Rueters Report on gun shows

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"Prices for assault weapons have surged since the Connecticut shooting. At the Kansas City show, Jerome Ratliff bought an AR-15 on Saturday for target practice, paying $925. The same model would have cost only about $400 a year ago, he said. Most models were selling for $1,500 or more."

a $400 AR-15? :scrutiny:.....
At all three shows the attendees were overwhelmingly white men, with some women and very few ethnic minorities.

1) What is the point of stating this, if not to be racist?

2) Are reporters really so retarded these days that they don't understand the difference between race and ethnic group? Or was this reporter psychic and able to sense that some of the whites he saw were Irish or Russian rather than American, able to discern between Mexican Latinos and El Salvadorian Latinos?
MachIV - absolutely yellow journalism. "See we looked and these are racist WHITE GUY ONLY OTHERS EXCLUDED events"

When we all know this to absolutely false. And in fact as you state.
Ya I wanna know where he could have got that 400 dollar AR. The least expensive one I have seen is the one I own. I bout a state compliant one at one of our local stores for 599 plus tax which put me at 635 out the door. Close but not exactly 400.
When they ban "assault rifles," the WILL BE BACK for the rest of your guns.

Look at any place in the world where this has happened.

By the time they were done, the (former) gun-owners were left with nearly-nothing, or nothing at all.
Lies, damn lies, and statistics

That New York smear of gun sellers, saying they failed an "integrity" test, is nothing short of an absolute lie. Blomberg and his weasels are pushing hard to completely shut down gun shows; this is just the first step. They want government run gun outlets, that will all but destroy the gun industry and private ownership or private transfer.
Here is the problem quotes like this:

None of the AR-15s I own are Assault Weapons. The are just basic sport/utility rifles.

Nobody believes that any more even us that own them and saying it is just adding fuel to the fire. Of course I need 25 mags with 750 rounds in them just to go rabbit hunting, I really am that bad a shot or hunter. (LOL)

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