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Not exactly what I was after......

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Feb 6, 2007
....but sometimes you gotta take advantage of what the good Lord provides. Last weekend was the youth deer hunt here in Wisconsin. My grand-daughters said they wanted to go. I took the weekend off and went to the cabin to mentor one of them only to find out that only one wanted to go. So, because my one grand-daughter and her dad could only hunt Saturday morning and Sunday night, I went bowhunting Saturday night kinda to scout a stand for them on Sunday. Knowing turkeys were around, I called once, loud and long right after I got in the stand. I was immediately answered from two directions so close, I figured they must have seen me walk in, especially with the blaze orange I was wearing. Never had much luck in the past with turkeys and blaze orange. Ten minutes later I see two doe come out of the corn and walk into the food plot below me. Right behind them comes 13 turkeys. It's early and I figure I won't spook deer too much if the turkeys oblige and come in quick.....and they did. Ten minutes later and I was walking back to the cabin with the boss hen. BTW, I watched my ten year old grand-daughter shoot a deer from the same stand the next evening.

Nice hen, it take time to harvest a turkey with a bow.
Thanks. For some reason, turkeys love that spot during the fall. Come spring, they are all over on the other side of the hill. I purchased another fall permit when i registered my bird with the hopes of getting another. My bird dog spotted the same flock in the field the night before and scattered them and I spent the rest of the night listening to them calling to each other. Told my son one could be killed, but didn't want to mess up the area turkey hunting since my grand-daughter was going to hunt the same food plot in the morning for deer. Because there was a youth deer hunt going on that weekend, the state requires all hunters to wear blaze orange. In the past, wearing enough blaze orange to be legal means the turkeys hang up outside of range the minute they see it. Sitting in a tree on the edge of a field does not help. This flock didn;t seem to notice. It may have been the bright fall foliage that helped disguise me, but the hen was definitely looking at me when I took her. I've seen the look before.
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