What can I carry in NYC

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Yes, NYC's reputation for crime is definitely overblown, but for good reason. Before Giuliani's "broken windows" policies, NYC was a cesspool of crime. But his police reforms dropped crime so much in NYC that it substantially impacted the nation's crime rate (and NYC's crime rate is still falling). NYC since the beginning of the 90's is a very different place than even a decade before.

NYC is Safest Large City

Do Police Matter?
An Analysis of the Impact of
New York City’s Police Reforms

That said, this is a big place, and if you're not used to heavy population density, you will stick out like a sore thumb and the predators will notice you. Situational awareness is extremely important.
You might consider a trick offered by Mossad Ayoob. Fold up a twenty dollar bill with the "20" showing and stick it in a gold plated money clip. Fatten the twenty up with a couple of singles if you want. If you get confronted, offer them an easy 20 or a big pain in the ass. Toss it away from you, so you have room to run away, or move away quickly, should they go for the 20. Be prepared to back up your offer. Ayoob caught a lot of flack for this suggestion, but if you HAVE to be in a bad area, 20 or 30 bucks may be worth the effort.

Another idea is to go buy yourself a big baseball bat with New York Yankees printed on the side (or whatever big league baseball team is nearby). Gift wrap it with a bow tie and a birthday card that reads, "Happy Birthday Bobby, Love Daddy". If you need to use it, don't bother unwrapping it.
I'm interested in this as well since I'm going to the city in a month. Carrying won't be an option for me since I'll be flying in and people have been getting arrested for bringing guns into the state...
knitting needles

A friend used to keep a few up his sleeve and he could produce them quick,as far as the baseball bat you're supposed to carry a Met's not a Yankee's
'Or a sign saying, "please don't have relations with my corpse after you kill me!"'

Yeah, those are still legal. But t-shirts that say "Please Do Not Murder Me" are a big no-no.
I heard that joke a little differently.....it went somthing like this.

How many NYC UNION electricians does it take to screw in a light bulb?
10!!!!....YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT!!!!!!!!
you could bring a pink water pistol lol... but seriously you could just carry there and dont let nobody see it. what they dont know cant hurt them. and heh god forbid you'd have to use your gun there, i dont think they could indight you for protecting your life when theyre not there to protect you.
Well, I lived in NYC for the first thirty one years of my life. I have moved out and I never want to go back. While crime is down it is not gone. Owning a firearm of any sort is a pain in the you know what! The NYPD hassles you with pistol licences.

I have been held up twice with a gun to my head. That has never happened out here in the burbs where I carry a gun 24/7.

Sonny is right when he says to stay out of bad neighborhoods. The criminal element operates by the credo, "Have Gun Will Travel"! Thus even in "safe" areas you can be accosted.

Bloomburg the mayor of the armpit wants to ban all handguns. I believe pot and heroin are banned but they always end up being sold on the street. I left and am never going back. Sorry Sonny, gunsmith was right. NYC is an armpit if you are a gun owner. ;)
Lou Reed says "you need a black .38 and a gravity knife to walk the New York streets".
you could bring a pink water pistol lol... but seriously you could just carry there and dont let nobody see it. what they dont know cant hurt them. and heh god forbid you'd have to use your gun there, i dont think they could indight you for protecting your life when theyre not there to protect you.

tell that to Bernie Getz
but seriously you could just carry there and dont let nobody see it. what they dont know cant hurt them. and heh god forbid you'd have to use your gun there, i dont think they could indight you for protecting your life when theyre not there to protect you.

Don't you believe it. Last I heard there's a mandatory 1 year jail sentence for possession of an unlicensed gun, over and above any other sentence for what you actually DID with it. So even if the shoot was self defense you're still looking at a year in the slammer with a felony.

This is a city where it's illegal to possess a cartridge for a firearm you don't have a license for, whether or not you actually possess the firearm. So if you have a 30'06 cartridge but don't have a 30'06 on your license you can get busted for it even if you don't have a 30'06 rifle.
So, expandable batons are a no-no in NYC.

What about something like a sap or a blackjack? Small enough to fit in a pocket and cheap enough to lose should it need to be...lost.

They sink too.
in NYC you can get busted for having a magazine for a guns that you do not own as well, even a 3 round mag for a bigbore hunting rifle. Not to mention when it comes to ammo, I think even just the shell casing is enough to get you jail time. Talk about crazy! Freethought is about the ONLY thing that isnt banned in NYC. (well not completely)

The only thing that I carried in NYC was a 48 in a Plain Brown wrapper.. :)

Of course it was after a wedding reception.. :cool:

This was in 89 so I don't know if a guy can even do this now.. ;)
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