Mini vacay from COVID

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Phrog Driver

Apr 7, 2020
Took a mini vacay from COVID with a range day! Mountains. Clean air. Beautiful weather. 100 yard range. No crowd, in fact we saw 3 people all day. Perfect for social distancing. Fired a pretty good selection: .22, .22 Mag, 5.56mm, .32 WS, 30.06, 9mm, .45, and 12 gauge rifled slugs. Far corner of Virginia where our gun grabbing governor and his evil eye of Sauron couldn't see us! Highly recommended! Range day.jpg Range shot.jpg Rem 721 on range.jpg
Thanks for the report and the photos. Looks like it was a great time. And in a beautiful part of the Commonwealth. Congratualtions on such a nice time.

Thanks Jeff. Just the other side of Winchester in Gore. You could spit into WV from there. $20 all day. They call it 100 yards but range finder said its about 87.
I feel fortunate, as my club's range has been open all along provided we practice proper social distancing. Although I haven't been there in a while I decided I was overdue for a mini-vacay. Besides; the weather is getting better, and warmer, as it's almost May. Temp even got into the high 50's today with the usual overcast and there was zero wind, which is nice. Took 4 long guns and a 9mm Glock and proceeded to have a blast. Shot the #4 Mk 1 Lee-Enfield for the first time since it was de-sporterized and returned to original a few months ago. Pattern tested the Turkey gun with a few 12 ga. turkey loads and put some rounds downrange with the Henry single shot and the K98. Here's a shot of the range this morning...... IMG_2432.JPG ....Was a lot better than it was a few months ago.. IMG_0064.JPG .
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