What is a dependable yet affordable handgun for Concealed Carry.

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Feb 2, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada
I am looking into buying a handgun for protection. It would be a piece I would carry 24/7. I don't know a whole lot about handguns, as I have always been more of a rifle guy. I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. Every time I watch the news I want to carry more end more. I want something that has some decent stopping power, that isn't a burden to carry, easy to conceal, dependable, and affordable(couple hundred bucks). I don't need it to look like a pimp gun or anything like that, but I don't want to get laughed off of the range either. Bottom line, I need something practical. What would you guys recommend?

This is probably a VERY dumb question, and I don't want to direct anybody away form my initial question, but what is the 1911 that I see everywhere on these forums?
Thanks everybody.
I carry a Ruger sp101. It's a 5 shot .357 revolver. I bought mine for $325NIB (new in box). Very dependable, good stopping power and pretty easy to carry IWB (in waist band). I suggest you go to your local range and try out various pistols to see which feels good to you. The 1911 is a semiautomatic 45 caliber pistol carried by our military for the majority of the last century.
I can only afford to spend a couple hundred bucks. 200$-300$ish.

Makarov, Bersa .380, used Ruger auto. Don't forget to budget for extra magazines and a holster, 'cause you're not gonna do "Carry de Mexico" (where the gun is stuck nekkid in you belt). Figure $15 for the cheapest Uncle Mikes, up.

See also Which gun for 300FRNs?, Affordable, Reliable Pistol. and Budget Arsenal.

One thing you'll notice is that the string "Makarov" comes up a lot in these threads. :)

This is something that gets asked a lot. A regular Frequently Asked Question. Perhaps the most frequent suggestions should be consolidated into a writeup and stickied (not that anyone would read it).

What is this 1911 thing of which I hear?

That would be this, still in production after a long human lifetime.
do your homework

If you look around, you can probably find a nice used Glock for about 300 bucks. they are not my favorite guns in the world, but they are accurate, and super reliable.

if you look for used, and shop around, you can find some nice guns on the cheap.

the 1911 is the Colt government 45.


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I would agree with Dog buy some combat tupperware (Glock) or a S&W 642 centennial (you will be able to wear it all day without feeling it).
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Used Glock
Used Ruger Sp01
Used SW J frame

Go to the Revolver section of this thread and read the Revolver Check up sticky.
Almost any major name revolver or semi-auto in 38/9mm or better wouild work. .380 or 9mm Mak is as low as I would go. Try to find the deal you want and see what feels the best in your hand. Then practice a lot.
either a taurus 85 or a bersa 380 if you need a pocket gun but if you can carry something larger maybe a used S&W auto. Also take a look at PA-63 pistols and star model BM. If you don't mind milsurp guns and you shop around you can probably get both a PA-63 and a star BM for $300.

Whatever you get the second thing you do is get some good training. Local tarainers might run as much as the price of the pistol but it's the skills that pay the bills. Whithout a solid base of training your pistol becomes dead weight.
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I'd say Kel-Tec P11. A bit under $300 if prices in your area are decent.
Hi, talleymonster. You really are a rifle guy if you don't know what a 1911 is. S'ok. The Colt 1911(a1) was the standard U.S. military pistol from 1911 until 1985.
"...I don't know a whole lot about handguns..." You need to get some handgun training. Pop into your local gun shop and ask 'em about it. Don't even think about buying any handgun until you do.
While you're doing the training, try as many handguns as you can. A handgun must fit your hand properly to be able to shoot it well enough. Join a shooting club too. Aside from the required practice, you'll meet lots of great people.
Once you're comfortable with handguns, look into a used handgun that fits your hand. A 4" barreled .357 magnum can be loaded with .38 Special Plus P ammo. Do the training first though. Then decide what you want. A good holster and belt covers the comfort and concealing issue.
Don't even think about carrying a handgun until you've done the training. It's no different than letting a non-rifle shooter hunt or shoot without it.
i would recomend a used xd service model or sub compact. they are very practical, reliable and dependable, they don't cost that much anyway but you should be able to get a used one at a really good price.

