Search results for query: *

  1. F

    Gun vs rifle

    Yes. Simply put, the longer case allows the use of much more powder than used in shorter handgun cartridges. The extra powder results in more projectile velocity. As you know (from your physics classes), greater velocity leads to a transfer of greater amounts of kinetic energy when the...
  2. F

    what does the Gr stand for in amo

    Not always, probably even not usually. While the bullet weight will be listed on the box, the amount and type of powder used in the load is usually not listed. Some ammo makers will put on the box info that shows the muzzle velocity of the bullet when fired from a "test barrel." Since your gun...
  3. F

    An American Dictatorship?

    Okay. Test question for anyone who is worried that this document somehow empowers the president with dictatorial powers: in your own words, tell us what powers this directive confers.
  4. F

    An American Dictatorship?

    Which right does this directive take away? How does it do that?
  5. F

    An American Dictatorship?

    I'm sure you guys read the news. Remember back a few years ago when people were flying planes into buildings and killing hundreds and thousands of people in one fell swoop? Remember that the white house and capitol building were believed to be on the target list? Remember the concern expressed...
  6. F

    One-Shot Stopping Percentages?

    Short version here, in a nice easy to read table format: Short version of the debate to follow? Not everyone agrees with the methodology used in arriving at the numbers.
  7. F

    .204 vs .223? Walking Varmint Rifle

    Right at $500 is the CZ 527 in wooden stock. Spend about $100 more and you can get it in an H&S kevlar stock with aluminum bedding block. In .223 the CZ wooden stock model is a 1:12 twist. The kevlar is a 1:9 twist. In .204 they are all 1:12 twist. Three models to choose from: -...
  8. F

    WashPost:"'Die-In' Counts the Minutes" (pro-gun-control protest)

    Drivers of automobiles will kill 110 people on US roads today. They'll do it again tomorrow. Maybe we should make getting a car as hard as it is to (legally) get a gun.
  9. F

    Thoughts on carrying a fake wallet...

    I don't carry a "drop wallet" now, but I am collecting up the expired store cards and other junk to put in it. I've thought that carrying the drop wallet on the side opposite the CCW is a better approach. I see your point about having them same side allows a very last moment decision...
  10. F

    Campus Insecurity Finally Reacts to the VT Attack

    My thoughts in reaction to reading the memo: Way back when hijackings of aircraft were more commonplace than they are today the conventional wisdom about how to behave in a hijacking situation would have read just like Doc's note from Security. The assumption with the hijackers was that...
  11. F

    Had a scare today

    A few months ago there was a string of home invasions in Tucson. Most took place at about 5:00am.
  12. F

    Gooseberi Gets a Gun

    oops. wrong place. Nevermind.
  13. F

    Anyone NOT a member of Gun Owners of America, if so, why?

    Only to help you get a count, I'll say I am not. Why not? Because I don't want to be. That, my friend, is all the reason you need. Or is it your hope that by rationalizing away my objections you will persuade me to join? I see you are a new member. Nothing wrong with that -- we were all new...
  14. F

    Calculating trajectory

    And here is a graphic version: (use "define your own bullet"; you will need the ballistic coefficient and weight of the bullet)
  15. F

    New to Rifles...

    The ARs are good guns, and offer the ability to swap uppers and get two rifles for little more than the price of one. But they can get pricey. For most people, a bolt-action rifle is a better hunting solution, both in terms of cost and accuracy. Your $500 range (if it includes scope) points you...
  16. F

    more posters (updated)

    Pop Quiz When a killer bursts into a classroom and starts shooting, you want your child to: a) become a victim. b) shoot back. (or, slightly altered for a wider range, make it b) fight back.) .
  17. F

    Coyote Hunting Basics

    Here is another link: Yep, they're going to come to the call then, if they weren't traveling upwind to get there, they will circle around so they are downwind of the call to give it the ol' sniff test before closing in. If he smells you instead of what he...
  18. F

    Situational awareness book

    Browse around this site: Sure to be something there you can use.
  19. F

    ABC News Gun Control Poll

    I love the little footnote at the bottom that reminds us this is not a scientific survey. I guess that makes them feel okay about the fact that the questions have their own spin blatantly crafted into them. They left out all sorts of options, too, such as - "homicide can be committed with...
  20. F

    Virginia Tech OUTRAGE

    No; it is bigger than that. It is our society that has created this environment. Government didn't teach people that the response to any crisis or perceived emergency is to call the "professional"... to dial 911... to call an ambulance so a paramedic could administer first aid.... or (in a...