"Wisconsin Stoners safe from violence!" Brady says

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Dec 25, 2002
Chicago area
You gotta love these guys. This was just posted on the Brady site. I guess there haven't been any good school shootings for them to rejoice in lately.

"Madison, WI - The Wisconsin gun lobby today failed to secure enough votes to override Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle’s second veto of legislation that would ludicrously weaken gun laws in Wisconsin.

Under the proposal, loaded, hidden handguns could have been legally sneaked into rock concerts, shopping malls and the Wisconsin State Fair.
“Today, sensible state legislators stood up to the gun lobby and said this proposal was preposterous,” said Jim Brady, Chair of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.? “They’re right.? You don’t make a rock concert safer by letting everyone pack heat.”

So, all you cheddar head AC/DC fans, you can now go to your concerts safely thanks to Governor (for now) Doyle and the Brady Bunch.

I have no d--- idea what concerts have to do with this issue, in what passes for their so-called brains at the Brady Center.

I bet you could take that release, substitute Ann Richards name for Doyle, Austin Texas for Madison and move it about ten years into the past and get what will eventually be the same results.

Is anybody keeping a running tally of the political cost to governors and other political figures that have vetoed or blocked concealed carry? (you can include Jean Carnahan in Missouri too.)
Two things:

- 1) Concealed means concealed.

- 2) Better to be judged by 12, than carried by 6.

Now that all the cliches are outta the way...'nuff said. ;)
in AZ no guns where alcohol is served but not NV!

Thats what I like about NV I can go see a show and pack my gun, I don't drink anyway so why should I be restriced? besides a pool stick is a pretty dangerous weapon!
WillBrayJr said:
Maybe the bullet that struck Daddy Brady in the head screwed up his common sense intelligence.

Wasn't that the same shooting that hit Pres. Regan? It's weird how to people can have similar experiences and come away so differently. I recall Regan saying, some time after the shooting, the no amount of gun control could have prevented him being shot.
Yeah, we don't need gun control......

We need Jodie Foster control. She is a danger to the society, just look at the violence that has come from her, which ultimately led to the Brady Bunch's inception in the first place.

If she had been stored in a locked, child safe container, the attempt on Reagan never would have happened.

Jodie Foster ban anyone?

</emulation of gun control logic>
Under the proposal, loaded, hidden handguns could have been legally sneaked into rock concerts, shopping malls and the Wisconsin State Fair.

We don't need to "sneak" guns in Colorado. We just carry them. Most of us carry concealed. I carry openly or indifferently concealed roughly two thirds of the time. Virtually nobody notices, and the few who do don't mind.

Maybe the leftist extremists think Wisconsin is real different from the rest of the nation. If so, they're rock-solid wrong about that, too.
Under the proposal, loaded, hidden handguns could have been legally sneaked into rock concerts, shopping malls and the Wisconsin State Fair.

Lets see here, which is better.. Law abiding citizens (with many hours of training I might add) carrying a firearm into something like a rock concert, or criminals carrying a firearm in regardless of what the law is, and no training. The fact is, criminals will carry a gun regardless of what the law says. Where is I (and other law abiding people) can't protect ourselves legaly from the criminals because of the lack of ccw. It goes to show that A the politicians don't care about our saftey, and B they think that your average law abiding citizen is nothing but a criminal.

For someone to tell me that I don't need a firearm for protection, obviously has no clue. I am in the ghetto of milwaukee every week. A man was beaten by a mob of people a mear 4 blocks away from where I was at during the beating. When I make my trip to my brothers house, I get the delightfull sight of many telephone poles decorated with stuffed animals. I thought it was cute, until I found out they were to pay respect to a child that was killed around that area, by firearms/knives etc. I don't walk down the streets in that area at night, because more then once a group of guys have tried starting things with me. Since I am serious about my saftey, I need CCW, its a must have considering where I am often. I don't care if some person up in "whatever town" wisconsin that has a pop. of 50 people, thinks ccw isn't needed. They don't live in milwaukee, they haven't seen the bs I have seen, or delt with the things I have delt with. Our murders are up by a lot, the poor are getting poorer (especially with the insanely high gas prices) and the bad neighborhoods are getting worse.

