What’ game have you tracked lately

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These guys just started logging up at the top, here’s what I think happened.
Logger shows up early in the morning and sees a Elk standing in the old road and pops him then fires up the excavator to load the beast into the back of the pick up because I saw Elk tracks near by and no gut pile.
Makes sense!

Being that there is logging happening up there, it could be a different piece of equipment.
Feller/buncher, processor or that thing with cables to skid tress up a hillside.

Lotsa speculation, and thread drift on my part.o_O
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Lots of tracks on the trail along the arroyo just up the block. Now that the weather has cooled off here in AZ, lots of humans and horses but before they tramp them down there are coyote and quail tracks; a few javelina, snakes and lizards. I saw what I think was a ringtailed cat; a triangular footprint 2.5-3" long (might have been a young racoon but it didn't look quite right). I see lots of bunny rabbits but they don't seem to leave much of a track.
Timberdawg* yesterday...
Size 12 Lacrosse insulated rubber boot.


Not the largest seen, average, there were four different tracks.

Trying to figure out what they are eating...

Dark, short hair in the scat so I am hoping they snagged a beaver on top of the ice!

* Wolf
Rodents most likely...
I was out wolfing today and got a shot on a big cat ( I missed by inches) anyway while looking for blood signs it looks like 20210221_130401.jpg I found my wolf. I believe that is my size 12 boot print on the right.
I am reminded of one of my tracking stories:
About 1995ish the big woods near me was logged. As is customary, the owners allowed firewood to be cut from the tops. One particular ne'er-do-well made several trips back to the woods cutting wood. I saw his pickup headed for the woods at dusk. The next morning, I went for a walkabout, and wasn't too surprised to discover 7 bloody drag trails in the snow. I let it be known to my buddy, who happens to be the sheriff. He passed it on to the DNR who built a poaching case around my testimony in court.
The guy lost his hunting privileges and got a stiff fine, im not sure what else...
He still lives in the area, and I see him sometimes. He acts friendly towards me, which is bazaar....but whatever!?

That's been about 25yrs ago, since then I have bought the woods and surrounding farmland. I sold 60 whiteoaks from there just this month. The whitetails are plentiful too.
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