Never forget

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Husker1911, excellent picture.
It shows what I remember best from that day.
That was what hurt me the most, watching those people jump.

I will never forget.
"Go home, get your guns, and wait for what's next."

That's still true. The events of 09/11/02 were the beginning, not the end. There will be more attacks, and they will be different from the various mass shootings only in the motivations. Lone shooters or small unit attacks are easier to do than the spectacular mass killings and can be expected. The minions of the government will not be there to protect you. Keep your powder dry.
As much as I disagree with our president, you cannot deny he has done an excellent job of keeping our nation safe. We have not been attacked since this day six years ago. We will never forget. When good men and good women are thrust into the bosom of crisis, a small peace of heaven comes to Earth.
That image in the video of the doll in all that ash was a real tear jerker for me. Never forget and never surrender.
I've gotta tell ya, my life changed forever. I raised my hand and volunteered to go lead this nation's young men into combat.

Follow me!

I thank God there are thousands of young men and women brave enough to answer the call. To anyone who is or ever has served, you know.
Hi Def4pos8

Perhaps Memorial Day ought to be shifted to 11 September so average folk can be "jabbed in the ribs"?

While I understand your point... wouldn't such an act be like forgetting the brave men that fought in the trenches of WWI? Perhaps better to make showing the footage of the cowardly attacks of 9/11 on 9/11 a condition of keeping an FCC license would be a better approach. People NEED to be horrified over the brutal and senseless atrocity by those claiming to be doing the will of "Allah."

And maybe, just maybe, someone should point out that Osama bin Ladan continued to call for "martyrs" yet did not martyr himself.

Yeah, but don't forget, they did it n God's/Allah's name . . .

I sat in Falls Church in view of the smoke from the Pentagon that day, and all in all, I'm real sick of bringing 'God' into this. Theperperators are a bunch of sorry, sick fascists who don't grasp the notion of 'free will' and self-determination (i.e. inalienable rights granted by the Creator), and are no better than Falwell, Robertson, Phelps, Swaggert, Oral Roberts, or the Pope.

Skrew cultural sensitivity/political correctness, they are the product of their own repressive/stagnant culture, they are unfit to be in the world community, but shame on us/US for supporting their status quo in the middle east in the name of 'stabilty'. But whatever-

These people are thugs, pure & simple, and they need to be stomped out in the name of 'civilization'. I do not forgive them.

FWIW, I had an uncle that was a guest of the Iranian 'students' for 444 days in '79, and a nephew who spent Christmas in Baghdad in 1999.

I hope I have offended everyone equally.
sitting in my highschool chemistry class when the announcement came over the pa system then watching it all unfold on tv, i knew right then that this would be the defining moment of our generation, and that nothing would ever be the same. Never forget! God bless the USA!
i'm late, but i also put this in strats, here's the view from my dad's lounge.
the shrouded building is the now removed deutsch bank that caught fire last month
he passed away jan 18, and probably would not have died so early if he hadn't been exposed to the dust, he died of unrelated but possibly accelerated causes. he also was involved in the cleanup, was on the street when second tower fell.
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