Remember When

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Apr 14, 2008
We used to drive to high school with these in our pick-ups, especially during squirrel and rabbit hunting season. Sometimes they were brought inside for "show and tell." Nobody got shot, nobody got alarmed, ...

Every kid past the third grade had a pocket knife.

We even had "smoke breaks" (LOL) where students hung out at their cars.

Growing up in the rural South was kind of neat.


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That is still seen around here. Not as common as it once was but where I come from kids (Including my daughter) still hunt last light after school gets out.
While I remember some folks keeping them in the trucks it was mostly overlooked. I'm young enough where I think if many teachers/the police officer at our school (yep we had one and they still do I believe) noticed it wouldn't have been good for the student.
Yeah, but those are tame rifles. They don't have evil high powered assault clips that are just waiting for the opportune moment to wreak havoc :what:
We used to drive to high school with these in our pick-ups, especially during squirrel and rabbit hunting season. Sometimes they were brought inside for "show and tell." Nobody got shot, nobody got alarmed, ...

Every kid past the third grade had a pocket knife.

We even had "smoke breaks" (LOL) where students hung out at their cars.

Growing up in the rural South was kind of neat.
The Good Old Days................
I still have my '75 Chevy with the gun rack ($500 worth of picking up / stacking hay). I went to school in the 80's and into the 90's. Even then, it was no big deal. If you didn't carry a pocket knife, you were looked upon as unprepared. Middle blade on a stockman was used all the time as a makeshift flathead screwdriver.
We kept our rifles or shotguns dependent on the season in our wall lockers.Things began to change when JFK was assassinated.
unfortunately, I'm 18 :(, but I remember when I was in pre school, I made a gun out of Legos, and the teacher didn't even call the feds...
Those were the days.
Yep. Kept my old .270 in a padded case behind my pick up seat. Half of my teachers did the same thing. Heck, I think the only way I got through trig as a senior was to take my teacher to a "secret buck spot" one Saturday! I feel truly sorry for the last couple of generations who have grown up not knowing the freedoms those of us who came of age in the 70's and before knew.
I'm sorry to say that I have never lived in such a gun friendly time, especially as I grew up in Britain. I have noticed that it has got worse during my lifetime however.
I went back to the UK to visit in December, and I was looking forward to visiting the two gun shops in the city center while I was there.
Beautiful old English sxs shotguns that I could look at but would be illegal for me to touch, as I don't have a UK firearms certificate.

Both shops were closed down :(

I remember talking to a nice old man that worked in one of them, and he was telling me that when he was a kid, his local gun shop used to keep two buckets of old pistols outside the front door. Big ones were £10, and small ones were £5.
He said that they were mostly wartime handguns that had little perceived value at the time.

My, how times have changed...
Back in the "good ole days" (early '60s), in Houston, I wandered up and down White Oak Bayou after school shooting water moccasins, tin cans and other assorted junk. No one ever questioned it. When I was 13, I wanted a new gun so I walked into a Western Auto and walked out with a new .22 rifle and ammo. Rode home with it across my bicycle handle bars. It was a different time.
My old man would let me slide on my afterschool chores on Tuesday during rabbit season. The math treacher, the shop teacher, my cousin, and I would hunt 'till can't see. It was a different time in America(Late '60s).
Im surprised that I am the only one who still sees this practice today. Granted, I think Maine does have the lowest crime rate of all the states and everyone I know uses gun cabinets as furniture not safes and we do not lock our vehicles.

But still, I am shocked no one has kids who hunt before/after school and have a gun rack.

My daughter personally keeps her rifle in the tool box, but others have gun racks.
Consider those good ol days as history...

This generation has become too soft.
Yep, use to go hunting after school, had my gun locked in my truck, and I graduated in 1990, not that long ago.
I gradtated a year before gun free zones. My truck couldnt be locked so i would take my shotgun into shop class and teacher would lock it in his office till i got off of school. Since he is retired i guess i can even tell ya on lunch break...since seniors could leave school grounds..him amd i would run across the road and do a little rabbit or squirl those were the days.
Yes I remember. And I was one of them with the guns in the back window. Graduated in 1983. Small town school. And we built stocks and such in shop class...
I didn't have any rifles in my car because I grew up in a non-hunting family. But friends of mine did, and yeah, some of them smoked at school. There were designated smoking areas at the high school and I think even the middle school. I was in the marching band, and when we traveled to events there was a bus designated for smokers. Nobody died, got burned up, or anything.

American society has become almost unrecognizable since then, a change for the worse, IMHO. I really wish we could roll the clock back about 30 years and run the 80s all over again, this time with the understanding we have now about how "gun culture" would come under assault in the years to come. We'd know how to fight it this time around.
I went to school in the '80's and our woodshop teacher let us all build crossbows in class! We were graded on how well we hit the target. Being a slacker at the time, I cut alot of corners and shot my bolt into the adjacent housing complex and the class was hurried back into the shop. I asked the teacher if I was going to flunk since I had missed the target.

He said I would get a 'C' if nobody called the cops on me or hadn't killed someone!
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