NY seeks ammo sales cap

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so youre telling me sales of reloading equipment are about to skyrocket in NY....?
So everybody that has a thousand rounds of ammo is a terrorist now? Nobody target shoot's with more than 6 rounds/month? LMAO! This is about as pathetic as it gets.
All in the name of keeping the people safe from terrorists? I remember citizens during Katrina losing their 2A rights just when they needed them most. In far too many places we have privileges doled out by the ruling class, not rights. But, somebody elects these politicians.
I highly doubt it would pass, but in NY you never can tell anymore. Wonder who sells 10 round boxes of 8mm Mauser though... Oh I have a single shot 16 gauge, does that mean I can only buy 2 or 3 rounds at a time?
Step one; buy & shoot twelve rounds from a revolver on camera, at the gun store
Step two: request more ammunition for home defense, get denied on camera
Step three: call Alan Gura
Don't forget, those are the people that voted in Hillary Clinton as their Senator. Michael Bloomberg as their God or whatever he is, the FAST Act, or PAST, whatever that is. Not to mention all the other restrictive gun laws in that state, and all the other anti-freedom laws they have.

I used to live and work in NYS for many years and couldn't believe how backwards it was. The restrictive BS in that state sure didn't match up with 95% of the people I knew there. Pretty obvious that state was being ran by The Men Behind the Curtain. I'll never go back, except for a brief visit now and then. NWIH I'd ever live there.
Whole thing about magazine limits. If they can limit how many rounds your gun holds then why not how many you can possess?

Let them make their "reasonable" restrictions law and they will demand more.

Don't tell them NO, tell them HELL NO.

The restrictive BS in that state sure didn't match up with 95% of the people I knew there. Pretty obvious that state was being ran by The Men Behind the Curtain.


Gee, I guess my 50 round drum should allow me to purchase 100 rounds at a time. Secondly, there will be another black market item to buy downstate and drive a load to NY. Ain't America wonderful.
Let's look at the positive benefits of a NY ammunition sales restriction:

more ammo for us

That's about all I can think of.
I highly doubt it would pass, but in NY you never can tell anymore.

Just wait until another 3AM legislative session for some emergency or whatever and it will be passed by acclamation.

"Callforthequestionallthoseinfavorpassedbyacclamation," gavel bang.

Sounds like a railroad train to me. Without a whistle at the crossings.
How, just how do they come up with these hair brain ideas with arbitrary numbers? It's like they think the only shots gun owners ever take is at a deer or a home intruder. Target shooting? Trap and skeet? Defensive pistol practice? Nah, never heard of those...

If it passes, a smart business man would open a chain of bulk sale ammo stores 5 miles across the border around the state. Free trunk loading assistance and free cover box with hand written "bedroom toys" on it with every purchase. I really feel for you all stuck behind the lines in those states.
How, just how do they come up with these hair brain ideas with arbitrary numbers? It's like they think the only shots gun owners ever take is at a deer or a home intruder. Target shooting? Trap and skeet? Defensive pistol practice? Nah, never heard of those...
You are a fool of the highest order if you legitimately believe that they come up with these restrictions and numbers based on ignorance and nothing more.

Gun control isn't about guns, it's about control. It really is. They don't want people to target shoot or shoot trap or skeet or practice or shoot recreationally, they don't want people shooting at all, the less shooting there is, the more of a hassle it is, the more it costs, the fewer will do it, the easier time they'll have eventually getting rid of all lawful private gun possession, and the more control they will have.
If that passed nobody in NY would drive to a neighboring state and buy ammo.

And of course nobody in NY would have their Rights to keep and bear arms infringed and nobody in NY would acquire less ammunition or do less shooting as a result of the law.

Yes, a lot of laws can be skirted by people who are highly motivated, capable, wealthy, or willing to break the law. Kind of beside the point, from our perspective, though. JMO
A minimum of 1 and a maximum of 4 years is prison if the owner of a 5 round snub nose revolver commits the "crime" of purchasing an 11th round of ammunition in 90 days. Stop and think about the real world consequences of this. In their minds it's okay to send someone who is otherwise a law abiding, productive citizen to prison for at least a year because they bought 11 rounds of ammunition in 90 days. This goes beyond political differences. These people hate, and I do mean hate, us and want to hurt us. Any one of our elected representatives who still thinks it's okay to "reach across the aisle" and work with these people should be voted out of office in the next primary. There's no reasoning with them, and they need to be defeated politically. The only upside I see to the latest push for further gun control is that they've shown their hand, and have exposed themselves as the extremists they are.
I doubt it would get voted in.... maybe it would.

Same state that voted in a 7rd magazine limit.. eventually tossed by the courts. However shows exactly what the lawmakers in NY will do.
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