What caliber for snowflakes?

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Oct 11, 2007
I was all set to go shooting today to test my new chronograph and some loads when I looked out the window to see this!:(
It's May for crying out loud!
I think we are going through another ice age. From what i sort of remember......
during an ice age, the earth will warm and then cool rapidly. but then an ice age is a two degree drop in average temp world wide. but yeah, i would say we are going through a mini ice age....
the last dominant one to hit was during the middle ages, and is why northern europe produces beer and and hard liquor and in southern eurpoe around the mediterranean they produce wine. grapes and other fruits didnt get effected by the colder weather like in the north due to their proximity to the tropics... they had to resort to grain crops up up north as a result of fruits not taking a hold during the mini ice age. i am not talking specific crops here, but rather a general outline of what happened.
so lets hear it for the ice age that brought us good drinks!

as for shooting snowflakes... i would say .50
I think Grandpa's somewhere not too far from where I'm at, though right here at 5300' isn't quite high enough for snow today.
no no...

You don't understand , Algore would just say this is further PROOF of Global Warming....

Everything indicates it, don'tcha know when you don't have to prove anything... More tornadoes? Global Warming, Less Tornados=Global Warming. See the cute, playful way to manipulate?
I would have to say that NFA MN I've seen on here, the fireball from that is sure to melt all the snow within a 100 foot radius
Aye. Anti-snowflake weaponry isn't measured in caliber. It's measured in BTU's. Bring on the flamethrowers.

-Sans Authoritas
Anything below .45 will just wound the snowflakes. A .45 will knock them down.:uhoh::neener:
Why make this a global warming issue? This is obviously intended to be a humorous thread, and I think that we can all agree that snow in May is, on at least some level, funny.
I'd say go with the following:
Molotovs (this are illegal to own/use, in some states)
and a phased plasma-rifle in 40 kilowatt range just for epic lulz.
thats not snow. Because of global warming and the extreme heat, the rain has been "fried" and now resembles a white, ash-like substance. In fact, because the precipitation is so hot it cannot soak into the ground; instead it is layering on top of the ground.

I heard it dropped 3-4 inches of snow in Flagstaff,Az today. I had to send a crew up to a Kohls for an emergency roof repair, they'll be back around 10:00 PM tonight. Grandpa, you can always use the barrel as a hand warmer:)
You don't understand , Algore would just say this is further PROOF of Global Warming....

Guys, speaking of Al Gore, and his supposed "green" concerns, do you know that his mansion alone uses more than $3000 in electric bills every month? Something the liberal media would NEVER tell you. These numbers are brought to you from Xinhua News Agency, Beijing.
I believe sm would recommend a 28 gauge.

Yes, you are correct.
1. The short shot string of a 28 ga loading blows the smithereens out of snowflakes.

2. 28 ga guns are easy to tote, therefore allowing one to take a thermos of hot cocoa for about the same weight of a 12 bore and them heavier, bulkier shells.

3a. Single shot, SXS, and O/U 28 ga guns mean one does not have hulls hit the ground.
3b. Repeating shotguns, such as 1100 and 870s that do eject hulls onto ground means here in da South, a very unique phenomenon:

Once the snow melts, and you find these hulls that were under snow, they are reloaded.
Oh yeah.
Same dealie as to why 30-30 ctg just sprout up in ditches roadside next to weeds and all.

It has to do with the deal about every snowflake is different, snowflakes points of light, the discombobulation of Rosco the dawg taking a leak, Aunt Edna tossing coffee grounds out back, Uncle Buford taking a leak on the backside of his barn, March 32nd, the backside of the moon being dark, Jimi Hendrix was left handed , and was a paratrooper, the Junior Leaguers facing Lord & Taylors, and Delta Blues.

This is the South, our fish grow bigger, and if we drop a 28ga hull in the snow...we find loaded up ones on the ground after the snow melts.

.22 ctgs are the other loading recommended for snowflakes.
These brass cases do the same thing as the 28 ga hulls do.

Oh...never tell momma where you are going, as momma's always manage to mess up a person's plans, especially if it has to do with playing, or experimenting.

You goofed up by letting Momma Nature find out you wanted to play with a new chrono.

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