Sandy Hook search warrants released.

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I'm not surprised. How long does it take to read the bottles of meds he was on? When will we finally find out he was on a cocktail of powerful psych drugs? What type of doctors, what were they treating him for and with what?

I've read the caliber, make, model of guns, number of rounds, times, names, etc.

The obvious factor, that he was crazy, is still classified.
It is interesting that they found printed copies of emails pertaining to firearm and ammunition purchases. It is also interesting that his mother knew he had mental illnesses and was obsessed with shoot 'em up games yet let him buy/have/bought for him guns and ammo.
"When will we finally find out"

A CNN report yesterday stated that the state police expect to complete their investigation in June. How long it will take to compile a report based on many months of interviews, etc. is the next question.

Asperger's - if that's what he had - isn't really a mental illness.
The mother is dead and the shooter is dead so there is no way to find the truth.
The spreadsheet was not mentioned. If the story about that item is true, it's obvious that he did long-term planning. For that matter, the quantity of gear of different sorts shows that he'd been accumulating his "toys" over a long period.

When somebody spends that much time in that much planning, he's not going to be stopped by any law. Only by mischance somewhere along the way...
It's hard to say if mom or the shooter was accumulating the weapons and ammo. His deceased mother enjoyed shooting. It's convenient for the media to say he bought everything despite the fact he had to blow mommies head off to get out of the house with the required weapons to do the deed.
It is also interesting that his mother knew he had mental illnesses and was obsessed with shoot 'em up games yet let him buy/have/bought for him guns and ammo.
This was the most glaring new piece of information I learned after reading these recently released documents. Before, I think I had assumed that the mother owned some guns that she kept secured in the house, and somehow Adam got ahold of the guns and used them to kill her and the people at the school.

But, it is really clear that she actively participated in his acquiring and hording numerous firearms and other weapons. He actually had his own gun safe in his bedroom that he used to keep his guns, not to mention the guns and ammo stashed throughout his room in dresser drawers, etc.

There's nothing wrong with a teenager having an interest in weapons and wanting to collect a bunch of them (besides guns, this kid had swords, numerous knives, and a wicked spear type weapon). When I was a a teenager, I had a fascination with weapons and purchased a wide variety of them. There's also nothing wrong with being a fan of first-person shooting games. Again, I spent tons of time playing those types of games in my younger years.

The problem, here, is that those activities do not mix well with large amounts of psychotropic medicine and mental illness. The mother was grossly negligent for allowing her mentally ill son on psychotropic medicines to feed his obsessions by hording weapons and playing violent video games all day.
The article I read mentioned a Vulcan starter pistol which is a blank firing device for starting sporting events. That sure is a dangerous weapon if you insert it in your anal orifice just before firing. The media is brainwashed and they are working hard to convince us to bend over.
It's hard to say if mom or the shooter was accumulating the weapons and ammo.
This item:
Exhibit #612 - One (1) holiday card containing a Bank of America check #462 made out to Adam Lanza for the purchase of a C183 (Firearm), authored by Nancy Lanza.

Makes it seem that she was actively aiding him in his purchase of firearms. But then I realized there is no such C183 firearm that I know of, and it is much more likely that she was buying him a Kodak camera and the police saw the "Point and Shoot" and ignorantly assumed it was a gun.
I also thought it was interesting that the shooter had a copy of a New York Times article of the school shooting at Northern Illinois University. Supports my theory that the media coverage of these shootings results in copycats.

I feel like if this kid lived 30 years ago, he would have just hung himself in his closet and nobody would have ever heard of him. But now, these kids see how the acts of school shooters make them instant celebrities, so they decide to go out on a bang and achieve the absolute greatest level of carnage before they kill themselves.
We are in serious trouble when the authorities turn a camera into a firearm. I have no faith in the ability of the truth in this matter to come out.

"Point and Shoot" becomes a firearm? INSANE!!!!!
The problem with relying on this info is that the info is clearly questionable. He had a Saiga 12 that fit in a glvebox and held 35 rounds of 12ga in each magazine? That's obviously not true. We're assuming the remaining information is accurate just because it isn't as blatantly obvious that it is false; but that is a big assumption.
Since those warrants are full of typos I think they meant to write CZ83 instead of C183.

Either way the info released was clearly filtered to show the guns and ammo and not much else. Thats all the media here has mentioned. Calling it an "arsenal" and "massive cache of guns and ammo".

CT's Democrat controlled government stated that they will be passing an AWB and mag capacity limit on Wednesday Using emergency certification just like Cuomo did in NY.

Our government has a Democrat majority and a Democrat governor so its is all but a done deal that the anti-gun bills will pass. It's only a matter of wether there will be confiscation or not.

Its about to get very serious here in CT within the next week.
The errors in large part come from the search warrant, which is shocking in itself. How trustworthy is such a document?

It is not trustworthy at all. When it comes to Sandy Hook the truth is whatever Governor Malloy says it is. Thats why parts of the warrant and other reports were ordered sealed for another 90 days. They have all the info. They just dont want the public to see it until they shove their gun bans down our throats.
"When will we finally find out"
A CNN report yesterday stated that the state police expect to complete their investigation in June. How long it will take to compile a report based on many months of interviews, etc. is the next question.
Asperger's - if that's what he had - isn't really a mental illness.

The federal government is rushing to pass new laws based on the release of what kind of guns, mags, ammo and other details from the shooting, but we can't get a hint about what kind of psychotic drugs and treatments he was on for 6-9 months?

Seems obvious to me that since his mother was trying to have him committed and he shot a bunch of children that he was mentally ill. Asperger's was not the issue. Will it be months or years before we find out his psychiatrist knew of threats of violence and was experimenting with various combinations of powerful psych drugs? Just like most of these rampage shooters.
Actually,we will NEVER be told the truth about this guy's mental illness as it suits the Politicians much more to use this tradgedy to further their personal adgendas.
The Feinstein types hate us simply because we have used the polling place to disrupt their political ambitions.
As others have mentioned, it's not likely we will ever get the whole truth regarding this situation. Because there is no criminal defendant, there is no criminal defense attorney working as a counter-balance to law enforcement to ensure that the investigation is done properly and the truth is uncovered.
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