Worst myths you've heard about guns which are meant to scare the general public?

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Though not entirely false. I hate hearing the news go on about how some gun can spray 900 or 1500 or 20,000 rounds a minute.

Yes, its true, assuming you don't have to reload that 30 round mag :banghead:
Only police should have guns because regular people are just not to be trusted with something so dangerous.

Which explains why the former Chief of the Fond du Lac, Wisconsin PD recently shot himself in the hand while cleaning his handgun ... but I didn't!:D
The only purpose of a gun is to kill people.

The AK-47 is a sinister weapon, more powerful and dangerous than any other.

There is something unusual and sinister about having hollow point bullets.

Machine guns and grenades are available at gun shows with no background check.

There is a loophole in the gun laws that allows firearms to be sold without a background check.

If you put up a "no guns allowed" sign, criminals will not use them.

Someone else is responsible for your safety and well-being.
The Glock is plastic and can pass through a metal detector,and yes I've actually had a few people say this to me.
LOL I remember this one. There was an investagative report on one of the major news networks that informed the sheep that glocks are ceramic and will pass right through airport metal detectors. Lying idiots.
That lie even got a cameo in die hard 2.
It wont be accurate, or cycle, BUT, it will chamber and fire.

The myth is that it would cycle but it would already be inaccurate because after all, it is an AK 47.
"Guns have no place in a civilized society."

Humm in that case I'm thinking the Police, Secret Service, and all other government agencys that have firearms should turn them in first to prove that they have no place....

I mean what would they need them for? If everyone gives up their guns then there will be no need as there will be no crime..... And if you believe that.....
I've heard the version "Guns have no place in polite society." And I agree.
A gun has no place to be in polite society. That's what the holster is for. :)

Society isn't always polite, though.

My favorite, and I debunked this in front of a whole classroom at school, is that "You are X times more likely to be shot with your own gun if you keep one in the house, than if you don't own one."
Well, duh, Sherlock. You're more likely to be involved in a road accident if you're in a car. How would you get shot with your own gun, that you don't own?

I don't care which side they're on, I love the "...oh yeah." look on some peoples' face.
Not only can glocks pass thru metal detectors, thaey are also undetectable by x ray machines.

I read it on the interweb, it must be true!
My favorite? Guns "go off" from handling or being dropped.

Guns go off when you pull the trigger.

All the news articles about the recent Bremerton, WA school shooting claim the hangun fired from inside a backpack, after the backpack was dropped to the floor. I've only found one referece to the make of the gun, included here. The Kitsap Sun story claims it is an "H&K .45-caliber handgun".

Kitsap Sun Article

Every other news story that involves a handgun will include the line, "The handgun was not registered to him".

It's permeated into Joe Citizen's beliefs too.

I had an employee, who would never have dreamed of owning a firearm until he began working around a handful of gun nuts, became interested in maybe getting a revolver for himself.

Eventually, he asked about the registration process. I told him that 'There's no such thing as registration, just buy it and own it'. He then asked, "Well what if I WANT to register it, how do I do that?".
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