Camp Perry 2014

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Dec 6, 2010
Anyone on THR planning on doing the Camp Perry shoot in 2014? I put in for time off work to do high power and long range.

Still nervous about going to Camp Perry. Not so much the shooting part, but just general angst about going someplace strange for the first time, and not knowing anyone. If any THR members are planning on going, and want to meet up, lemme know!
The last 2 years I went, I got sick. I am hoping for better luck this year.

The CMP and NRA have radically revised their calendar for this year. The friendliest matches are the CMP .22 Sporter, Garand, Springfield, Vintage Military and Carbine match.

The most competitive matches are easily the CMP President's 100 and National Trophy Individual.

A rather competitive match, which can be a lot of fun, is shooting the Rattlesnake Trophy match with a Garand. The Garand Collectors Association has been helping form scratch teams there at Camp Perry. LOTS of shooting, fast.
Plans are already in the works. CMP games (Garand, Springfield, Carbine, Vintage Military) and NTI and P100.
Go to Camp Perry, shoot the CMP matches, shoot the NRA matches, shoot everything that you can get ammo for. Have a great time. Meet interesting people, and a few that you might want to forget. You are always among friends at Camp Perry. Which is unusual for a Yankee place. OK, OK, The War Between the States is Over. We will call it a draw. All kidding aside, it is a good place to shoot with the best shooters and the best folks in the world. Enough history to go around, and maybe buy reloading components next year at a reasonable price. Take a junior shooter or two. Let him shoot whatever he can handle. I guarantee that it will be worth the trip.
Nothing to be afraid of. They have a handle on herding folks around to get them to their proper place at the proper time. One word of advice...Be firm in your convictions and Bold in your movements. He who hesitates is lost.
Best of luck. And, I WILL see you on the line...somewhere. Feel free to contact me for more information. DennyMac.
Just high power FT/R with my .308

I'll be shooting F-class open, don't have the budget set up to build another F-Class rifle next year, or time to get a load dialed in right. Maybe 2015 I'll add an FT/R rifle.

Plans are already in the works. CMP games (Garand, Springfield, Carbine, Vintage Military) and NTI and P100.

Doing Garand matches sounds like fun, but I can't get that much time off work. I'll be arriving the 25th, and heading out morning of Aug 3. That'll put me out there for highpower and f-class.
Going also

Will be shooting the carbine match, pres hundred and national match, they are right, it is a lot o fun, I made my reservations in August. There is a lot of people there though, a whole lot more than for the NRA week.
Plans are still being formulated. I'd like to at least go up for the Vintage Sniper and a couple of the GSM matches.

One of the things that has been a problem for me is training for long range; there's only one 1k range in Illinois that I'm aware of, but it is a couple hours away and I've never been able to get in touch with the club (tried e-mail and phone).

A friend of mine turned me on to some family farmland with a dyke backstop along a creek. It's less than 30 minutes from my house. Went to scout it out yesterday. GPS'd from one edge of the field to the creek levy backstop (corner to corner) ... 1.5 MILES of open field to shoot across. (!!!!!!)

I've been stuck shooting at 300 yards so long my wind reading skills are going to need a lot of improvement before I can be competitive at 1k.

I'm hoping that Camp Perry will be a good learning experience.
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