UPDATED: Prayers for Labgrade's son...

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More prayers on the way, labgrade. Hope you all are getting the rest you need for this tough time. Let us know how it's going when you have a chance.
Shane had some horrendous pain in his last last coupla days which the docs sseem to think is related to drug reaction/s. Had him on some morphine - seems to have dissipated.

Biopsy maybe today to see where we're at with the rejection. BTW, this is done through a tube inserted in his neck which goes into the aorta (?) - kind of permently tubed from the time being. Hi-tech probing thing with a deal on the end that looks like Alien's inner mouth. Push it on down, watch with the echo & snip off a hunk. Shane's been watching this on the monitor .....

Fingers crossed on this biopsy & may be out Thursday, but still on IV no matter.

BTW, whoever sent those red boxing gloves - thanks a bunch. "Keep on Fighting!" = Brilliant! Big kick & smile + all the nurses want to borrow 'em to use on a couple drs. ;)
Rejection down to A1 - that's way down from A3. Still at anti-rejection/diuretic med levels but ...

Drum Roll!

Going home in the morning! :D

Folks. ..... whew, just thanks.

I'll Drop in some more info tomorrow, & give me another day or so to start a thread about some of my behavior during.
WOW Labgrade, that's really great.

I know you must be thrilled to see your son coming back so strongly from such a risky and even dangerous operation.

Best wishes to you and yours.
Great news, Labgrade! :neener:

If rejection can be kept at bay for a few weeks on a transplant, I believe it becomes easier and easier to control with the custom cocktail. It sorta seems like the body decides the "alien" invader isn't so bad after all.

Again, best wishes and all success to Shane and all of you! :neener: :neener:
Breathing much easier, that's for sure. & correct about the time factor. Every day that goes by = better chances all things equal.

Will still be doing biospies weekly for quite some time, on an IV (got pic-tubes in place), antibotics daily at a local hospital (infection at the main incision), has a back-packable O2 bottle .... some issues still. They're not sending him home to die & not out of the woods yet.

But who of us is? ;)
Wonderful news! I'm so glad things are going well. More prayers on the way!

Very good news as we head into the weekend, labgrade! Thank you for keeping us posted and sharing so much. Our good wishes and prayers will continue for all of you.
Sounds like things are moving in the right direction, Labgrade. Keep us posted on the progress.

Ya know, I think God's getting suspicious about all these prayers coming from my house. ;)
Sorry for no updates- been a bit .... (ahem) Anyway, back at it.

Spent yesterday with the kids down in The 'Springs - a very good day.

Shane's eating about 15+/- pills 3x a meal/day, getting 2X visits to a local hospital of IVs (still this anti-rejection stuff), in some pain & gets tired easily. Wants to push a bit too hard methinks, but we're harpin' on 'im. ;)

Outside with his kids yesterday (an absolutely stunningly beautiful day in CO!), hangin' out, yellin' at 'em & being a Dad - actually looked really healthy. So :cool:

Real bummer wuz The Raider Hater ;) ..... well, Shane doesn't want 'em there. ;)
Labgrade, that is wonderful news. I will keep you, Shane and the rest of the family in my prayers.

Some may doubt the power of prayer but I have none.
Biopsy from Wednesday came back today as an A1 rejection level.

Good enough newz!

Wanted it to be nothin', but hey, ya takes yer shot & A1's way better than what his body seems to want to do with this heart = this is very good news all told.

Rejection can be taken care of by oral meds rather than have to stay in the hospital & do the continual IV thing .....

Yippee is what I think.

& gotta tell y'all. There's been a couple who have sent those cards 'n letters. Shane's getting out the thanks cards 'n such.

Y'all made a huge difference, never mistake that.

& "that guy" (seems to remain silent) with those red boxing gloves ..... all I can say is that did help to turn the mental tide, was spot-on in the timing. Dare I say? Dave, Thank you from the bottom of all our hearts!

So wonderful that we have a direct connect with some folk that we will never get to shake their hands or give 'em a big ol' hug.

Somehow pretty incredible to me.

You guys are the best.

Band of Brothers? You bet!
Wonderful News. Thanks for sharing the good news and for the opportunity to pray for others; it is a real gift. I will continue to pray for you and yours.
Such good news at the start of a New Year. Shane's ordeal and success have unified us in a spirit of caring. Thank you for this chance to help and come together. Continuing the prayers and best wishes for all of you.
Just saw this thread. God Bless. My son Frankie was born with Tetrology of Fallot which is a three part heart defect. He died when he was a month and a half old and they brought him back and rebuilt him at Johns Hopkins. As I am sure you are, but make sure their is someone there for Shane all the time. Also be sure to read his chart everyday and don't take there word on everything just because they are doctors and nurses. We will continue to pray for you. One in ten children are born with a heart defect. It is an awful thing to see the little ones suffer. Take care God is with you.
Man, some great news (sorry I'm late to say so). Glad he's home, glad it is looking up, glad it is continueing to stay looking good. Here's to the hope that things will soon be as normal as possible. (where's the beer glass toasting smilie :D )
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