Longmont CO gun show

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Jun 19, 2003
Longmont, CO
Any one here attended any of the Longmont gun shows? How were they? Worth going to?
Anyone going to the one in June (me thinks...)

(I love the fact I moved to a town that has it's own gun show!!!) Happy happy, joy joy!!:D:D:D:D:D:D
I'd like to know what the history has been on these also. I work with a gun nut from Longmont, I'll ask him at work tomorrow. Beats going to Denver if it's worthwile.

Ft. Collins

American Rifleman perhaps? :D I found it there. I left it out for several days so my wife would see it...:evil:

So anyone know if it is worthy?
Longmont gun Shows.

I went to the last one they had just a couple months ago. It wa truly the saddest event I have ever seen. There were only a few tables that were gun related and a few more with "antiques".

It is not a good gun show. Go to the Tanner or Crossroads show. Even those are a far cry from the guin shows I remember from years past.
The Colo. gun shows have eroded a lot since the background checks were required. Longmont was at best a mediocre show before. I haven't been there for some years. If you are local it might be worth goin to, you never know what you will find on the tables or what someone might carry in.

686+ I don't think it was the Rifleman where I saw it, probably on some obscure web site

Dravur is right the Tanner and Crossroad shows are the best available now.
And I agree with him they are not what they used to be.

Colorado Springs has an OK show. I go just because it is close.
I went to the last one aswell. It was pretty small. I paid $6 and spent an hour there. They had only about 15 vendors total. Sure did not have to worry about crowds or that having to move along feeling. The people were nice. Gun wise I enjoyed my last trip to Jensen Arms more. I still felt like I was supporting the local Gun/Shooting culture so it was not an entire loss.
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