Milwaukee (especially the ghetto areas) are not going to get better anytime soon, regardless of what anyone thinks. The people have to change, and that kind of change wont happen in 10 years, or even 30 years. The politicians need to get it through their thick skulls that by not making it legal to CCW, you are going to do nothing but hinder the law abiding people, the people that have the right to protect themselves. I think it is time for open carry walks. To behonest I might start open carrying when I am in my brothers area, atleast I could fight back. Its a lot better to have a firearm and not have to use it, then not have one, and be injured/killed because of it.
It was James Brady, press secretary to Reagan who got his mellon partialy scrambled by Hinkley's .22.

However, it's largely been his wife Sarah who's run The Brady Campaign. They just roll Jim out now and again for PSA's and the pity factor. I wonder how things would have been if an anti-mental illness group got their hooks into Sarah first, back when she was so emotionaly vulnerable?

(Quite possibly worse, the RKBA movment may not have had such a clearly defined enemy, who knows?)

It's funny, but in another thread in this forum, Monkeyleg had a moment with the leader of WAVE (Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort. Funny, how anti-gun groups started taking anything about "gun" out of their names around 2000….) in a candid conversation at the Capitol. I'm paraphrasing a bit, but she stated off-record and personally to Dick's face, that "she knew the permit's wouldn't be a big deal, they just needed to keep the NRA from getting momentum wherever they could."


How they "won" says more than how we lost, IMO. And that's why I'm merely dissapointed and not depressed.

This is ultimately the key. We "believe in something". We have something to fight FOR. And the majority of people on our side are fighting for it because they also believe that self-defense is a human right. A large portion of those against us are only doing so for a variety of unrelated political reasons. Those who oppose the NRA and "gun issues" feeling it's just a wing of the GOP. Those who can't allow a Democratic Governor suffer the indignity of the first Wisconsin veto-override in 25 years etc. There are certainly those in the base who oppose us because they actualy believe the fallacy that victim disarmament somehow makes our lives safer, but their leaders are obviously under no such illusions. They are shrewd people. They know what's going on in 37 other shall-issue states. If anything in the CCW states truly worked to their advantage, you can bet they'd be shouting it from the rooftops, rather than the widely discredited "VPC on Texas" press releases that even the mainstream anti press is too smart to run with.

When you look through history, think about a movment that had an actual cause, vs. one that was merely interested in the status quo. Every time, status quo eventualy loses.

If the fall '06 elections in WI go badly, then I'll be depressed. A defeat then could postpone CCW in WI for up to a minimum of five years, possibly a decade. Until then, I have not lost one ounce of my fighting spirit. When I first heard of the CCW wave slowly sweeping the nation, and first heard of the PPA being introduced, I was in my early twenties, and just engaged. I had no clue then that I'd be still waiting when I was a father to four, and in my mid thirties.

I've got four children, babies really... If something happens to us out in public, running is not an option, and it won't be for years. And of course, even if everyone in your family is "grown", fleeing still won't always work. Fighting (without a weapon) isn't much better. And the FBI's own crime stats show that acquiescence to criminals garantees nothing.

I'm the sole support for a family of six, I've got two sets of twin girls in diapers, eleven months apart. Save for a three month break (while raising our first set of newborn twins) my wife's been pregnant almost non-stop for TWO YEARS. That means I haven't done a fraction of a fraction of the work Monkeyleg has done for us here in WI, and I stand in awe of him. However, I still contribute what I can when I can. I've been there to have our "fellow gunners" who should be the easiest people in the world to approach, insult me to my face, or give me the lamest excuses why they can't fill out a post card to their legislator, while working the WCCA table at gun shows. All while my pregnant wife spent the day bedridden because I wasn't home to help her. I still wander into the local gun stores where I haven't been able to afford anything for the past several years, just to put ca$h in the WCCA barrel by the register, so I don't have to explain where a check went, that probably should have gone to diapers or formula. I write, I e-mail, and I leave phone messages into legislator voicemail, wondering if anybody ever actualy reads or listens to them, or if it even matters in the face of 11th hour back-room deals at the Capitol, but I still DO IT.

If this hasn't passed in Wisconsin by 2050, and the NRA became the NLA (National Laser Association) 25 years earlier, and the only place I'd get to carry my now ancient Glock 26 should it finally pass, is the hallway of my nursing home, right under my colostomy bag, SO BE IT.

Wrong audience GregGry

"I don't care if some person up in "whatever town" wisconsin that has a pop. of 50 people, thinks ccw isn't needed. They don't live in milwaukee, they haven't seen the bs I have seen, or delt with the things I have delt with."

