Need a screen capture of a chainsaw

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I actually had a high-res DVD rip of the newer texas chainsaw massacre (Jessica Biel. . .uh) and I deleted it no more than 4 hours ago!

Heres a lower-res shot from the old movie

Well, I don't know if this is helpful, but off the top of my head, the following movies (all of which I have seen) feature chainsaws used as weapons:

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
Phantasm II
Stage Fright
(aka Aquarius)

Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 and Phantasm II both feature chainsaw duels. And in Stage Fright, the chainsaw-wielding killer wears an owl mask. Yes, an owl mask. And sits among a gruesome tableau of his victims listening to Shostakovich's Eighth Symphony. What can I say - Italian horror movies are pretty wacky.

The only one of these I have on DVD is Stage Fright, and I actually did some (subsequently deleted) screen captures from it. However, they were of poor quality (darkly lit, etc., ) and in any case I imagine the owl mask might prove distracting to your message. I'm interested in the poster that will result from this inquiry. What's the caption - "Don't bring a chainsaw to a gun fight"? :D
Better res. And I was wrong this is from the new movie. I don't know if it's cover art or what.

And here's me killing a log (click for high-res):

Hey, the log was TERRIFIED!
Can't forget this classic


chainsaw and owl mask

Oh man, I just had a flashback. The climax of the movie "Motel Hell" has a chainsaw duel also. The bad guy wears a pig's head for a mask for no apparent reason. There was no thought put into how the guy was supposed to be able to see since we are not talking about a pig mask, we are talking about a dead pig's head! Classic!
Gee how could everyone for get the movie 'Running Man' especially where Arnold give the character Buzzsaw his chainsaw back .:what:
I can't believe no one has thought of Ash from The Evil Dead, Evil Dead II, and Army of Darkness.

He first uttered the line "Good, Bad, I'm the guy with the gun."



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Well, according to the enviro-greenie treehugger freaks, everytime I cut a live tree I am using a chainsaw as a murder weapon :rolleyes:

Heck, now they don't even want dead trees to be cut for firewood or lumber salvage - they say that we are "descrating dead bodies" or some such nonsense :banghead:

Does it bother you all to know that you have such a cold blooded killer as a member of this forum...? :evil: :D
I cant believe it Oleg asks for chainsaw pics and no one mentions a zombie movie. :D Anybody for a little Dawn of the dead.:evil:
If cutting a tree makes you a murderer, then I'm a mass murderer. Cut over 200 Junipers, small Elms and trash trees off my 5 acres in San Marcos. Not only that, but I burned the evidence!!
If cutting a tree makes you a murderer, then I'm a mass murderer. Cut over 200 Junipers, small Elms and trash trees off my 5 acres in San Marcos. Not only that, but I burned the evidence!!

If that's the case, then my buddy from college is the Pol Pot of old growth mass murders... running a 48" bar on a ported and polished Husqvarna through an old growth Cedar in the Queen Charlotte Islands BC Canada...

Look up "Stihl hot saw" on your favourite search engine...
If cutting a tree makes you a murderer, then I'm a mass murderer. Cut over 200 Junipers, small Elms and trash trees off my 5 acres in San Marcos. Not only that, but I burned the evidence!!

So the maples formed a union
And demanded equal rights
the oaks are just too greedy
We will make them give us light
Now theres no more oak oppression
For they passed a noble law
And the trees are all kept equal
By hatchet,
And saw ...

--Rush, from the song "The Trees"
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