Have an enjoyable holiday Guys.

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Dec 9, 2007
I hope everyone has a happy Memorial Day Holiday, and remind those younger boys and girls that the reason they are off is because of the millions of Americans who came before them and gave their time, and sometimes their lives for their right to live in a free society.
It's not just a day to drink beer and eat ribs. Many of them have no idea why they are even off or out of school for the day, and it's our job to remind them that we didn't just get here by accident.
Thank you for starting this thread.
My family & I take the time to remember those service members who paid full price for our tickets to be part of the American Experience, the greatest place on earth.
We celebrate by taking an assortment of American made service weapons and period gear out to the firing range to meet a cadre of others who do the same. After a prayer of dedication, some of us older folks introduce the younger ones to weapons they may have never had a chance to see or operate. For a few of them it may be their first trip ever to a firing range. We make it safe, fun, and a great learning experience with a purpose.
At the end of the day, we celebrate with BBQ before rolling out.
Good post. Thanks for the reminder that freedom is paid for in blood.
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