I would not sell the rifle to someone else without telling them of its problems, so I guess that part really isn't the issue. I guess I'm asking if it would be better to just cut my losses and sell them both, or try to fix the 49/56, or... bleh. I guess I was kind of venting, too.
Go to a gun shop, tell the truth, trade (not sell) them in on something that works. Few days ago I ended up with a Grendel 22 and a Colt Woodsman
in a deal, neither had a magazine, the Colt was missing some parts and was about 50% finish. I brought them in, laid them on the counter, told the guy exactly what I had, and asked how much in a trade. He said to pick something out he had several of and we'd talk. I walked out with a very nice scoped Marlin 336 in 30-30, tag price was $300. He had five in the rack. I've screwed up before too, trade/buy guns long enough it happens. A while back I paid $350 for a 9mm Radom, traded it in on a Thompson Contender in .44 mag with an additional .22 scoped barrel, hated the damn thing, traded it for a scoped NEF .223 bull barrel, blew it up, sent it for repair, bought another from the factory for $175, and for the life of me I don't know what happend to it. Either I let someone borrow it, traded it in on something, or just forgot the damn thing somewhere.

First I would determine why the first rifle jams. Since it does fire the problem may be fixable under your budjet.
Sell the second rifle as it's to expensive to feed.
Next time do your homework, check the prices and value, and learn from this experience of overpaying (you will probably do it again, just make sure you can afford it then).
Alright, thanks guys. I was leaning towards a gunshop trade in, and now I'm pretty sure I'll go that rout.

Thanks again,
I'd look into getting the .308 running right and keep it. There are several smiths who offer an adjustable gas-pressure thingie for the Mas 49/56 similar in concept to what is seen on the FAL. Apparently, this goes a long way towards improving reliability and also keeping the gun from beating itself to death. If it works 2 shots out 3, then I believe that there is nothing so grossly wrong with it that it can't be tweaked to run 100%. Bill Toth of Design Systems Technologies Inc.(570-458-0140) is one smith who is supposed to be good with these conversions.
I may do that, still deciding what to do with the .308 but I'm pretty set on trading my 7.5.

Oh, and...
What have I become, my Swedish friend? Everyone I know goes away, even Sven...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's the greatest thing I've read in a long time.
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