The dangers of gun addiction

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I think this is what some refer to as a 'drive-by' post, and it's not to be encouraged. You are expected to post a description as to what the link reveals. The reason being is that some here are at work or might have kids in the room and are not interested in opening a link that might have undesirable content.

FYI THR, in this case it's a cheesy gun song to the tune of Gladys Knight's "I will survive".
I've seen this a few times, but it's always worth another go. :)

Fxhummel1's channel is a treasure chest.
Well Im glad one person got some enjoyment out of it. I personally thought i was hysterical.

FYI THR, in this case it's a cheesy gun song to the tune of Gladys Knight's "I will survive".

Well excuse me for trying to lighten your day. Like the old saying goes "Guns dont kill people, just their sense of humor." I guess ill stick to posting pictures of mall ninjas and quoting the liberal agenda to bring laughter to THR :rolleyes:
Laughed my upper kneecaps off, but I must comment on his mispronounciation of "carbine."

It's "sarb-EYE-nay," darn it!

Like the guy who supposedly designed it, Sarbeyenay Williams.
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Know all about it. I have seen a lot of black SUV's going by my house and eve a blackhawk flew over the other day. They are prob just tired of all the paperwork.
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