Sad Sight at the Library of Congress

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Nov 15, 2008
So I am in DC with my family. We went to the Capital today and then then to the Library of Congress. In the Jefferson Collection there was a section on writing of the Bill of Rights. They had a short video on a loop talking about the Bill of Rights. I am sure that you can guess where this is going. Well most of the video was various people (MLK, O'Conner, Reagan) commenting on the various parts of the First Amendment. That was maybe 4-5 minutes. Then after that was about 30 seconds about the 2nd Amendment. It started off alright, showing the text with RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS in bold. (I personally would have put THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE in bold, but whatever) It showed some old magazine type sketches of a man shooting a rifle or shotgun with a caption saying "Preserve Hunting" (Once again okay, but the 2nd is about more than hunting) Then it showed a clip of LBJ talking about how so many people had been killed since 1900 (true I'm sure) and asked how long it would be before effective gun control would be passed (GCA '68?) and video of people running away from somewhere (Columbine or VT?). That is how they potrayed one of your rights, with the then-president asking for Congress to restrict your rights. I was rather upset by this. I think that I will write them an email asking them to go next door to their neighbors (SCOTUS) and ask their opinion about the Second Amendment. Rant Over.
That's just disgusting. Is there a way to have public influence over a display like that? After all, I pay for it to be there, so I (as a people) should approve of what it is, right?
In service, our lower level NCO's are selected and recommended for promotion within the Battalion, and the Battalion CSM is responsible for selecting the topics of study. One of the CSM's I worked for included our constitution as a topic of study.

Comedy ensued...

Me, being the resident gun guy, would ask the candidate which amendment he felt was most important to him. This in turn, would draw a variety of answers ranging from the importance of being able to speak freely, worship as you please, secure in your person and home etc...

At that time I would laugh and tell them "...this is the NRA portion of your promotion board..." and explain to them how NONE of their rights are guaranteed without the 2nd. I would discuss how various segments of societies faired around the world when they lost the right of arms, such as the citizens of Jewish descent in Germany back in the 30's etc...

At that point the CSM would look at me and shake his head with the "here he goes again..." look. :)

Too many of our citizens fail to realize the significance of that amendment, and the consequences of giving it away. Without arms to back them up, "rights" aren't worth the paper they are written on...
Ok, why don't they talk about how freedom of speech has KILLED PEOPLE!! What about how Tim McVeigh killed a bunch of people using fertilizer and fuel. He got the information on how to do this because the information was avalable. What about how the kids who masterminded Columbine found information on the net on how to create bombs.

Or how about the fools who masterminded 9/11. They practiced flying using Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Why don't we just roll the Bill of Rights into a huge doobie and smoke it!! That would make the gun prohibitionsts in California happy. MORONS!! If you give up one right, you threaten to tear the whole document to pieces.

Sorry. I am done now.
had a bad experience at the Library of Congress also...was on a trip to DC and was staying literally next door to it- i was all excited, knowing one of the greatest collections on the earth was right there, and was a public library!
so i walk in and start looking around-all i wanted to do was go look around and find some interesting books to read. i went up to the giant Reading Room-the door was locked. there were people inside reading at tables, but i couldnt get in.

right then some security guard yells at me 'what are you doing there!? you need to come down now!' so i walk down the stairs. half a dozen security guards with nothing to do but harass me start telling me i 'need to stay with a tour group' and basically that i couldnt even go anywhere. i say 'isnt this a public library?' and they just act all angry.

so much for it being a public library...

its more like a damn fortress, an ordinary american just going in to look at books is dicked around and blocked form going anywhere. good luck trying to actually find a place to go read a book in america's 'greatest' 'public' library :rolleyes:
You see, that is a flintlock muzzle loader. That is what we are really supposed to be limited to. The Founding Fathers had no idea that technology would advance....

That's OK, with Audubon's fowler you could buy fifty primo AR's.
the 2nd amendment was created because the founding fathers wanted people to be well-armed, and well trained, and to assemble into militia's, they knew that when people have guns and militias.. they have the power. Take the guns away and arrest the militias and people have zero power. People overlook the fact that not only was the 2nd amendment about the right to own firearms but also the emphasis on the militia to keep a free country free... meaning we have the right to get to gether with like-minded gun owners to prepare for revolutuions if we need to.

Americans today have no idea what its like to live under oppression, we are just now feeling the effects of the Obama administration. Imagine what it was like living in nazi germany or the eastern block.... when the politicians don't listen, a revolution becomes necessary
had a bad experience at the Library of Congress also...was on a trip to DC and was staying literally next door to it- i was all excited, knowing one of the greatest collections on the earth was right there, and was a public library!


its more like a damn fortress, an ordinary american just going in to look at books is dicked around and blocked form going anywhere. good luck trying to actually find a place to go read a book in america's 'greatest' 'public' library :rolleyes:

Well see, at least the OP STAYED IN THE AUTHORIZED ZONE... you, you're just, well, a piece of meat.... (please note unseen levity)...

