Would there be a Better Country?

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Play Hard

Apr 7, 2008
Northern Michigan
With the prospect of Obama leading the USA and the impending doom of higher taxes, gun control, socialism and other degradation of freedoms and personal well being, I am considering my own bail out. Out of the country that is. I am considering moving to another, possibly better country, if that is possible. I have been doing some google research to determine where in this world personal and corporate tax structures are superior to the USA. That combined with the freedom of gun ownership and hunting opportunity yields my particular set of priorities. Taxwise so far, the following countries look pretty good: Ireland, New Zealand, Mexico. Check here:


But I have yet to find a handy reference or comparison study to identify and compare gun ownership laws and hunting rights around the world. Has anybody seen such a study?
I vote we all pack it up and move to the land of Palin for the duration if Obama wins.
Beware that Ireland is just about bankrupt. Their national bank has agreed to backstop some insane amount of debt per capita.

For another interesting tale, read up on Iceland's banking follies.

If you have the cash any third world country will turn a blind eye to whatever you want to do. I have considered a bug out but I can not leave this country to people who have no respect for the reasons it was created. If I am the last person in America that feels that way so be it.

If all the people (especially the Hollywood idiots) who said they would leave if Bush got elected left when they said they would this election would already be over.
Is there a better country out there? Not in my opinion.

Some examples:
Afghanistan is one of the most libertarian places on earth (read: wild frickin west). You can also get some serious weaponry fairly easily. That doesn't mean it's a nice place to live.

You will go to prison for many years in Mexico if you get caught with a handgun or handgun ammunition. There's also many reasons (not gun-related) why Mexicans flock out of that place (same goes for the rest of Central America).

Someone may bring up Switzerland, but it is unbelievably expensive to live there and my lifestyle/hobbies wouldn't agree with the place.

Given the context of this board: the US is still the most gun-friendly 1st-world country on the planet. Foreigners often gape in amazement at the availability of guns here, believe it or not.
This is MY country. I will do everything in my power to ensure that my kids can grow up in a free America. Never give up, never retreat, never surrender. Too many great men have given up too much for us to turn tail and run.
IF Obama gets in, I won't be happy & would expect to see some rough times financially as well as gun ownership/use. However, I think (hope) he would be a one-term President because he'd make such a mess of things America would be looking for REAL CHANGE before his four years were up. I wasn't born in this country, & I have lived in the kind of society that Obama wants to emulate here, but this is my home &, in my opinion, is still the best place in the world & I'm pretty confident that an Obama presidency would only be a temporary setback.
Too many great men have given up too much for us to turn tail and run.

Amen to that. I'm not the most patriotic guy in the world, but if you'd rather bail out and hide than stay and fight, well, good riddance.

America was founded on the premise that Freedom is a gift given to all men (and women) and that it is something that should be fought for - to the death, if need be. IMHO, running away from that fight is the sign of not only a true coward, but a slave-in-waiting. It's up to you to decide how you want to live.
new zealand

would be my destination. they don't have the kooky gun control laws of australia. either that or tasmania. this is a dream for me, just me and the devils. i have also heard that belize is nice to americans with plenty o cash.
I think this is as good as it will ever be in any of our lifetimes. You could leave, but you'd probably give up more than you gain to do so.


1) Allows up to eight handguns
2) Concealed carry permits are available
3) No rifles over 22 LR caliber
4) Shotguns allowed, though I'm not clear on any limitations.
5) Hunting is allowed

Chile is trying to go Socialist. They elected a commie as president. The ho was locked up by Pinochet. Too bad she got out alive.
If Obama becomes president, there is no reason to think he will "destroy" the USA. We have had many terrible presidents before. People fought against them... if is elected, let's make him a one-term loser!

Politics cycles back and forth. It is not unusual that a fool is elected at times.
Amen to that. I'm not the most patriotic guy in the world, but if you'd rather bail out and hide than stay and fight, well, good riddance.

Whatcha gonna do??
CA has an absurd requirement that every firearm shipped to the state needs to be cleared with the AG or something. They can't outright ban the things because their constitution guarantees a right to keep and bear. But they might as well have.
What if we had a national law like that? Pretty much whatever you have in state is what you have.
But I agree that politics goes in cycles and we're heading into the left phase. If we get through unscathed to 2012 we ought to be OK.
Whatcha gonna do??

Well, for starters, I'm going to spend my time fighting to make sure that those individuals in our gov't who seek to continually erode the freedoms and rights that this country was founded on don't have a smooth ride on their way to creating their bliss-ninny police-state they see in their dreams. You know, rather than daydreaming about which other country would be best to make my escape to, so I don't have to worry about things like responsibility, or doing the right thing...stuff like that.
Afghanistan is one of the most libertarian places on earth (read: wild frickin west).
Afghanistan in no way represents or upholds the ideals of individual liberty and self-determination that libertarianism stands for. Please don't misuse the term.

The more good people leave this country the worse it will get. We have already failed our founders, who suffered far more than most of us can imagine. This country can be saved, but not without people who understand the value of freedom and are willing to work for it.

And by the way, prepare yourself no matter who's elected. Over the last eight years it has been a Republican administration that has trampled our Constitution and vastly expanded the power of government, strangled our economy with its irresponsible spending, and socialized our credit markets.
Yes Switzerland is very nice, tolerable gun laws, better looking women, and better beer! Yes it costs a bit more than the US, but totally worth it.
If you’re concerned about degradation of freedoms and personal well being, Mexico is not for you. Kidnapping is the national pastime and you have to tip (bribe?) public officials and everyone else if you want any kind of service. Even then, it will not happen in a timely manner. It’s the land of mañana. I hope you’re ok with not having water, electricity, or other things we take for grated here for several days. Don’t plan on finding work or possessing a firearm. You have the right to give Mexicans and their government all your money, but that is about all the rights you will have.

As for socialism, Mexico does not have welfare or any type of social support for the poor. This means the poor starve, steal, or hustle tourist to survive. I like the Mexican people, but the government is an abomination.
I'll stay. Although my savings is not earning crap, due to the constant rate cuts by the Fed, and my 401K has lost more than I can stomach, I am still an American.

There is no better country, and Obama will be good for it, after the excesses of the last eight years. Frankly, we can't stand four more years of the lousy governance that we have had.

If you want to leave, your choice.
There is no better country, and Obama will be good for it, after the excesses of the last eight years. Frankly, we can't stand four more years of the lousy governance that we have had.

sadp40 said:
new zealand would be my destination. they don't have the kooky gun control laws of australia. either that or tasmania.

Uh, I hate to break it to you, but Tasmania is part of Australia. As a matter of fact Tasmania is the state were the incident occurred that triggered their crazy gun laws.
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