NY Attorney General Asks For More Subpoenas

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Jul 5, 2007
South Western, OK
of companies closely related to the NRA. Some use the NRA Headquarters address.

The Attorney General has asked the court to issue subpoenas for documents to a number of businesses, most of which have a business address at the NRA headquarters, or its nearby building, on Waples Mill Road in Fairfax. The businesses are: Allegiance Creative Group, ASPIS Protection Services, Concord Social and Public Relations LLC, Member Marketing Partners, Inc., Membership Marketing Partners, LLC, Spector Security Group, LLC, and TBK Strategies LLC.


An educated guess would be that the Attorney General’s people think they just hit the mother lode of financial scandals here. Mysterious NRA vendors with offices in the NRA headquarters building, draining millions from the organization, offering the use of yachts (and perhaps offering a lot more) to the organization’s leadership.

Burst of Subpoenas in Suit to Dissolve NRA – NRA in Danger (wordpress.com)

The request for subpoenas:

ViewDocument (state.ny.us)
It's likely that the NY attorney General desires to unravel the NRA relationship to those organizations, determine who runs the organizations, etc. One of those organizations, Membership Marketing Partners, was paid $11,500,000 in 2019. Company address is: 11250 WAPLES MILL TD, SUITE 310, FAIRFAX, VA 22030.

The 2019 Form 990 filed with the IRS indicates that 146 organizations were paid more than $100,000 each by the NRA in 2019.

See page 8, Section B:

2019-NRA-Form-990.pdf (nrawatch.org)
She is a third rate political hack with an agenda.

Maybe she is a third rate political hack. But one thing for sure, she is a smart political hack. The blowup at the NRA convention energized the NY attorney general to examine the huge smelly mass of NRA dirty laundry.

Yep, too bad folks on internet boards seldom read anything.

No, the charges made by the NY attorney general are not lies. A stone genius could not make up the stuff that Wayne La Pierre, his minions and the doofuss board of directors stand accused of.

The NY attorney general has deposed Wayne La Pierre, the major players in the NRA leadership and 90 current and former board members. Some serious dirty laundry has been exposed.

The charges speak much to the fact that the NRA board of directors are guilty of malfeasance, nonfeasance and misfeasance.

Then along came the disastrously failed NRA bankruptcy extravaganza that cost at least 20 million dollars and gave the NY attorney general new cause for action.

final_nra_summons_complaint_08.06.20.pdf (ny.gov)

The amended complaint:

Microsoft Word - Amended and Supplemental NYAG Complaint - 8.16.2021 (FINAL FINAL) - 2.48pm (state.ny.us)

IMO: The summiest thing WLP did was plunder the NRA Foundation.
Wish I could give this three thumbs up. She is a third rate political hack with an agenda.

Every politician, hack ir not, has an agenda. The NRA had an agenda too. So did Wayne LP. I fact the lack of an agenda on anyone’s part shows a lack of vision and planning. Agendas are not inherently wrong. The NRA and WLP agendas clashed with that of the NY AG. She might be a hack, but right now she is hacking at the NRA. And it’s past agenda deserves it. As for thevNEAv future agenda we won’t know until we see what is left of NRA,after the NY AG skins it. You reap what you sow.
Maybe she is a third rate political hack. But one thing for sure, she is a smart political hack.

I worked with her when she was a Lawyer working as an Assistant District Attorney in NYC, and she could be called a lot of things but "smart" is not one of them.

Funny that you would bring up the NRA and Mr. La Pierre. Just this morning I thought about starting a thread about the two. I really do not have any definitive information that gives me a conclusion about their effectiveness at representing me. My Dues are coming up and I would like to make an informed decision before I re-up. I need to determine if I am being helped or robbed, without any fairy tale input from CNN or the NY Times.
I need to determine if I am being helped or robbed, without any fairy tale input from CNN or the NY Times.

As opposed to the Wayne La Pierre fairy tale.

i,ve been an NRA Life Member since 1960. For decades i donated until it hurt, sometimes cutting my family short. The NRA will get nothing from me until WLP, the useless board of directors are gone and the bylaws are re-written.
As opposed to the Wayne La Pierre fairy tale.

You seem to have a message that I do not get, perhaps that La Pierre is a very bad guy? I made note of the 2 sources of "information" that I ignore and am seeking some sort of reasonable information here on the subject.

What is the La Pierre fairy tale? Is he a really bad guy and if so why was he not removed by the NRA members? A serious question.
Is he a really bad guy and if so why was he not removed by the NRA members? A serious question.

