Has there ever been documented dual wielding gun battles?

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There is a pic somewhere of a recent Mexican Police raid being carried out by a group of officers, and one officer is poised with a pair of pistols. Everyone else had some sort of rifle. Wish I could find the pic.
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It does make sense for black powder guns for faster reload.

But despite accuracy, dual wielding would benefit for more firepower...with two Glock 17s you can have a total of 66 rounds on both pistols with 33 round magazines on each.

I would say more firepower and putting more lead out for suppressive fire?

Doug, for laughs:
I can see going to a second spare gun - preferably but not necessarily matching - if the primary is lost, shot empty or malfunctions, but this is not "dual wielding" in the sense being discussed. One could alternate dual guns - i.e., firing the left, then the right, or vice versa - but this would undoubtedly be much slower than firing multiple shots from a single gun.
firing the left, then the right, or vice versa - but this would undoubtedly be much slower than firing multiple shots from a single gun.
Not necessarily. A person mounted on a horse firing at multiple targets on each side of the horse would be faster than one revolver switching sides. All that would be required would be turning the head not shifting the weapon.
If you're good at visual manipulation -- for example, with Magic Eye pictures -- then I can see how you could aim down the sights of two pistols at once, at the same target. But I've never tried it so I can't say for sure. :)
Way back in the BP days, two-pistolers would usually either shoot the guns alternately, if they were ambidexterous, or shoot one empty then swap guns between hands and keep shooting with the strong hand. Considering that it takes an extra second or two to cock a hammer, it would make some sense to aim and shoot while cocking the other pistol, for a better rate of fire.
After retiring from law enforcement, and having gained a fairly respectable ability with both hands, I thought it would be a great challenge to learn to shoot with both hands, at the same time ... effectively.

Seeing that dual 1911's would probably be the most practical, due to my familiarity with them, and their ability to be fired fast (single action auto), and loaded rather easily, I got myself a double shoulder holster from Idaho Leather, in the style of "Last Man Standing". Now I've been doing this off and on for about 3 years, and I've learned a few things.

First of all, where in the hell did Bruce Willis carry all the magazines? My guess is a prop guy was standing just off to the side of the camera, and handed him mags between cuts. I don't have a prop guy, so I found that double Galco pouches for the Glock 21 could be stretched to hold four 1911 mags.

With two in the guns, and two pouches with eight more mags, I had a good start. I soon found out that both guns don't naturally point at the target, and my weak hand was the problem. It wanted to "cross over" a bit too far past the target, towards my strong side. I also found out that aiming with my strong hand was almost instinctual, so I could worry about aiming LESS for that hand. Then, I concentrated with correcting natural aiming with the weak hand, and this was like overriding your brain....not easy to do. When shooting, I do very quickly alternate triggers, not like the double gunslingers in Cowboy shooting, that bring each gun up separately and aim with each.

Two hands, held high point, side by side seems to be the most effective, although waist high, "hip shooting" can be achieved with a bit more practice. That is basically done by "feel", to get the hand positions correct. To practice, just hold the strong hand gun in position, and devote practice to the weak hand until you get point-proficiency with the weak hand, then start adding the strong hand to the shooting.

For loading, I found that if I shoot dry, then dump both mags, I can shove the empty gun from my weak hand upside down into the crook of my strong elbow. This puts both empty mag wells almost side by side in front of me, and weak hand goes for two of the mags from one side of one of the double mag pouches, mounted behind my hip. Quickly insert both mags, grasp the weak hand gun from the strong elbow crook, operate slide releases with left index and right thumb, and both guns are charged, ready to go.

There may be faster ways to load two pistols, but this works for me, and maybe I like it because it looks cool, too. Shoot and repeat. You can dump two boxes of shells so fast, it hurts your wallet to think about it.
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1. The guys name is CountGlockula.
2. He asks about "Dual Wielding" pistols. As opposed to.. "Single Wielding?" What is "Wielding? even MEAN in the non-video game world.
3. And the term "Gun Battle?" Gun Battle? Really?

"Yes officer, a drunk broke into my home, I engaged him in a gun battle, dual weilding my glocks. He is in fact dead now."


There is no reason to shoot with 1 pistol in each hand, it is hard enough to defend yourself accuratly with 1 pistol, and even harder to defend yourself legally with that sort of non-sense.

