Wounded and suffering animals

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Years ago my brother put down a duck that was wobbling around on the side of the road. It had been hit by a car and it's beak was torn off, still dangling off it's face. My brother used the only thing he had on him at the time to euthanize the duck - a pellet gun. He said he used a lot off pellets to finish that poor bird.

My coworkers came across a sick bird. They didn't know what to do about it but knew it had to be euthanized. I volunteered and took care of the problem - it had to be done because children are always around the area and they shouldn't get their hands on that bird and play with it, and we suspected it had West Nile virus.

I don't like seeing animals suffer or like leaving sick or injured animals around where they may come in contact with other people. Injured and sick animals can behave unpredicatably, and I wouldn't want my two-year old niece coming across a sick raccoon that she thinks looks like a cuddly playtoy.
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