Throw Away Guns

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Apr 17, 2011
Free Oklahoma Territory
Just curious , about what people see in these guns, you guys know what im talking about , little Davis guns that fit in the palm of your hand , derringers , Ive never been comfortable with them , the only thing I see about them that could be of interest is if you place one in every drawer in the house , you will have firearm at the ready wherever you are !

Now if thats the case , what caliber? .32 ,.22, I'd have to have to have a bigger caliber !
Don't like little palm pistols and derringers pesonally. I wouldn't call them throw away guns, though. Makes it seem like it is a stolen gun on the street that a criminal would toss after commiting a crime. Akin to the old Saturday Night Special.

Bond Arms, as well as a few others, sell a double shot derringer chambered in .45LC/ .410 shotshells.
would you consider a 32 kel-tec a throw away gun? They are cheap.

These cheap tiny lightweight guns are attractive because they are easy to carry. Most people don't have any interest in lugging around anything bigger than a smart phone. If these people are deciding between no gun and a 32 kel-tec or a derringer, I say go for the tiny mouse gun.

Also, some people go out and buy a baby glock just because they think its the thing to do, and then carry it for a week or less and decide its uncomfortable. These people would be better off with a kel-tec 32 or a NAA minirevolver than a baby glock.
I don't have an interest in these. My first handgun purchase when I turned 21 was a Raven .25 because that's all I could afford. Similarly, I see this class only for someone with very limited financial means. Hiding guns throughout the house isn't for me either. If you get used to daily carrying then you don't need to have guns around the house to keep handy. The quality handgun on your person is as handy as it gets.
Great guns to bring to a knife fight! If I were to put a gun in every room of the house (not counting long arms behind the door), I'd equip my house with 1911s in .45, Glock 20s and S&W M&P R8s. As far as the Kel-Tecs go they remind me of the Raven .25s-but Kel-TEcs are much better and would not feel underguned in a knife fight with either one.
I keep one handy for floating down the river (an old 22 revolver I picked up for 50 bucks). It fires rat shot straight enough for any snakes that get too close to the boat, and the thought of it at the bottom of the river doesn't devistate me, though I am starting to get fond of it.
Long ago, I met a very old fella in an Atlanta barbershop waiting circle, as several of us were discussing guns.

He didn't have much to say, but finally allowed as how he simply kept a "pair of .25 magnum clip guns" in his back pockets (one in the left and one in the right). Says he: "Y'all don' really be needin' big guns...I jes' pulls out mah fust one and blam, blam, blam...den I pulls out de other...and blam, blam, blam..."

We all laughed at his ".25 magnum clip gun" reference until he produced a pair of .25 ACP Ravens in an eyeblink. None of us were actually carrying guns at the time and I'm sure that battle scarred 70+ year old had no legal CCW, but...

That man had a viable plan and had practiced with his chosen weapons. I have no doubt that he had used them (or ones just like them) for real and on more than one occasion.

"Throwaway" guns have a place. Especially when you don't have a lot of money for premium weapons.
Cobra makes some .380's. From what I've seen of them and from handling one, I'd be shocked if the gun (or user) survived a range session...
A "throw-away" gun is sometimes used ...

... to get the job done, and then make it impossible to prove that you were there to do the deed. Good to have somebody's else finger-prints on the T.A.G. and no serial #. (too much CSI Hawaii-5-0h viewing) Dao.
The OP asked a question, then proceeded to answer it himself, at least, in part. Just one of those "if I don't have any use for this, why should anyone else?" things...
I don't knock people who use or even depend on these guns. We have enough gun-control people who want to tell us what is and isn't what we should be allowed to have. We don't need people on "our" side helping them along. By preaching on and on that these "lesser" guns aren't suitable to share the Earth with us, we are buying into the argument that guns are inherently unsafe in general.
I'm willing to bet that when a major city (Chicago?) established its list of "approved" guns for its well-regulated ownership-available list, people who "know" guns were among those consulted.
Put a Keltec or a Ruger LCsomething in your pocket and quit filling your drawers with paperweights. If these aren't enough, look into Rorbaugh.

