Mike Moore on O'Reilly Tonight

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Jul 5, 2004
Middle TN
Moore & Ben Affleck will be on the O'Reilly Factor tonight (27 July). Should be entertaining to say the least.
O'Reilley - conservative?

He might be right of say Ted "The Red" Kennedy but he's no conservative. Middle of the roader at best.

His radio show is on the rare occasion interesting but his TV show is just plain annoying. He lambasts his guests, never gives them a chance to talk and couches it all in a false civility that is just sickening.

In my opinion he's just one more dishonest journalist capitalizing on the curent popularity of conservative talk show radio and enjoys being out of the main stream on TV.

O'Reilley is a panderer pure and simple. What's worse he's not even very entertaining.
Wow...this is the first time I've ever wished I had cable so I could watch O'Reilly's show.

I heard Affleck was coming on there but I didn't hear anything about Moore.

brad cook
O'Reilly is more a moderate than conservative. But at least he can be fair and balanced sometimes, although loudmouthed and arrogant yes.

Still should be fun to see them go at it tonight :)
:rolleyes: I expected too much of course :barf: O Reilly didnt even tear him up like he should have...stupid media.

Moore: "You dont get democracy looking down the barrel of a gun." He then says we got our independence by a violent revolution, isnt that democracy by gun? Even my gay left wing comparative politics teacher agrees that guns are necessary for revolution or to prevent being harassed by the govt (yet the idiot still says modern democracies dont need guns since the govt would NEVER to anything bad to the people :rolleyes: ).:cuss:
He kept harping on children (US soldiers) being killed. They still don't understand that war is not pretty, and never will be.
They are adults, not children


He kept harping on children (US soldiers) being killed. They still don't understand that war is not pretty, and never will be.


Moore kept harping on about sending our children to war. We are not sending our children to war. Our armed forces are comprised of adults capable of making their own decisions to serve the country, not children.:banghead:

To continue to call them children belittles their efforts and sacrifices. Moore will keep calling them "the children" to support his foolish, arrogant and dangerous world view. I choose to honor the service of the men and women that defend our country. Unfortunately, the Moore-ons of the world will never allow facts and reality to change their warped minds. To them, Bush is a greater threat than the terrorists. God help us if they are allowed to take power.
Moore "outfoxed" O'Reilly. He knew the issues that O'Reilly disagrees with Bush on, and hammered them. Nice way to get your opponent on the ground: get him to agree with you.

O'Reilly has become useless. I'd rather watch Paula Zahn on CNN. At least she has great legs.
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