Why are guns so important to you?

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I don't think guns are more important than other things I own. I care about my guns but I'd be no more infuriated if someone stole one of them than I would my dog, motorcycle, or car.

I suppose one could say these things are physical manifestations of my pursuit of happiness. I'm not particularly materialistic but I'm also not nice when I'm not happy. I think I'll keep them. :)

I own guns first and formost to protect my family and myself from harm no matter what form it may take.When I could not afford a gun I usually kept a ball batt at the back door..come to think of it I still have it sitting in the corner :)
I was born a free man.I was not born a victim.I will fight to the death to keep my freedom.
On a softer note..I love my shinny stainless steel and wood guns.I also love my 250 pound upright bandsaw, my 18 volt drills, my nail guns, and my generator and oh yeah my new air compressor.
I guess i just love power tools. And my guns are just that, TOOLS!!!:cool:
Metal and wood...Metal and wood.

Born by men and women whose bodies course with the blood of the brave.

In case anyone is not looking, the world is a violent place.
It always has been and always will be. There are sheep, there are wolves and there are shepherds. Most are sheep, some are wolves and some are shepherds. Without weapons and the will to remain free, there would only be sheep and wolves. Molon Labe!!
I got into firearms for sporting pruposes, and then again when I joined the army for obvious reasons. I'd never given self-defence much thought to be honest. Then I started thinking about it more and realised that it's very important, and that firearms are the best way of doing that. I said to myself 'most people in the UK would have all people disarmed. Well, suppose that happened and even criminals put down their weapons. Strong criminals could still prey on the weak. That's unfair. But if everyone was armed, it would be equal because anyone, strong or weak, can use a firearm. But if we could arm everyone EXCEPT criminals, that'd be perfect'. And that was that. At the same time, I came to realise that the rifle hanging on my wall is indeed the symbol of democracy, and needs to stay there. I also love firearms as objects of course, just like I love cars, architecture, beautiful women and so on.

So now I own firearms for three reasons. For use in the sport I love, for defending myself and the partner I love, and for defending the right and freedoms which I love. I've never hunted live prey.

If firearms dissapeared, I'd probably go out and bu a sword or a baton of some kind for self-defence and get some martial arts training. I'd probably switch to some form of practical pistol using airsoft or airguns for sport.
The Los Angeles riots, on several memorable occasions, are reason enough for me to keep arms for defense. I have been an unwilling participant in several "civil" disturbances during my lifetime. They were very scary.
thanks for the info from my sig, I assumed it to be legit as I got it from wikipedia. I'm curious to know . Did someone just make it up and it spread all over the place? Damn got all excited and though I had a good thought provoking quote. Guess not. Back to the drawing board
Most folks will go most of their lives without ever needing a gun, but if they actually do need one, nothing else will do.
In this high-tech, big-brotherish age, I find it interesting that every season, in every "hour", Jack Bauer still saves America by using a handgun. It's still the tool of choice when the devil comes a'knockin', be he government stormtrooper or gang-banger.
Metal and Wood

The essay "Metal and Wood" pretty much says it all. Some people here have said "Because I am Jewish." I am not Jewish, but I would answer, "Because of what happened to the Jews."

Also, because of what is happening at present in Darfur - a disarmed citizenry is being slaughtered by government-paid mercenary/thugs while the world watches and does nothing.

Also, because as Americans, the right to arms is our birthright.

Also, because as Americans, we owe a debt to those before us who made us free with their blood and sacrifice to remain free and to see to it that future Americans have the right to arms.

Also, because to join the U.S. military, I swore an oath "To protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC." Although I no longer wear the uniform, I am still comitted to fulfilling that oath.
Why are guns so important to me? Lol.

Guess I'm being selfish when I say I just like the noise and the skill involved in making accurate shot after accurate shot. I do love my "assault rifles" and such. I have no intentions of going postal, but I really do enjoy a saturday of shooting at the range... the bigger gun the more fun... I'm never going to be a star runningback or shortstop.. but I think I can really shoot well. I work out a lot as well... it's just relaxing.. it requires concentration, practice and more practice... and it requires a great deal of caution to realize the full destructive potential if misued. Who wouldn't like it? It's difficult to really be good at... and you can be big/small, fat/skinny, out of shape/in shape and still contend given your practice and knowledge is up to snuff.

Of course, it's ingrained into my psyche, both as a citizen and a veteran. These rights are just that, a right, NOT a privelege. If I don't hurt anyone, nor pose a risk of doing so, I rate whatever firearm(s) I want... bottom line. I seriously doubt our govt will go sour enough in our lifetimes to sweat anything, but if worse comes to worse... I DO think I reserve the right to take whatever measures necessary to protect myself or my family in the event the police/military can't. Should those rights be denied/infinged... well then... guess I'll be an outsider.
Balance of power

Bad guys have 'em, and always will. So all good guys must always have something to shoot back with. :D
Guns are important because I dont have a 300 yard spear chucking arm.

Everyone that I could conceivably be attacked by in life has access to firearms. I want to be on at least equal footing with any potential attackers.
My initial motivation for purchasing my first weapon was 9/11. I was going to kill whoever wanted to kill the USA. I've shot before that with my father's weapons, I just thought it was fun, but I could live with or without it. I just didn't care either way. After the 9/11 shock phase, I decided I better arm up because I heard of crimes happening in town and I wanted to be able to defend myself if need be. Later, I bought my SKS because I figured it would be a good weapon for hunting medium game within 150 yards. Then I bought my AK in case I ever had to do something that I'm not sure I can state here, (think NVA and Viet Cong). Then I bought a CZ52 for personal protection on the road, in the field, and in the woods. Then I bought a M44 because I shot my father's 91/30, and I liked how the rifle handled, but I wanted a bayonet that I couldn't lose, (just incase I had to use it). Then I bought a second CZ52 to keep as a collecter weapon.