Throw away guns, drop guns etc.
are guns that are disposed of, or if a cop, placed the deceased hand and shot a few times, the point is, you trash the evidence of a crime...

Since I don't plan on ever committing a crime, I don't really feel the need for one,
and some of those old pocket guns are just neat.
"Throw away gun", also called a "drop gun". Yep Shadow 7D is correct this is an old term for the guns some cops have around, in the back of the squad car or a coat pocket, for when they shoot a fella cause they thought he had a gun or a weapon and it turns out he did not, so they provide the corpse with one. Some times the corpse is provided with a knife but a small cheap gun works best. Keeps them out of trouble. Meaning it keeps the cops out of trouble not the corpse. The latter being beyond trouble.

"Saturday night Special" this is a old term for the many small inexpensive, cheaply made handguns that often turned up in the hands of poorer folk when stopped by cops and told to empty their pockets and purses on a weekend night after a shooting in a bar or club. These used to be mostly imported but after the 1968 GCA excluded many of them some U.S. manufacturers got into the act.

A true "throw away gun" can't have your name on it or be traced back to you or anyone that knows you. It has to be untraceable. Or at least not traceable back to you.

I have an old 38spl Davis derringer around here somewhere, I honestly don't know where. I don't even remember for sure where it came from. The thing doesn't even have rifling's in it, at least none can be made out with my naked eye. Needless to say I don't have much use for it. I have shot it twice that I can remember, one shot from each barrel just to make sure it shot. Now I just don't feel safe shooting it, it's like asking to have a hand removed.
Well first off I answered no question I offered?

As far as throw away guns, its not a technical term , it simply means those guns you see cluttered in the display case at the gun shop , with the funky design and weird calibers , no I dont have them in every room , I agree if your comfortable carrying around the house you already have what you need , I carried my whole life, I dont carry all the time anymore ,I dont have to where I live, I can be at the ready in less than ten seconds anywhere on my property! I have 5 acres of land , I am ready!

I dont believe in these little "toys" and thats the main reason , kids will see these as just that a toy , and guns that dont have ammo in the clip might as well be in the trash can!

I do like derringers as long as they are in calibers above .38 , yes I have a thing about larger calibers , Always have ,my 45acp taught me that in a serious way , when a fellow officer was shot , 3 feet in front of me , there was a bullet hole the size of a 45 in the front and the size of a grapefruit in his back , he was dead in less 5 minutes , if that was a 9 or 22 he'd be alive today , I never carried anything smaller than a 45 after that!

That was not my 45 , the suspect found out what 9's are capable of shortly thereafter!
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the ultimate throw away gun was made for a short time during world war2 , its called a liberator, it is a single shot 45acp pistol, we mad thousands of the things because they where almost if not entirely made from stamped metal, the gun was only good for a few shots, but it gave the underground forces a chance to "take care of" a few axis soldiers and get a better weapon

so, the best use for a throw away gun, is if you live in an are that doesnt allow you to own a gun and, feel the need to oppose your government violently
Makes it seem like it is a stolen gun on the street that a criminal would toss after commiting a crime. Akin to the old Saturday Night Special.
Not just criminals. Cops have been known to carry a "throw down gun" in case they, well, don't want to be associated with a shooting.
well the only throw away guns that i know of where the librator pistols droped into france the pretty much a one shot deal to kill some occupying soldier and take his mouser or his mp40 or what have you but try and find one of thouse now and you will have to talke out a loan to buy it
i do believe a baseball bat in every corner of your house would be a little bit more reasonable as far as keeping them for defensive purposes, but if you got a bunch of little guns id bet that if you tape two together, and pull the trigger at the same time, and stuck the gun up ON what you are shooting at... you might hit it

some of thoose cheap guns arnt worth the 50 bucks it cost to get them, but if you want to conceal 30plus guns on your body... it could be usefull, one of them is bound to work
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