Does everyone in your house know how to shoot

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Since I live alone right now, I would have to say yes. When my mother lived with me, I had her get a CCW and gave her my CZ-82 to carry and use for protection. I am sure it is still in her dresser drawer loaded and ready to go. She was not really interested in carrying a gun to begin with, but in MA, you have to have a CCW to even own a high capacity pistol. I showed her how to use it, but not at the range. She did not want to go with me and learn, so hopefully she never has to use it.
Everyone in my household except my 2 year old grandson, yes. :)
Wife and step daughter are quite proficient with small bore rifle, handgun up to .38 special. My wife also shoots her PSE stalker recurve with accuracy to 40 yards.. I know I don't wanna tick her off.
Does everyone in the house know how to shoot?


Does everyone in the house know how to shoot each type of gun?


Does everyone in the house have access to guns?


Should everyone in the house have access to guns?

Yes and I make sure that they shoot at least a few hundred rounds every quarter (usually every couple of months instead of quarterly).
Yes they do

Both my sons shoot very well. I'm amazed how well they did trap shooting the first time from their Paintball experience.

My wife can't reload a semi but has very tight groups.

So I keep the XD and 92FS loaded and ready for her.
JoeMal - thanks, I have some tools of my Dad's and my Grandfather's and this is sort of like that. Which reminds me, I should set some tools aside for them, too.

Sam1911 - nice pictures! makes me smile to think I'll be doing that with my boys. (no daughters here or I'd teach them, too)
Yes, and I can say that the 3rd generation does also. As a Hunter Safety instuctor my kids sat through my classes so many times that by the time they were old enough to be certified (10 in our state) they could almost teach the class itself. My oldest has past the skills to my grandson and this year I will help in his Hunter's Ed class once again. My wife shoots in local matches several time per year. The gun is a TOOL, shooting is a SPORT. Together they can save your life.
Yes. The wife and myself both shoot regularly. 8)

The dogs are having a bit of a problem with the whole attention span thing and the lack of opposable thumbs ... not to mention they weigh as much as a heavy trigger pull.

But everyone else knows how to shoot or carries a loaded firearm regularly.
For me the answer is NO. I am 22 and neither of my parents have ever handled my guns, lack of interest on their part and I am not gonna force into what they don't want to.
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