The people that don't want you to have the right to carry are right in your own backyard in Milwaukee and Madison (Berkeley East). Most of the upstate and rural folks (like my uncle and cousins in Eagle River, Rice Lake, Hayward etc.) are in favor of the PPA if I read Monkeyleg's news reports correctly.

The Urban areas are the Dem strongholds and that's what Doyle can always count on, even though those segments of the population are usually the most victimized by illegal guns and gang warfare.

We have the same problems in the People's Republic of Illinois. Daley and Chicago hold the entire rest of the state hostage to their problems with gangs.
DonP said:
"I don't care if some person up in "whatever town" wisconsin that has a pop. of 50 people, thinks ccw isn't needed. They don't live in milwaukee, they haven't seen the bs I have seen, or delt with the things I have delt with."

The people that don't want you to have the right to carry are right in your own backyard in Milwaukee and Madison (Berkeley East). Most of the upstate and rural folks (like my uncle and cousins in Eagle River, Rice Lake, Hayward etc.) are in favor of the PPA if I read Monkeyleg's news reports correctly.

The Urban areas are the Dem strongholds and that's what Doyle can always count on, even though those segments of the population are usually the most victimized by illegal guns and gang warfare.

We have the same problems in the People's Republic of Illinois. Daley and Chicago hold the entire rest of the state hostage to their problems with gangs.

I was going by my personal experiances with people in rual areas. Most of my family/friends of family that live in small towns say that they don't care if there is a CCW law passed, because they wont use it.
Mayor Barrett is grandstanding once again.

And anybody who goes around Milwaukee unarmed is a fool. Barrett knows that, so he has M16's in his car.

There's no shortage of pro-gun Democrats in the outlying areas of the state. The problem is that Democrat leadership is largely comprised of ultra-liberals from the Madison and Milwaukee areas.

I find it laughable that one of the most vocal opponents of concealed carry, a Democrat from Racine, carries a .357 in his glove compartment.
I have no immediate dog in this fight...however-

It is no wonder that ghetto and criminal elements SUPPORT restrictions and headaches when it comes to CCW.

This "group" knows all too well that THEY do not have a necessity to conform to gun laws-because they do not CARE about the laws, restrictions, training, background checks etc. None of these issues apply..to THEM.
These issues only serve to increase their "victim population".

I can only hope that this mentality is not infectious...:banghead:

Back to my corner-thanks folks.

They had all their efforts on opposing the Alito nomination and need something to take their mind off the defeat. Rejoicing about rock concerts in Wisconsin is as good as place as any for them to start.
Both Jim Brady and his witch are delusional. The complete handgun ban was ALREADY in place in Washington DC. Brady had scores of the most elite law enforcement agents America can offer a mere 5 feet away or less. Police response time was probably about 1.8 seconds.

Draconian gun laws + US Secret Service agents literally riding on their backs and gun control still didn't work.
Pilgrim said:
I recall that Jim Brady didn't go along with his wife's enthusiasm for 'gun control' after he was shot. I think he decided to go along to get along with her not long afterward.


Considering he is, or was, wheelchair bound, it could have been a situation a-la Stephen King's "Misery" between him and Sarah... :barf: I could get into all sorts of crude jokes involving "persuasion" regarding the level and comfort of invalid care he recieved...

So I don't mean physicaly, they were far too public for that, but there had to be interesting emotional/psycological/dependance factors involved on some level or another.

Too bad she didn't go on a mental illness crusade instead. OTOH, having a centralized enemy for RKBA to focus on may have actualy been a good thing in the long run. Otheriwse, it may have been "death by a thousand cuts" instead of the Clintion "Crime Bill" and the '94 AWB which woke everybody up.
Dumb. As pointed out earlier the laws effectively prevent lawful carrying of firearms, but no one seems to be making a move to control the unlawful carrying. "King's X" for bad guys?
Monkeyleg said:
Mayor Barrett is grandstanding once again.

And anybody who goes around Milwaukee unarmed is a fool. Barrett knows that, so he has M16's in his car.

Friend of mine lived four blocks from Dahmer's house.

And once before that incident, when visiting, my GF now wife and I managed to accidentally trigger the burglar alarm.

An hour later, after showering and, um, stuff, dressed and hanging out in the kitchen, the cops finally showed up, accepted our word it was an accident, asked if we had keys for the house (Which we could have found on a hook in the kitchen) and drove off without even getting our names.

Yeah, the police will protect you.:banghead:

(And yes, most cops are far better than that. But recall this same district took a naked, bleeding, underage victim with no ID back to Dahmer's house to be killed and eaten.)
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