This is probably a VERY dumb question, and I don't want to direct anybody away form my initial question, but what is the 1911 that I see everywhere on these forums?
Thanks everybody.

not dumb at all, we all have to learn somehow. i would reccomend that you use the search function and google and you will find more than you ever want to know about it.

just to paraphrase what you are gonna read, basically it is the best pistol design ever devised!:)
Pocket Carry 5 shot .38 Special:
S&W M442, M638 or M642

Inside Belt Carry 5 shot .357 Magnum:
S&W M640 or M649
Ruger SP101

Something a little bigger?
Belt Carry 6 shot .38 Special
S&W 3" M10, 2" M15 or 2"-3" M64

Belt Carry 6 shot .357 Magnum
S&W 2.5" M19 or 2.5" M66
Ruger 2.75" Security-Six, Speed-Six or Police Service-Six (outstanding revolvers)
Two inch S&W Model 10.....used.

Often quoted, but at least in my area, totally unrealistic. For maybe 300 bucks, you can get a wore out, out of time, sloppy POS M10 with 2" barrel. Four or 6" guns are possible in good shape for said $300. Believe me, I've looked. Don't ORDER a used gun sight unseen, good way to get screwed. Heck, I don't buy NEW guns sight unseen anymore. For less than that, you can get a Taurus M85 brand new. For even a little less, you can get a Rossi revolver, a very serviceable/affordable revolver. No, it won't make the snob's list of desirable handguns, some even go so far as to call it a POS while they buy worn out M10s thinking their the best thing since Belgian waffles. Whatever....:rolleyes: I've owned 7 Rossis and none were POSs, all were serviceable, all were well made if not finished to the extent that a higher priced gun is, and all were accurate and well timed. The Rossi is the lowest price revolver I'd recommend. The Taurus is higher quality fit and finish and out of the box trigger and not that much more expensive.

I quote revolvers here because for new shooters, revolvers are simpler and safer to learn on. they are very accurate and they have DA triggers so you can learn DA shooting. The 1911 is an expert's gun IMHO. I don't care for the cheap ones, had two which I rank as at best, mediocre. They both require work out of the box, and the high end ones, well, you can buy something to ride to work that gets good gas mileage for the same money. Forget 1911s until you get into the shooting thing for a while is MHO. Personally, I've been there, done that, and forgotten 'em forever. :D
Tally ~ there are some excellent recommendations here. If possible, go to a local range & try a few out. Determine what you like (fit, feel, function), then make your decision. Research on-line. After your purchase, get some training & practice.
Getting a reliable semi-automatic pistol with good stopping power (9mm Parabellum or better) for $200 - $300 is a crap shoot, no pun intended. "Cheap" guns often don't function, and used guns in this price range were often traded off because they didn't function well.

(The Makarov fits in this category, too . . . I know some people are fans of these low-priced pistols, no doubt because THEIR guns work well, but in my last CHL renewal class, BOTH people who showed up with Maks had problems.)

I'd look around - hard - for a used Ruger or S&W revolver. Revolvers can usually be evaluated for reliability with a fair degree of confidence without firing them - not so semi-autos.
A picture is worth... I will give you 2,000 words. How so? Look below. Regards, Richard:D

The Bersa Thunder 380 is a small compact carry handgun with the power of a 38 Special:

The Bersa Thunder 45 is a compact handgun in 45acp:
Go to cdnninvestments.com, download thier catalog, and see a rough idea what's available. They do have used CZ75s for under $300, but a little rough, more than likely, plus paying shipping andrecieve fees friom a dealer, but there are some interesting ideas in there.
Look at the used counter at your local gun shop, (take someone with you who is a handgun person to help), find a local range with a rental section, see what on the rental shelf fits, try it out, (far cheaper to rent and discover you can't stand it, than to buy and fin out.), then go from there.
I will echo several suggestions - any decent Smith/Ruger 38 revolver, but stay away from the 2" barrels, as they are more difficult for the tyro. 3 inch or 4 inch will conceal just as well, (get a good IWB rig, Bianchi M-100 runs about $50), and will give you more to hold down recoil, plus a little more accuracy.
Maks are good little pistols, ammo can be semi-hard to come by.

The choices are out there, everywhere. Good luck!
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