Texas gun show question

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Apr 26, 2009
The current Austin show isn't worth the time. I'd like your thoughs on which is the best show in either the DF/W area or San Antonio?

The link above connects to the sponsors of the Dallas Market Hall Gun Show, the members are a very gifted and talented group of people, no matter what question is asked, most know what direction to point for a resource. When this group goes to a gun show it is Tulsa, OK.

F. Guffey
In my opinion both the SAXET and TEXAS gun shows here in San Antonio are a waste of time. It's the same vendors at both. I go once a year now just for something to do, but there's nothing for me to spend money on there.
It depends - there are several in the DFW area - usually there's one in Dallas / mesquite? at Big Town once a month which is alright - hadn't been to that one in a while but the few times I had been I wasn't all that impressed, then there's one at Market Hall every couple of months but I've never been to one. I usually go to Fort Worth and they have been decent - never been to the austin one so I can't compare if they are better or not. But a lot of the same vendors travel to the different shows, so I'm not sure how much variety you'll find between Austin and DFW, and Austin and san antonio.
There is a gun show almost every weekend close by in DFW. Denton, Mesquite, Market Hall, Richardson... the list goes on. It does have the same vendors there at all of them. Is it worth it ? That depends on what you are looking for. My wife has threatened to ban me from going to the shows because something always follows me home. I tell her that the law says I have to buy one a month, but she does not believe me.
Gun Shows are Fun.

In very small doses. I don't believe I've EVER found a really good deal on a firearm in ANY of the Dallas area gun shows.

Actually if there are deals there, they're probably on new or used guns offered by a few of the retail shops around town. You're probably not going to find any steals, however.

Most prices set by independent sellers are absolutely insane. Of course, there's always someone with more money than sense who thinks that 500.00 is a dandy deal for that beat up old S&W Model 10 with no blueing.
I used to attend shows in Fort Worth on a regular basis. Now I go about once every other year, and every time I go I wonder why I keep wasting my time and money. I always feel like I just dropped a ten-dollar bill into a shredder, and got nothing but sore feet in return.
The Market Hall Show in Dallas is always a really good show. Should take you 3-4 hours if you're really looking at what's on the tables and not just blowing through for a deal on a Glock.

As for Fort Worth, you need to know that there are two different shows held in the same venue (Amon Carter). There is the ORIGINAL FORT WORTH GUN SHOW (that's its name) and the HIGH CALIBER show. The OFWGS is a pretty good show, usually with more than 1000 tables and lots of guns (many of the new gun dealers are the same as what you'll find in Dallas).

The HIGH CALIBER show is the pits!!! If you like looking at 3-4 rows of guns and 6-7 rows of junk and beef jerky, this is your show. Otherwise, hold out for the OFWGS.
Generally I find the best deals are not at any of the vendors but at the front door as people are bringing in their guns to sell or trade. Unless you want something new or a specific firearm, my local dealers have better prices on average. As a matter of fact I have yet to make a deal(on a firearm) at a gun show from a vendor. Are they too greedy or am I too cheap?
Can't speak for Dallas, but in Houston the HGCA shows at Reliant are great (3 per year), and the High Caliber shows at GRB are generally very good (usually about 10 per year).

For example Glocks run $529-$629 at Academy depending on the model, Carter's Country had an ad in the paper for a Glock 17 @ $580. At the last GRB show Glock 17s were very easy to find for $450.

If you don't do your homework its easy to get a bad deal, but if you know what you want and what a good price is, its the only way to buy guns around here.

A few shows back there was a "price war" among the big three dealers on Colt 6920s that hit a low of ~$950.

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