Well, that was a weird turn

I don’t know why it didn’t pop up in my noggin earlier, but a .410 youth single shot with a bobbed barrel makes a heck of a snake gun. My daughters .410 has not even been modified and is 1 hand controllable and has a spot in the butt to carry 5 shells. There’s 1 slug, 1 #4 and 3 #6 in there currently and the gun is pretty handy if a person knows where to reach up on top of the kitchen cabinets. Full choke from the 18.5” barrel is serious snake killin business.
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I don’t know why it didn’t pop up in my noggin earlier, but a .410 youth single shot with a bobbed barrel makes a heck of a snake gun. My daughters .410 has not even been modified and is 1 hand controllable and has a spot in the butt to carry 5 shells. There’s 1 slug, 1 #4 and 3 #6 in there currently and the gun is pretty handy if a person knows where to reach up on top of the kitchen cabinets. Full choke from the 18.5” barrel is serious snake killin business.

Yeah. Mine cost $50 used. Something like that. When I was young, every country house seemed to have a single-shot shotgun somewhere near the door.

My ex FiL was bitten by a small copperhead in his yard a couple of weeks back. It made him very sick. Zero stars. Would not recommend.
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I came up on a garter snake with mower. Now having no legs, a snake can't jump. But that garter snake jumped! Went for the creek and lived for another day. Rattle snakes are unknown in my county. When I have met them elsewhere I don't shoot them, just let them go. This was always out in the boonies, might feel differently if they were in my yard.
Do cats kill snakes?

Yes, they do and then eat them, rattlesnakes included. The only difference between the common house cat and it's larger breatren is it's smart enough to let humans provide it a comfortable life. A just well fed housecat will still kill and eat anything that happens by that it considers prey. I had one that caught gophers, brought them to show me, and then sat down and ate them although I fed him well. I no longer have a cat and I have a lot of gophers now.
A housecat outside out here becomes coyote food or will die in the heat.
We did discuss a single shot shotgun, cheaper by far, (Saw a Hatfield single shot 20ga in Texas, Turkish gun, $129), but again, requires two hands. That is the key right there - requires two hands. I wanted something that required ONE hand, not two. I have never been a "country boy" and we had one 22lr rifle in the house for years as a boy. I never grew up with shotguns and heavens to Murgatroyd - I don't like them for much. Seriously - I've owned a few, and do not own a single one now. I suck BADLY at wing shooting - I tried. So, it is either a handgun or a submachinegun. I do giggle at the thought of using a MAC 10 on a snake, but my neighbors probably won't find it amusing.
If this never gets used for anything, I'm happy. I like options and tools.
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A housecat outside out here becomes coyote food or will die in the heat
Yep, here too. Except housecats left outside here usually don't make it through the winter. Feral cats make it, although it's tough. And they sometimes become speed bumps on the road out in front of our place anyway. :oops:
A housecat outside out here becomes coyote food or will die in the heat.
We did discuss a single shot shotgun, cheaper by far, (Saw a Hatfield single shot 20ga in Texas, Turkish gun, $129), but again, requires two hands. That is the key right there - requires two hands. I wanted something that required ONE hand, not two. I have never been a "country boy" and we had one 22lr rifle in the house for years as a boy. I never grew up with shotguns and heavens to Murgatroyd - I don't like them for much. Seriously - I've owned a few, and do not own a single one now. I suck BADLY at wing shooting - I tried. So, it is either a handgun or a submachinegun. I do giggle at the thought of using a MAC 10 on a snake, but my neighbors probably won't find it amusing.
If this never gets used for anything, I'm happy. I like options and tools.
Have you checked yourself for eye dominance? I ask because I sucked at wing shooting too until my dad checked me and sure enough I am left handed but right eye dominant.
I've heard that area where you live is snake central. I used to live just south of you about 30 miles, we were constantly finding baby rattlesnakes. Not good when you have 2 little kids running around grabbing everything that moves. Get some 38 shot shells for that single action, not much range but will do the trick up close.
So we tried it today. First things first - it worked perfectly. Ammunition was Winchester #6 and Fed 000 Buck.


Realistic range/angle. All rounds fired one hand DA only. The target was smaller than a regular snake would be, but I figured anything past that range is likely to be far enough away to not be a threat - Scaley George doesn't exactly come equipped with turbo.


Spread with #6 was wide, but with a quick and very easy follow up shot capability, no problem putting enough lead on target.


The five pellet 000 Buck load was interesting - note the center of the snake is pretty torn up.


All in all, we like it, and it's just plain fun, too. Also, Da Boy shot it weak hand only simulating keeping a dog under control. No problem whatsoever.
Jackrabbit, I do have snake shot for the .38...but the .38 is MINE...this wheelie belongs to everyone. :D
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I have a "public defender poly" which has the shortest barrel in the lineup, I think. Been using Winchester high brass Super-X 2 1/2 1/2 ounce 7 1/2 shot "upland and small game" for the occasional copperhead that gets into the outside living areas where people and dogs go. Works good. I have a pachmayr diamond pro grip that makes it comfortable to shoot. I also have used some #8 hard shot for clays but don't like that it can bounce some, Winchester AA super sport.

It is an absurd thing, really, but it is handier than a shotgun, better on a mower in holster, and I trust the effect of 410 over 38 spec shot loads. They probably work ok too though. I suppose if I had to it could be pressed into defensive service. 250 grain slug with the standard load of unique pushes 800 fps out of an SAA, should leave a mark even from the short Taurus LOL.
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