#2 Thumbreak

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Thanks all, for the kind replies. I have a modest holster collection and this is my fourth from El Paso. Really like their smooth pigskin lining and I also much prefer the "exposed trigger." Dangerous? I suggest it's the trigger guard that's exposed, not the trigger. :)
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That's just wrong, wrong, wrong. Well, it is according to some. That fully exposed trigger is daaaanger-oooose. I posted a picture of one I made on a forum several years ago and got absolutely hammered over the exposed trigger. :D
Yeah I got braised for a pick of a Bianchi. Great holster, BTW.
I live in El Paso, and I recall the first time I walked in ,I saw a guy wet forming one of those 1911 tanker holsters.

He said to me, "y'know I'm a master boner?"
Me being a child, asked him what he meant. Apparently, that means he's a master at wet forming leather. He had a heavy Mexican accent, so i didn't have the heart to tell him he needed a better choice of words.

I think about that day every time someone talks about El Paso Saddlery.
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