Can we all please take a deep breath and stop yammering about AWBs?

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evan price

Dec 7, 2005
Location Ohio's best CCW resour
Seems to me we all need to take a step back, get off the internet, and start enjoying ourselves.

There's no AWB happening anytime soon. The holidays are upon us. Can we stop worrying, stop with the panic and spree buying, stop making new threads speculating about something that may never happen? There must be a dozen threads dedicated to who's buying what, and what will happen, and if they are coming to take us away.

Some of y'all are acting like chicken little thinking the AWB sky is falling.
There's already people trying to figure out what concessions to give. Recent polls show only 27% of people think a new gun law needs passed. The majority of Americans are seeing through the propaganda and know that this is not a gun issue.

Relax. Stay vigilant. Be prepared.
we all know somethings comming,we all know we won't give up our arms,we all know we all may be criminals depending on what is passed.
It bothers me that I'm a law abiding citizen and that I may become a criminal just standing up for my rights.

all you see on any forum is gun control.
Yes it would be nice to talk about something else.
I do not know at all that something will happen. They have never had the votes. They have five more votes than they had a week ago. That isn't enough. They WANT something to happen, but they have always wanted it. Doesn't mean they can do it. The fervor is maxed out RIGHT NOW. This is the moment they have been waiting for, they will never have any more support than they have at this moment. They have a lame duck session, and they need a distraction from the budget talks. In January, a new congress takes over, and the republicans still have the house. No change.

Putting Joe Biden in charge of a committee is similar to putting Homer Simpson in charge. He will go out for 4-6 months, find facts, report opinions, make recommendations, and blame republicans when it never makes it to the floor of congress.
I think reasonable discussion is appropriate. It is very clear that we are headed into a fight against the biggest attack on out second amendment freedoms in nearly two decades. This is a very big deal. I'm not for they sky is falling we are all doomed nonsense but I think it is very important to have reasoned discussion about it.
And probably the fiscal cliff...the real crises this country faces...will hit them in the face. Those knuckleheads better be worrying about that and forget guns. If the fiscal cliff things goes worst case scenario, the government will be glad we have 30 round magazines!!!
There's no AWB happening anytime soon. The holidays are upon us. Can we stop worrying, stop with the panic....<snip>

While I agree that we need a calm, reasoned, steady response; I also remember that the general attitude of folks in the firearms community was "There's no AWB happening anytime soon, they'd never dare"...right up until September 13, 1994.

(sadly, you can count me amongst the guilty/complacent in 1994)
There is a BIG difference between now and 1994.

How many shooters were internet savvy in 1994? I didn't even KNOW about the ban until it had been in effect for 6 months. (I was 21.) The divide between the Fudds and.....the rest of us was a LOT bigger. A lot of people were rudely shown how easily the law can be changed. A lot MORE of us own and hunt with ARs. The '94 AWB ban BARELY passed with an expiration date. They won't put an expiration on the new one. They know the first one was ineffective because it was mostly cosmetic in nature. They will have to make it MORE severe to justify a new one, and it will be an even HARDER sell.

We are better organized, better prepared, and we have momentum on our side. We need to be prepared and vigilant, but this was always true.
There is a BIG difference between now and 1994.

How many shooters were internet savvy in 1994? I didn't even KNOW about the ban until it had been in effect for 6 months. (I was 21.) The divide between the Fudds and.....the rest of us was a LOT bigger. A lot of people were rudely shown how easily the law can be changed. A lot MORE of us own and hunt with ARs. The '94 AWB ban BARELY passed with an expiration date. They won't put an expiration on the new one. They know the first one was ineffective because it was mostly cosmetic in nature. They will have to make it MORE severe to justify a new one, and it will be an even HARDER sell.

We are better organized, better prepared, and we have momentum on our side. We need to be prepared and vigilant, but this was always true.
We also have the internet and forums like these in which communicate and inform- something else that we didn't have in 1993/1994- 'til Al Gore invented the internet, that is :D
The problem is this hit home and close to the media centers. If it had happened in Chicago or South El Paso Texas I really doubt that the media would still be in attack modes. Do I think the media reaction is raced based? I do.

The media has never issued a call for action to address the 16,000 children who die every single day from starvation. We instead put 40% of our corn crop in our gas tanks and think we are doing good. Children are dying in the Presidents hometown which is a city with harsh gun control laws that only allow the killing to continue. The right to defend oneself is as natural as taking a breath and should never be interfered with. Never.
Interesting article "Obama, Reid Slam Brakes on Gun Control"

Obama’s move (task commission) will likely dissipate the energy behind gun control advocacy on Capitol Hill. It’s unlikely that even the most pro-gun-control Democrats would want to get out in front of the Biden Commission and pass specific measures. And the political world, and the emotional intensity behind the gun issue, could be quite different even a month from now. So Obama is stopping Democratic momentum, and he knows it. Republicans know it, too. “The creation of a commission is by definition an effort to freeze in place whatever object it seeks to examine,” says one senior Republican Senate aide.
We are dealing with an opponent that will follow no “rules of engagement”. It reminds me of the scene in Butch Cassidy where he asks to talk about the rules for a knife fight. His opponent, caught off guard by such a preposterous proposal, is then swiftly kicked in the groin.

I believe we will be dealt some low blows. Therefore, mental jousting is a good exercise to prepare for the worst. However, the problem is trying to think like a liberal.:evil:
I agree. I have got to try to pry myself away from the Internet. I more than ever want to enjoy my family this holiday season. Don't think this shows weakness or lack of resolve. I myself just need to take some time and spend with family, maybe even enjoy this right I will fight so desperately to defend. Best wishes to all my firearm family, and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.
I wish my wife thought I was as sensible as you do. (I just got a t shirt, "If I die, somebody tell my wife what my guns are REALLY worth.")

I think we need to put up billboards in battleground areas with graphich such as; a photo of Diane Feinstein with the caption: "Has a permit to carry a concealed weapon." Hypocritical GHOUL.
I hit my limit of Gun Crap last night. Shut off the laptop, played with the kids, took a nice relaxing bath, watched Star Trek on my tablet...

Feel much better today. More... centered.
Actually, now is the time to yammer - the other side is gaining traction due to current events. The sheeple are scared, which is just how the politicians like it. I fully expect legislation to come forward, and to fail to be passed as long as we do our part. Biden is setting up for a 2016 run and wamts to pander to his base, and the President has deftly avoided the distraction of a losing battle so he can further the rest of his agenda.

The yammering is easy to avoid - you are not required to read the thread. The yammering ( I think it's a right tied to the amendment just before the 2nd) helps us gather strength and lets out Congresscritters know what we want.
We need to stop the ASHA trolls on this forum, but other than that I think the place to yammer is elsewhere, where our voices will be heard by people who are not on this fourm. I actually started a thread in general discussion with the disclaimer I don't want "potential AWB" to be a factor that is mentioned, specifically for the sake of escaping the AWB talks for a bit.
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