Now, my reason(s) for being a weapons owner is summed up in this in order:

  1. Personal Protection
  2. Home Defense
  3. In case I am required to repeat 1775-1789.
  4. Weapons are Liberty's teeth.
  5. Because they're fun.
  6. Because I can.
  7. I like them.
  8. They're a good investment, and much cheaper, (and more utilitarian), than gold.

Watch the documentary "Innocents Betrayed". That's a good enough reason for me. Yes, I practice regularly (except with my M44 because I'm lazy, and the 2nd CZ52 because I'm keeping it unfired.
Too easy....

An unarmed man is a subject and a serf.

In the words of Col. Cooper, "A man with a rifle is the master of all he surveys..."
Growing up, I was influenced by men who were veterans and hunters, eventually leading me to also become both, but also philosophically, all my experience leads me to independence and self-reliance, and an overall philosophy that when in doubt, the government should leave us alone. I lived in Europe for several years, an I saw firsthand how society and mentality is changed when living in a state of entitlement.

Reading literature like Animal Farm and 1984 by George Orwell, and Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand reinforce this understanding. Reading modern commentary by Christopher Hitchens also appeals to my sense of logic, and reinforces the understanding that men must remain in control of their own destiny, and any entity which seeks to limit that ability can control you.

Also, it is difficult to ignore the engineering and history of firearms, and one must realize that nearly all advances in metalurgy, smelting, forging, and machining are a result of the discipline of making weapons. There are distinct reasons to admire these things, and to condemn weapons because of their perceived nature is to halt manufacturing progress.

I'm probably half as deep as I think I am.
I am not going to give you some sort of crazy answer like the others. There is no mention of the bill of rights, the 2nd Amendment, or any of that stuff.

I simply like guns. They are fun to shoot and own.

All of this "protect my family, the country, bill of rights" etc. stuff sounds kind of strange to many people. They see us as extremists when we start talking about overthrowing the government, shooting imaginary boogeymen, and what not. Its sad that they dont feel this way but sometimes people just sound like they went off the deepend when they start talking like that. I understand its your write but lets try to sound less like an extremist.
Primarily as a means of defense and protection. And food if necessary or desired. Col. Cooper wrote very well of the significance of firearms to the individual opening in his work, "The Art of the Rifle".

They are also a means of good sport and competition - formal or informal. Both in turn avenues of pleasure and means by which certain skills can be developed.


Why do I want to own guns, well.. because The Constitution says I can... I own guns, primarily, because I enjoy shooting them. I like the feel of the gun kicking in my hand, the look of a paper target with a hole in it. I like the feeling of pride I get from putting all my shots on target. I like the weight and engineering that goes into modern firearms and ammo. I like machines that work the same way, every time, in any conditions.

As hobbies go it is a lot less expensive than boating, parachuting, bass fishing, etc. A total newbie can buy a .22LR target pistol for under $200. If you shoot a brick of ammo a month you will be out about $120 a year plus range fees. After five years of steady practice you should be an expert marksman with that pistol. Total expenditure is under $1000... what other sport can you spend so little to gain so much?

A gun is a tool similar to that 3' long piece of pipe I put on to a breaker bar to free up a rusted bolt. I am capable of projecting only so much force. When I need more force than I can muster in a given situation I must use a device to multiply that force.

A man is not a man unless he can protect himself and his family. YOU and ONLY YOU are in command of your destiny and future. Why rely on others to save you?

Which has the faster response time: The sheriff's deputies in the remote and rural area where you live, or the loaded .45 by your bed?

Would you rather cower on the floor of your closet punching 911 while a couple dirtbags force sexual favors on your wife and daughter or would you rather keep them dirtbags from entering your house once and for all?

Would you rather wait bloody and walletless by the roadside for the ambulance because you walked in the "wrong" part of town back to the parking lot where your vehicle was left going to a show, or would you rather get home safely?

"The 2A ain't about hunting." We hear that every day. True, that. It is about Taking Personal Responsibility. Something that trial lawyers and idiots keep trying to get removed from our lives at every turn.
Do we need a warning sticker on a lawn mower that you should not put your hands into the rotating blades?
If so, I need a similar decal on every window of my house, "DANGER! Felons Avoid This Area!"
I like guns simply because they represent a hobby which seems to be almost endless in it's application and knowledge.

I've always loved learning about things and when you look at guns and everything associated with them, you can spend a lifetime building your expertise and still not know everything there is to know.

Yes, I have them for self-defense, but that's simply a by-product. If they were solely for self-defense I wouldn't own the number and variation of them I have. That's what the anti's don't get....guns are not built just to kill things. I've never killed a single thing in my entire life with any of my guns (unless you count paper).

The purpose for me is personal. To try and gain mastery over something that you probably can never totally master all aspects of. If I shoot 2 inch groups, I want to try to shoot 1 inch groups, or shoot the same groups at a farther distance, or cut down my time on an IDPA course, or try to master a different kind of trigger system, or try a different ammo load, or gain a better understanding of self-defense laws. The list goes on and on.

It's more about personal development and challenge than it is anything else. It is the ultimate martial art that you can study for a lifetime.
Reason Number 1
Because I enjoy them, I enjoy shooting, hunting and collecting.

Reason Number 2
Because I've got two uncles lying in the Bamaga War Cemetary, New Guinea who say I can............
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