There was a MOH winner from the Second World War in the pacific who used 2 1911's to stop a Japanese attack,

And then there was a Korean shop owner during the 1993 LA Riots who was running a Glock and a smaller pistol.
Depends on what's meant by "gun battle". In your house? No. Somewhere in combat, where your goal is to suppress an area with volume of fire and not having access to a better weapon for that purpose, sure.
The two gun officer was Andy Nuss--Second Chance used to have a two snub-nosed event to commemorate this shootout!
Why bring two handguns to a fight if you could bring a rifle or a shotgun?
Not an option during the Civil War. There were very few repeating rifles(a 3 band 1858 Enfield from horse back?) available and the enemy had all of them. Shotguns were single or double barrel muzzle loaders. So a mounted partisan's best option was multiple revolvers. Made a lot more sense than anything else available at the time.
My dad has worn a two gun rig everyday of his life since June 1968. He says most guys in his unit wore the same rig. I know he and several others used two 1911's in combat many times. He shoots damn good with both weapons drawn.
Don't go Hollywood with Duel Wield

Hello friends and neighbors // I practice duel wield with two revolvers, S&W 586,with a very nice trigger job, and S&W 442 with extended grips but no trigger job.
To me there might be a time and place, so why not practice.
I "aim" down range shooting the 6" .357 at multiple targets strong hand.(medium size pizza boxes)

I have the 1 7/8" .38 pointing down and left and slightly forward as if guarding a door or other weak spot.
Every other shot, I "aim "and shoot with weak hand a medium pizza box to my left.
By just a turn of my head and a slight shift of my feet,, not having to pivot my whole body. Swinging the .357 to cover a target 45 or more degrees to my left or even around a object is much slower. If BG was extremely close,almost on me, I would point shoot but I do not practice this.

I don't know much about autoloaders just revolvers.
I do not even -try -to point shoot in different directions while duel wielding.
I sometimes aim alternately with each hand at targets in different positions, but I use the sights.
I do practice shooting both from the hip from 20 feet in but I've never fired both at the same time.
I holster the .38 when reloading the .357 and visa-versa.(smooth is fast,slow is smooth, so slow is fast when reloading)

IMHO Once you have practiced weak hand enough Duel Wield is the next step to me, especially since I am a revolver guy :DYMMV
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1. The guys name is CountGlockula.
2. He asks about "Dual Wielding" pistols. As opposed to.. "Single Wielding?" What is "Wielding? even MEAN in the non-video game world.
3. And the term "Gun Battle?" Gun Battle? Really?

"Yes officer, a drunk broke into my home, I engaged him in a gun battle, dual weilding my glocks. He is in fact dead now."


There is no reason to shoot with 1 pistol in each hand, it is hard enough to defend yourself accuratly with 1 pistol, and even harder to defend yourself legally with that sort of non-sense.

wield (wld)
tr.v. wield·ed, wield·ing, wields
1. To handle (a weapon or tool, for example) with skill and ease.
2. To exercise (authority or influence, for example) effectively. See Synonyms at handle.

And, I am pretty sure that by "gun battle" the OP meant either a civilian or (more likely) military engagement which utilizes firearms. Seems pretty obvious to me. :rolleyes:

And: There is a very good reason to fire two handguns simultaneously from each hand (aside from all of the practical reasons contained in this thread): Some might construe it as fun. :)
These days other than looking cool its kind of pointless.

I mean if you need more firepower than one pistol use a sub gun. An Mp5 can lay down a heck of a lot more accurite fire than two pistols.
I took a pistol class several months ago where we spent some time using two pistols at once. The main situation was (for officers) to keep a hand in their pocket on their BUG. The secondary use was to hold two bad guys at gun point at once, the third which was not practiced but was discussed, was clearing tight areas.
Keeping your arms crossed at your forearms you primarily use your strong hand, but keep the weak gun aimed as best you can at the greatest unknown in that direction so you can immediately fire if necessary.

As for the 18th & 19th centuries, I think the most viable short range tactic was to carry as many pistols as possible and then switch to a sword. Assuming you can only carry so many pistols reachable with your strong hand, you may as well have some that can be reached with your weak hand too.
So Jeff Quinn just likes to write articles and walk around like this for fun...


My dad says they carried the two handguns because from the ground, on your back, two pistols were a hell of a lot easier to maneuver than the a rifle, specially in multiple directions and in the jungle and for tunnels.

I'm trying to find some photos of his unit now, forgive me, he has over 10,000 photos of Vietnam from 1950 to 1975.
Hence the advent of the saddle holster.
Would have been more usefull if monstrositeis like the Walker Colt and such like weren't invented. Seriously though, saddle holsters are a good idea. but isn't there a saying about: "If you ever NEED more then 4 or 5 revolvers, your're not short of revolvers, you're short peolpe on your side of the fight", or something like that?
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