In all honesty I can understand why they keep some decent security on the nations largest repository of written material... I don't know what hoops you might have to jump through to get in that room, but my bet is most of those people are employees finding things for people who put in requests for material... and then I doubt you just fill in the blanks for a library card either,....... :)
Apart from the obvious propaganda against the Second Amendment which has been thoroughly covered here, this statement also disturbs me:
In the Jefferson Collection there was a section on writing of the Bill of Rights.
If that is true, then the Library of Congress needs to study their history a little more. While a big contributor to the BoR, Jefferson wasn't the author or promoter of them. That distinction goes to James Madison. Without his pushing, and that of others like George Mason, the Bill of Rights may not have become a part of the Constitution.
Keep something else in mind as well. You don't just want to contact the library, you also want to contact the maker of that film. The LoC didn't film, edit and license that movie, they've only decided to show it and may only have ignorantly been doing damage.

Instead of letting them know how the 2nd has been conveniently edited to certain specs let them know that the documentary is biased and historically lopsided.

Ask when the video was filmed and edited and argue that its production and outdated and the information in whatever video they choose to replace it with needs to more historically correct and unbiased, etc.

If your argument is that you're offended by the portrayal of the 2nd ammendment there's a chance they may brush it off as a slight complaint. However if you argue the inaccuracy and bias of a video that's supposed to portray the unbiased freedom in America and it's historical inaccuracy then you might gain more of their ear.
And got a response
Thank you for contacting NRA-ILA and making us aware of this video. I have forwarded your message on to our research department for further review. Please let us know if you have further questions or concerns.

Best regards,
Miranda B.
NRA-ILA Grassroots Division
My film for the First Amendment freedom of expression video (using that LoC work as a hideous negativity guide):
"... an establishment of religion ..."
o Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition from History of the World, Part I
"... the free exercise thereof ..."
o penitents flogging themselves with whips
"... the freedom of speech ..."
o Hitler at Nuremburg from Triumph of the Will
"... of the press ..."
o covers of Marquis de Sade's 120 Days of Sodom et alia
"... of the people peaceably to assemble ..."
o the mob outside the palace in Marie Antoinette

Do I think that BoR video sounds biased on 2A from the description?
You mean they didn't give tons of bad examples for the First Amendment?

Entertainment based on the worst of things?
No books promoting genocides highlighted?

A lot of things many in society would dislike are protected by the First Amendment.

Yet the 2nd Amendment has most of its time spent citing examples of the worst uses of firearms?
And the few positive things are connected with hunting? (Which has nothing to do with the reason for the 2nd.)

Really sickening.
I guess they should show the worst known criminals who have used the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th to successfully beat prosecution too? Maybe highlight all those who committed a horrible crime on bail to highlight the 8th?
Why highlight all the good when they can certainly highlight many clips of the
worst possible outcomes?

The rights in the Bill of Rights are meant to protect the people. We are better off because of them, but all limits on government have consequences. Some good and some bad.

Selectively touting some as great things and demonizing others is wrong.
It is certainly a misuse of tax dollars to intentionally manipulate the people touring the capitol to turn them against certain rights.
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Just in case no one knew this, but a big chunk of your federal civil servants are Democrat/left wing/anti gun types....sure, not all, but in some of the smaller agencies it has worked out that way.
I work for DoD which is mostly center to right, esp in Oklahoma.. actually here its mostly right and most are pro-2A.
Also, feds have two big unions that Democrats love (NFFE, AFGE-AFL/COI,) and many of these agencies are stocked with college grads and live in the DC area, which outside of Virginia is not gun friendly.

Not to make excuses for this situation, it really pizzed me off to read it, maybe the NRA-ILA can get this fixed.
Just in case no one knew this, but a big chunk of your federal civil servants are Democrat/left wing/anti gun types....sure, not all, but in some of the smaller agencies it has worked out that way.

Smaller? No, most of them support that agenda. Even many who don't agree with it vote for it because it is the left that takes care of the unions, and most government employees are union members.
I know many union members who get voting guides and almost everyone they are advised to vote for to increase their wages, benefits, job security, etc is from the left. In places like California that is almost all anti-gun people.
With those union members who are further to the right or libertarian in ideology they get to decide between better living standards, job security, and benefits, or rights they feel are important. Most pick the paycheck.
Union members are one of the most mobilized voting blocks.

As the government gets bigger it votes for itself in bigger blocks too. Meaning as the percentage of people who work for the government increases, the number of people that vote for additional benefits for the government and its employees increases, and they turn out to vote more than the average person.
Even if they logically know the result is less efficiency and requires progressively increasing tax dollars, few people are going to vote against their own paycheck, for fewer dollars in their pocket, or vote themselves right out of a job. The same goes for gun rights. If their union assures them anti-gun candidate A will take care of them and pro-gun candidate B will cut spending and trim all those who are excess right out of a job, most vote for their job.
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