Concealed Weapons Permits Jump

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Jan 8, 2004
Mountains of Idaho
This is on the front page of my little bi-weekly resort town paper. There's about 1500 permits in the county. They went from issuing 4 a month to 7 or 8.
I asked my local city police department and they confirmed there has been an increase of license to carry permits requested.
We went up I think 500 to 1000 per month, Im not sure of the numbers but assuming 20 to 50 per class per week and monthly multiplied by total availible classes each month.

ASP in Arkansas told me that they will require the full 120 days to issue me mine. Some have started to get thiers in a few months instead of the full 120 days.

We are already 65,000 Concealed Strong in our State and growing by thousands each quarter. When you consider the associated amount of shotguns, rifles, carbines in play in percentage of that number and then some... we just about can field a strong force.

I already see a new Generation being raised up with Weapons in general, safety in particular. It wont be many more years before they too take thier place once of age by the thousands. And this isnt including the thousands who already have been at least one tour deployed to either the rockpile or sandbox or any other place.
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