Wally World getting out of Ammo too?

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Dr. Dickie

Apr 19, 2006
Jacksonville Beach, FL
I know that Wally World stopped selling guns (caving into the liberals), but is it just my local Walmart or are they in the process of also stopping selling ammo as well. At least pistol caliber ammo. The last two months or so that I have stopped to by for .45 ammo, they have been out. And yesterday when I went to get some .380 ammo, I bought the last box they had and noticed that the pistol ammo shelf was looking very sparse. As much as I hate shopping at Wally World (although I have found it to be okay at 5:30AM), I always admired them for standing up to the liberal trash. I hate to see them cave in like K-Mart did (their WWB .45 is just to cheap to pass up).
Mine doesn't sell it anymore. In fact, there is no place within a 30 minute drive that sells anything firearm related that is more than shotgun shells, CO2 cartridges and Airsoft toys. I have to drive 45 minutes to get a bottle of Hoppes.
It's not politics. It's business. Our Walmarts in OK continue to sell guns and ammo because that's what the market will bear.

This was big news a couple of months ago. It was a corporate decision to discontinue selling the above mentioned items in certain regions because the return did not justify the investment.

It's all about business.

Re ammo: since they raised the price of my 9mm WWB from $4.68 to >$7, I had decided to start reloading that caliber anyway.

It's all about business.
I have to agree that it seems to be more of a business than a political decision. If it was political then I am sure that NO Wal-Marts would sell any firearms or ammo.

Ammo seems to be getting more and more scarce in several different venues. And the price is going up all over except maybe for the bottom end lines.

I have no particular axe to grind with WallyWorld. I may disagree with some of their policies but they are trying to give their customers what they want and will buy.
The not selling guns was big news (I thought they were dropping sales nationwide), not the stopping of ammo.
And don't kid yourself, business is also image, and image is very much politics.
Maybe they were not making enough profit off rifle sales (although it sure seemed as if they were moving their inventory). Walmart has been under attack from the libs because they are anti-union, so it is easy for them to drop something the libs hated if it was only a marginal money maker--buy a little good will.
As far as ammo, they could barely keep it stocked it was selling so fast. Half of the time I would go there they were sold out of .45 WWB. So, if they are stopping selling ammo, they are NOT dropping a loser.
Yeah it is all about business, but business can be VERY political. Remember the Congressional hearing into price fixing by big oil just a couple of months ago? What a waste of tax money.
With the way gas prices are dropping right now, you gotta kinda wonder if the gas companies wouldn't be willing to take a couples months of slight losses just to give the Republicans a little help in the upcoming elections:evil:
If ammo is drying up everywhere, well that is different. I only get a couple of boxes at Walmart every now and again, as I reload.
No, FPrice is correct. If it were a corporate political decision there would be no guns/ammo in any Walmart.

They simply audited their districts and determined that certain regions weren't selling enough guns to justify the expense. It's all about marketing. They have a finite amount of space in a given store. If a product doesn't generate the necessary revenue, said product is eliminated.

Ammo seems to be getting more and more scarce in several different venues. And the price is going up all over except maybe for the bottom end lines.

The Chinese are buying up raw materials at a suicidal pace. Copper is in short supply. Check the news. The price has gone up so high that thieves are stealing the coils from home air conditioners.

Why do I say suicidal? Because industrial expansion is increasing faster than environmental protections. And because it's a still a closed society, we probably aren't hearing about the disasters.

Oh, and let's not forget gas prices. The cost of shipping has finally caught up to us. (Re: ammo prices.)
The Wally World in North Olmsted, OH is still well stocked with ammunition, including pistol ammunition. I just bought a 100 round box of Winchester .38 Special FMJs last night.
All the local ones stopped carrying $6/box 9mm Blazer Brass, the only reason I went there, and went to 250rd boxes of massive-muzzleflash UMC instead.

Which was a business decision.

My business decision was that I no longer buy ammo at wal-mart, since they stopped selling what I want. :)
Well I was used to them being out of WWB .45 most of the time, but this last time there was almost no pistol caliber ammo at all (any caliber). There was plenty of shotgun and a quite a bit of rifle (although you would not expect rifle to sell out as fast a pistol). It seems there is a worldwide shortage, so I will just reload with a smile:neener: .
The local WalMart here has gone from guns and ammo, to ammo, to some ammo, to "can I have a box of .22?" being answered with we don't carry that anymore. :banghead:
And there's the danger of an economic monoculture. If there were plenty of retailers and normal competition someone else would step up and sell what people wanted. When one vendor utterly dominates - as Wal-Mart tends to in any small to medium sized market - it determines what is and is not available, period.
Let's take a look at this logically. Is WalMart becoming more or less liberal, politically?

They have dropped guns at many of their stores.
They have cut back or dropped ammo at many of their stores.
They help fund Planned Parenthood.
They belong to and help fund the Gay/Lesbian Chamber of Commerce.


Let's take a look at this logically. Is WalMart becoming more or less liberal, politically?

They belong to and help fund the Gay/Lesbian Chamber of Commerce.

