How do you guys feel about Michele Bachmann in relation to the Second Amendment?

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I met her at the NRA gun collectors show in Minneapolis a few years back. She walked right over to me(with an FAL slung over my shoulder) and struck up a conversation, she was curious about what my rifle was. She seemed to really believe in the second ammendment and told me how she grew up shooting with her family.
Ron Paul seems to be the better candidate for the job,his support for the 2nd A is well known he is a strict constitutionalist,more than you could say about anyone else running or in the Whithouse.

A vote for Ron Paul is a vote for protecting the 2nd-A rights of you and me.
Without indicating any particular support on anything but her second Amendment position, I believe her to be very good, Ron Paul is also good, and I believe that Governor Rick Perry to be good also.
If I remember right Perry worked for Al Gore. He is a consummate Politician from Texas. Will the independents and silent majority vote for him? He looks good and has the right answers full of promise; just like many before. But there is a question of substance with him for some who have watched.

Think Ron Paul would be a breath of fresh air only because of the shenanigans and lack of favorable coverage he has received from most press outlets. Anyone certain press outlets seem to be against I try to listen to; just to see what they (the candidate) have to say and why the media tries to demonize.

Problem with Mr. Paul is he would probably have an accident after being elected. His libertarian beliefs ring strong and true with many who feel the direction of the country needs to go back to basic liberty and less government. His followers are true believers and vocal supporters. With him coming in 2d in Bachmann's home state by 152 votes then maybe some are beginning to listen to his thoughts and message. Think the active military guys and gals donated to his campaign to the tune of $16,000 where the contributions of all other candidate added together are less than that amount by 1/2. He is certainly not a polished orator but everyone who watches or knows him believes he is sincere. Time will tell who comes out on top. Hopefully it will not be more of the same. This is a one on one interview with fox news. Interesting points but does require some analytical change in the thought process. He is long winded and actually talks like a normal person instead of some teleprompter reading polished professional Politician. hahahah Think he has been in Congress for over 30 years so maybe he has a really good act?
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I've looked into Ron Paul as well and it was a shame bow CNN made him out to be a joke. However with that said, he has said some things in the past that I just can't agree with. Other than that, his politics are the most closely aligned with my own.
I think she can read

And I think she would be able to to understand the meaning of the punctuation and spirit in which it was written (unlike 4 of 9 Supreme Court Justices).
Ron Paul

Is a nutjob. I happen to agree with most of domestic agenda. He has one slightly giant flaw. He has no concept of foreign policy. The obe job the federal government is actually supposed the do, he knows nothing about. Can't vote for him. Nkt that the others are that good of choices either.
Not defending any nut job but it seems to me for the last several years if you look (in total) where we were 20 to 30 years ago and where we are now; there are plenty of nut jobs deciding the future of this country. Let us hope the people vote come election time and we all get a candidate that puts honor, truth, and right before campaign contributions, unfulfilled promises and shenanigans. The problem for any population is " what is right for the many may not be right for the few". Main thing is the laws should hold true for all; not like some third world banana republic where "who you know" is more important than what you did.
(partial quote) Problem with Mr. Paul is he would probably have an accident after being elected.

An accident? I find it hard to believe any faction could cut his brake lines from within a grassy knoll.;) Wanting to "send a message" to other individuals opposing enslavement of the populous, I'm sure whatever said faction might be, would be very in-your-face with said message so there is no doubt as to the fate of other patriots.
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