"I regret to inform you..."

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My deepest sympathy to you and your family. And my most heartfelt thanks to your son for his service and sacrifice for all the rest of us. :(
If only it was that words could help.

They do not.

If only there was a way to ease your pain.

There is not.

What there is that we can do is to honor Elijah

For his service to his country,

For his sacrifice for his country,

For being a genuine hero of the United States of America.

If only it was that words could help.
God bless you and your family. You and all the families of solders and sailors are in our thoughts and prayers.

The Dove and family
God Bless you and your family, especially Elijah's wife and child. Please know you have thoughts and prayers from this grateful citizen and his family.

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. - John 15:13
Several years ago I stood at The Wall and looked at some names that I had known, real people that had been a big part of my life, people that would not be coming home to family and friends, people who died in a land far far away from their school friends and childhood buddies. There is no way to express how we miss our loved ones, no words come easily. There is only that great emptiness that makes it hard to swallow or to keep back a tear from running down across stained cheeks. Then there is that great swelling pride that wells up from inside knowing that they made a difference, their life accounted for something that few can give. God told the ancient Israelites to keep their bow arm strong and to be viligant. Your Elijah has joined the ranks of the choicest of the land. He has honored his family, his friends, and his country. May God give you His peace as you struggle through this valley of grief. Our prayers are with you. May He be met at the gates of eternity with the words-well done my good and faithful servant. God bless you and yours sir.
Our son has been over twice and my nephew is headed back very soon. Please keep all our soldiers in our prayers and for a swift successful end to this conflict. wc
My deepest condolences. Your family has made the ultimate sacrifice. I, along with many, many Americans appreciate all he did during his numerous tours in combat.
Damn. I can't even imagine your grief. People like Elijah are my heroes; a term thrown around way too lightly these days. My condolences to your family and all the other families who have given more than most of can even fathom.
There are no words for this. I only pray that you and your family can find strength through the Lord to make it through these tough times ahead. The deepest of condolonces from my house to yours. Should you need anything, you need only ask.

It breaks my heart to hear of your loss. Such a waste to lose a fine young man. My prayers go out to your family.
My darkest dreams for the five years my son was in the Marine Corps were about opening the door to find a Marine Captain standing there.

In my own 25 years in uniform, I've buried veterans, presented flags to widows, and recently saw a friend taken in a senseless act at home. Each hurts as much as the last. My tears join yours in mourning your loss.

A Soldier died today, and the world is worse for it.
Our deepest sympathy to you and your family from an Army dad and mon. Words will never express how we feel for you and your family. May God bless your family.
May your son rest in peace. You are living through what many of us parents fear the most. May God grant you and your family peace.
Thank you for his service and supreme sacrifice to this great country.

As has been said, no words can ever bring your son back, or make the pain any less for you and your family. Just know that our thoughts are with you.

As a Sailor, let me say I would have been proud to serve with your son.......He is my brother in arms, now and forever.
Our prayers for you and your family and friends at this time of such loss. There are no words that can reduce the pain you are feeling, but in our faith system, my wife and I believe you will see your Son, Elijah again.

He's just gone ahead on down that road we all must travel.

In deepest sympathy,

Jesse & JoAnn Pomeroy

Your loss is our loss. God bless your son for his service and his life given. My prayers tonight will be for your family.
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