NRA members have little or no input into the system. Short of kidnapping the scoundrel and throwing him into the dumpster, NRA members can't remove Wayne La Pierre. The board of directors could remove WLP but 44 board members recently voted to re-elect WLP.


NRA life members and above, along with five year members are eligible to vote every year for new board members and other stuff. Very few eligible members actually vote. In 2017, against the advice of savvy long term members, voting members ( a small fraction of the membership), voted in bylaw changes designed to strengthen the hand of WLP and the board of directors.

We were warned and i voted against the bylaw changes. However, the bylaw changes passed and NRA members lost all input into the system.

Read the comments:

Of Arms and the Law: NRA bylaw changes

Read the bankruptcy judge's comments:

Microsoft Word - National Rifle Association - Order Granting Motion to Dismiss (courtlistener.com)

Contrary to opinions of the uninformed the charges against the NRA leadership are true. Peruse the 190 page charge sheet by the NY attorney general.
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You seem to have a message that I do not get, perhaps that La Pierre is a very bad guy? I made note of the 2 sources of "information" that I ignore and am seeking some sort of reasonable information here on the subject.

What is the La Pierre fairy tale? Is he a really bad guy and if so why was he not removed by the NRA members? A serious question.
He spent zillions of dollars on fancy suits and travel and who knows what else, for himself, that NRA members donated to help 2A rights.
As opposed to the Wayne La Pierre fairy tale.

i,ve been an NRA Life Member since 1960. For decades i donated until it hurt, sometimes cutting my family short. The NRA will get nothing from me until WLP, the useless board of directors are gone and the bylaws are re-written.
I'm just paying my annual dues as long as WLP is there.
The reality here, is that Wayne gave himself almost unilateral, discretionary power over all operations of the NRA.

He fired Oliver North, and later, Richard Childress, which he did not have the power to do.

NRA is a New York State corporation. They went to the NY Attorney General. And here we are.
Old Lady Shooter-- I think that you meant to say "I'm just NOT paying my dues....?" ?

I gather that some of you guys are saying (regarding La Pierre/James) that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. James is politically to the far left, very far left for those not near NYC.

But if the consensus here is that the leadership of the NRA is profligate with my money I need to stop sending it to them. I want to support my rights, the few that are left.

There's an old saying, maybe unique to New York: "You can't fight City Hall."

Why? Because City Hall has dozens (or hundreds) of eager-beaver salaried lawyers who are thinking of dozens (or hundreds) of legal ways to grind you into dust.

So what if some DA somewhere decided he or she didn't like what you are doing and decided to put the full weight of his or her staff to work to close down your operations?

And your lonesome little lawyer gets paid $150 per hour. By you.

I don't like her as part of my state government. She is a hack. Someone might just have to shine light on the organization in order to ferret out anything that might be unseemly. She probably is only after them due to hatred. And other more worthy organizations with a slant more to her liking's will probably get a "by". Still feel like she might be doing us my good than harm. What good is a rights organization that seems more interested using members funds for fun versus our 2a rights is being investigated by someone. Even someone not worthy of their position.
The reality here, is that Wayne gave himself almost unilateral, discretionary power over all operations of the NRA.

He fired Oliver North, and later, Richard Childress, which he did not have the power to do.

NRA is a New York State corporation. They went to the NY Attorney General. And here we are.
Which is what dictators do to stay in power.
You guys wanting the NRA to fail have your guns squarely pointed at your own feet. Once it's gone it will never be back. It will be a huge victory for the left with you guys being willing accomplices in it's demise.
Don't pay attention to what the NRA actually does for 2A rights in the courts. Just keep looking at what the left tells you to look at - some guys personality and leadership style. This weak minded outlook along with the inability to look at the long range goals of the left is massively disappointing.
They want the American public disarmed. They are doing everything they can to accomplish this and they will never stop, including recruiting some of you to go along with it (whether you like it or not). Every organization that fights this is worth supporting.
None of us really want the demise of the NRA. A lot of people are upset. This is entirely on Wayne, his cohorts and the board. They could resign then members would get their power back and NY and their pathetic AG can go pound sand.
None of us really want the demise of the NRA. A lot of people are upset. This is entirely on Wayne, his cohorts and the board. They could resign then members would get their power back and NY and their pathetic AG can go pound sand.
and while you guys focus on Wayne the organization will be taken apart. The left can't attack the NRA effectively. They have been trying that for half a century without success. So instead of going after the organization they go after a personality. A tactic that's worked in politics forever and, judging by some of the responses above it works here.
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