Not being an outdated dark ages bigot is 'liberal', now?

Uh. Yeah. Real high road,there. :barf:

Dude. They're people too. Get over it. Some of them are also (gasp) pro-RKBA, and you might be shooting next to one at a range, and never know it! Careful! They might infect you with gay radiation! :rolleyes:
Wally world fate.

Wally world is headed down the same path as so many other large discount stores. All of these companies operate on the model of low markup making their profit on volume. Walmart is making the classic mistakes at this stage in it's growth, and they will pay the price. They are starting to turn their back on the low income people that have made up the core of their business by cuting off things such as layaway and moving into up-scale markets. To make these things work, they need to attract a different social group, and the perception is that guns are not a needed market share.

Here in Missouri, the Walmarts still carry guns and ammo in good stock, but this is a very pro-gun state. In California, Walmart dropped guns years ago, and stock very little in the way of ammo or hunting supplies.

In my opinion, Walmart is in the process of redefining itself as the new mid-range department store, much as Sears was thirty years ago. In other words, a mild liberal slant, don't upset the latie drinking soccer moms in the P.C. hybrid SUV.
2 of the WalMArts here have been seeling out of 9mm WWB 100rd everyday. THe said the have been getting orders in every 48 hours and cant keep it on the shelf at all. THis has been going on for 2 months now.

.223 and 7.62x39 in the whole city of Ft.SMith, AR has been selling out and they cant keep it in stock at all.
They have dropped guns at many of their stores.
They have cut back or dropped ammo at many of their stores.
They help fund Planned Parenthood.
They belong to and help fund the Gay/Lesbian Chamber of Commerce.


They still sell guns in many stores.
They still sell ammo in many stores.
They fight unionization right and left.
They only sell music with profanity edited out.
They fund the Boy Scouts.


I don't like defending Walmart, but saying they are politically liberal based on those facts is kind of silly.
Let's take a look at this logically. Is WalMart becoming more or less liberal, politically?

They have dropped guns at many of their stores.
They have cut back or dropped ammo at many of their stores.
They help fund Planned Parenthood.
They belong to and help fund the Gay/Lesbian Chamber of Commerce.

I understand where you're coming from.

But their decisions re ammo and guns in certain stores is purely business.
i say it is politics! I'v now noticed that the big wally's in my area, now dont carry the guns and hunting mags anymore either.
Walmart is doing the same thing Kmart did when they became #1, only they are trying to be more descreipt about it so gunowners won't boycott them like they did Kmart. I really don't see that happening nowdays though.:uhoh:
WalMart is a hotbed of liberalism?

That is without a doubt the most ridiculous idea I have heard this week. Take a look at the facts. They are just about or by some measures the largest corporate donor to the Republican Party. Yes they give money to Democrats, but at less than a third the rate they do to the GOP. They are as strongly anti-labor as it is possible to be. They refuse to sell Plan B which makes them utterly opposed to Planned Parenthood. Their perfidious alliance with The Sodomites(tm) consists of a corporate policy that bars discrimmination in hiring and promotion on the basis of sexual orientation. That puts them in line with the majority of the Fortune 100 and 500. It does not put the anywhere to the left of center for large corporations.

It is certainly possible to be to the right of Ivan the Terrible, as Wal-Mart tends to be on most issues, and still make business decisions that some conservatives don't like. In this case the evidence is strongly favors that interpretation. Gun sales aren't huge. The margins aren't high, at least not since we stopped importing guns and ammunition from China. The liability premiums can be crippling. The risk of theft is high. Frankly it makes perfect business sense for a general merchandise store to stop carrying them.
I do not belive that Walmart is a turning liberal, and I have no doubt that they can justify their decisions based on business, but come on. The anti-gun culture that we live in certainly influences their decisions.
In the stores that they stopped selling guns, I have no doubt that they were not doing the volume that justified keeping them up there...CONSIDERING THE ANTI-GUN BIAS we live with.
If this was 30 years ago. I bet they would be still selling the rifles, even if it was barely making a profit if for no other reason than for goodwill toward the folks that bought them. The way the stores are set-up, they can't really use the shelf space for much of anything else (as it is behind the counter they sell ammo from). So from a space issue, they did not gain a serious amount of usable space that is going to be burning up the retail field.
Again, I do not believe they are turning liberal, but I do not believe they made their decision to quit selling guns in those stores in a political vacuum.
I am hoping they do not quit selling ammo, and I am pleased that other folks are finding it available (as the price was just too good to pass up on).
Just cause your paranoid, does not mean they aren't out to get ya:neener:
Their perfidious alliance with The Sodomites(tm) consists of a corporate policy that bars discrimmination in hiring and promotion on the basis of sexual orientation. That puts them in line with the majority of the Fortune 100 and 500.

Yes, ManedWolf. I was being sarcastic. The poster made something of Wal-Mart's supposed alliance with gay and lesbian groups as if it were a sign of their out-of-the-closet Leftism. Their policy puts them smack in the middle of the Big Business mainstream. The idea that that indicates political liberalism is worth a few jabs because it is ridiculous.
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