Human rights for monkeys

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It is not intended to be humorous, but rather ironic. It is not a glib dismissal of the racism of the times but a recognition that that prior racism will be used as (illegitimately) an example of why the words can be given newer, enlightened meanings at will.

Most will not remember that it took Constitutional amendments to change the meaning of the words before. Most today will simply accept a juditial interpretation based on the precident of prior "evolution" of the meaning of the words.
I know this was humorously intended, but it's a bit of a glib dismissal of the racism of the times (which was realized and discussed by the Founders), and the sexism (which probably wasn't, except by Dolly Madison's husband whatsisname ).

Perhaps you're thinking of the correspondence between John and Abigail Adams. You might be surprised to know, however, that single, propertied women and/or widows sometimes voted back then, especially in New Jersey.
I'm sorry, cuch; I was being facetious. However, I wouldn't doubt it for a moment that some of these folks seriously believe the pap they smear.

(Ooooohhhh. Bad! I've been hanging around Preacherman too much!)

:D, Art
While their political stance on these various issues may seem inconsistent they really arent. You just have to realize that they are simply anti-human, then it all falls together.

See what happens when women got the right to vote??? Didn't I tell you that monkeys would be next....

That's just wrong. :D

Does this mean that we will no longer be able to use terms like "monkeying around"
or for our friends across the pond "cheeky little monkey". Do these become species
slurs? :evil:
Humanity as for far too long considered itself the pinnacle of creation and later evolution. The evidence in the world shows this to be nothing more than willful fantasy and denial, IMAO.

Right. Here we are, talking about this on TEH INTERNETS. Meanwhile, I have yet to see an ape start a fire to keep warm/cook food/provide light.

If apes, chimps, orangutans, gorillas, and other simians are to be afforded civil rights, then let them stand up and demand them.
So, I guess we would have to let Century's drunken monkey gunsmiths out long enough to vote? Are you sure that is a good idea?

Some day, the PETA types are going to find out that giving up their spot on top of the food chain is a really bad idea. I hope they don't get too many normal people eaten along with them.

Shall we apply this to politics?

Pick one from each line to vote for:

John McCain.........Vs...........Chimp
Hillary Clinton........Vs..........Chimp
Mitt Romney.........Vs..........Chimp
Chuck Schumer.....Vs..........Chimp
Mike DeWine.........Vs..........Chimp
Dianne Feinstein....Vs..........Chimp
Arlen Spector........Vs..........Chimp
Maxine Waters.......Vs..........Chimp

I think I'd be pulling the lever on the right. I might get a banana...
Otherguy Overby: If you changed the word "chimp" with "rock." Would it change the way you voted? :neener:

Well, now that you mention it... No Hahahahaha!

However I would prefer voting for monkeys. If you gave enough of them typewriters and time, they might come up with something worthwhile. Unlike our current politicians who can't...
"It's been said that if you give enough monkeys enough time they will eventually write all the works of Shakespeare. The Internet proves this theory wrong." - Unknown
Kim said:
The post christian era or post modern era is embraced by some as another enlightment. This is just more of the same and shows how humanity will degrade itself if left with only itself as its God.
With the way humans have degraded themselves in the name of a creator for the last, what, thousands of years? One can only hope that this change course is here to stay.
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