What will four years under Kerry spell for gun owners?

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Congressional seats will make the real difference

All in all, we stand an excellent chance of coming up with a Senate that will be able to break filibusters against pro-gun judicial nominees and vote for pro-gun legislation instead of just gridlocking to prevent more. The difference is going to be whether gun owners can muster the votes needed to put those people in power. - Bartholomew Roberts

I believe that also means that Senate rules would then allow requiring a bill to be considered without non-germane amendment. The shameless fiasco in the Senate last winter would not be repeated. AWB etc. legislation would more likely have to pass on its own rather than a slam dunk as an amendment. That would at least require debate and far more than an hour's notice for pro-gun advocates to react to some slimy maneuver. In other words, gun manufacturer's lawsuit protection could pass cleanly.

Partisan balance in the Senate is certainly a high priority. In South Carolina we have an excellent candidate in Jim DeMint (R-SC) to replace the retiring senior liberal, Ernest "Fritz" Hollings. DeMint is a three term member of the House with an A rating from NRA. He is polling well ahead of his Republican rivals. Our other Senator is Graham, a Republican, who did well during the voting on gun bills a few months ago. His term will continue. The likely Democrat candidate is Inez Tennenbaum. She is guaranteed to vote for gun control all the way and sure to be strongly endorsed by 30 year retiree Hollings, who will do everything possible to transfer his voter base. Actually most of it is people who vote Democrat without regard to issues, which we know is a nationwide shortcut to paying attention and staying informed. That and the fact that an election is no more than a popularity, fund raising, and charisma contest for too many people. Real and seriously important issues only matter to active party members. Others are like people who are only baseball fans during The World Series or only Irish on St. Patrick's Day.

It almost makes you want to vote without a multiple choice ballot (blank), so that people are obliged to know who is running and why. Voting is such a farce in reality but still may be better than the alternatives.

My situation is perhaps an example of what one can do to make their own small difference. My brother and his wife live nearby. Yesterday I discussed politics, namely the June 8 primary, enough to determine that they haven't the slightest idea what the issues are at the State and local level and haven't given any thought to how they might vote. Actually the upcoming poll date was a surprise to them. They are both highly educated academics. Not sure about my brother, but his wife made it clear that all she has to do is vote for the Democrat. I plan to share my own research in writing with them. They can make up their own minds, but at least they won't remain indifferent to real politics. They will definitely be aware of my gun rights point of view and the generally conservative view that is part of the package.

I think it will make some difference when the candidates spend their primary money on the media in the next two weeks.

Aside from having decided upon "four more years" re the White House, my election focus is on that one open Senate seat. My business is located at a busy intersection and will have a DeMint banner on my front wall.
How did Daschle "stab us in the back?" Has he ever been pro-gun?

Daschle signed on as a co-sponsor of S.1805 (so he could show a pro-gun vote to his constituents) and then voted for every poison pill that could be attached to them.

Not only that; but if you'll remember the NRA was very confident about their ability to strip any poison pills out of the S.1805 legislation. Now there are four people who get to appoint people to the conference committees - Senate Majority and Minority leaders, House Majority and Minority leaders. Assuming the Republicans were willing to work with the NRA, that only gives the NRA 50% of any conference committee... a pretty thin margin. On the other hand, if the same guy looking for a co-sponsor slot to protect him against angry gun owners works with you, then you have 75% of the committee appointments locked in.

Now I don't know that this is what happened; but I do know that the NRAs optimism on being able to strip the bad bills in conference faded at exactly the same time Sen. Craig asked for Sen. Daschle to appoint his conferees (before the final vote had taken place) and Sen. Daschle declined to do so until after the final vote.

I admit it is hard to really consider it a "stab in the back" when nobody ever expected anything better from him; but Daschle did suck up to gun owners for their vote, all the while planning on doing them a major disservice.

RealGun makes a great point too. I know a guy who had donated to a candidate for the first time ever and was actively supporting him as the Democratic candidate for Senate here in Texas. Morning of the election, he receives a call from his father with a well-thought out argument and he goes into the booth and pulls the lever for his Republican challenger instead. Never underestimate the effect that a polite and well-reasoned argument can have on the people who love and respect you.
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