What will become of Winchester, Browning, Remington & Marlin

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Years ago, Ross Perot was right on ONE thing. Remember his quote "That huge sucking sound you'll hear are U.S. jobs going overseas."

What you're seeing, in the midst of this stock market selloff and sabre-rattling of a recession hitting the U.S. -and- the dollar going much weaker against other currencies is very simple. The U.S. is being brought down and the rest of the world is going up -- we're witnessing an evening of parity worldwide. Whether that should be a discussion for conspiracy theorists or not is yet to be seen... but it seems to be what is happening IMHO.
"Ex Fed chairman Snow and old Dan Quale are on the borard of Cerberus Capital Management. Cerberus is where you get a job after you are done doing all the GOP boot licking. Watch for down sizing of those companies to shore up the balance sheets and then a sale to an overseas company. The criminals will pocket the difference and call it good for America."

It's obvious you don't know a thing about Cerberus Capital Management. Google can be your friend when it comes to facts.

The criminals will pocket the difference and call it good for America.

I'd be interested to know who these "criminals" are, what crimes they committed, and when they were found guilty of those crimes.

But if you mean that everyone is a "criminal" who disagrees with you, has a different view of life, has made a success of it, or is not chronically frustrated, unhappy, and angry please don't bother posting that lengthy list.
Lets face it, the rifles and shotguns of today are at a pinnacle of technical innovations. Metallugy advacements have increased the power and accuracy while synthetics and recoil reducing technology have made long guns more pleasurable to shoot. They are truly 21st century weapons however I don't see any pending innovations which would spur a high cyclical demand like say in the computer or automotive industry. There is no built in obsolesence, a well made firearm will last a lifetime. Remington was experimenting with an electrical ignition system a few years back but the tried and proved mechnical system works just fine. My concern is that in a flat market corporate profit factors simply boils down to price of the product minus the cost of production. Competition controls the first and unless there are ways to manufactor long guns better and cheaper, corporations will just go with cheaper production techniques. Sad, but it is the real world.
I think some of us are having an emotional reaction to the consolidation. A lot of companies that we've known since we can remember are just being absorbed and becoming nonentities.
Remember AMC Motors? Plymouth? Oldsmobile?
It is the nature of the business world. The strong will overtake the weak.
And monopolies doesn't necessarily mean bad for the consumer. Look at Apple Computer. They are a monopoly but make products that a lot of people like. And they are considered a cutting-edge and innovation leader.
FN and Browning have a long history together - about 100 years. Everyone seems to be worried about foreign outsourcing, but no one gets upset with Belgium made Brownings.

I have several Browning single shots that were made in Japan and they are superb guns. FN is making their M70 derived PBR and SPR sniper rifles in South Carolina, and that's where the new M70 are slated to be made.

As far as Remington and the others - many have been suffering from lack of capital investment and are using ancient machinery. They can use an influx of money and technology to make their manufacturing competitive.

Given Ruger's history of support for 'sensible' gun restrictions, it's hard to get excited about that company. Their products are only average anyway.
Cerberus is where you get a job after you are done doing all the GOP boot licking. Watch for down sizing of those companies to shore up the balance sheets and then a sale to an overseas company. The criminals will pocket the difference and call it good for America

It is apparent that there are allot of folks that do not understand capitalism or freedom. Unfortunately a socialist mind set is effecting a lot of our members here who just spout off anything that their democratic masters tell them.
Ya... how dare these evil capitalists try to cut waste and increase profits...
its unamerican...

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