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  1. F

    So I want to be a gunsmith...

    Fair enough. Guess I'll learn some patience. Any idea on the textbooks? I've had a look and come across some like Practical Gunsmithing by the Editors of American Gunsmith. Any other books people can recommend?
  2. F

    So I want to be a gunsmith...

    Basically, I've been interested in firearms for a while now, and I'd like to get a piece of paper saying 'Trained Gunsmith [Insert Name Here]'. I see it as something practical, it's a trade, it has a huge annoyance factor to the Anti's and can hang it up next to my NRA membership. Thing is...
  3. F

    So I want to be a gunsmith...

    Basically, I've been interested in firearms for a while now, and I'd like to get a piece of paper saying 'Trained Gunsmith [Insert Name Here]'. I see it as something practical, it's a trade, it has a huge annoyance factor to the Anti's and can hang it up next to my NRA membership. Thing is...
  4. F

    Alito Argued to Overturn Roe in 1985 Memo

    Well thats all well and good for 1985 but this is 20 years along the line. And I've got a feeling we're all going to be donkey punched by a RINO who gives out token judgements to the religious right. Hoorey for life appointments.
  5. F

    The big picture.

    What is the big picture for the second amendment at this time in your opinion? In my opinion: + Assault Weapon Ban sunsetted. + Gun manufacturers protection. - Still got Reagans 1986 no new full auto's law. - Despite all the rhetoric President Bush has done little pro-gun things beyond...
  6. F

    Wolves kill Canadian

    Good to know. Cheers. Bears also have the lethal liver of vitamin doom too, yeah?
  7. F

    Thoughts on joining the Marines...

    Can't offer any advice. Can offer best wishes. You've got 'can do' - so I reckon you can make it all happen.
  8. F

    Wolves kill Canadian

    Wonder what wolf tastes like. Probably too strong and gamey.
  9. F

    Your ultimate custom gun(s)

    Gah. I'm ignorant tonight, they're Colts yeah? I'd prefer to get some Hi-Powers for my BBQ guns. When I ever get round to buying a pair.
  10. F

    Kim DuToit Redux

    I've always liked Kim. Never afraid to say what he's really thinking. :p
  11. F

    John Lott on the Brazilian gun ban vote

    Just another quick one sadly. I'd be happy if Lott said something along the likes of: * In Britain civilians cannot carry any weapons to defend themselves. * Handguns are banned and gun crime is tiny. * Most people are stabbed or beaten instead by criminals. * The above stabbings and...
  12. F

    John Lott on the Brazilian gun ban vote

    Since I'm nearly out of time I'll just say this. Civilians have not been carrying handguns for self defence in England, Scotland and Wales from around 1920-30 for a number of reasons. It's not like there was millions of people with CCW in 1996 and they all handed in all their pistols once this...
  13. F

    John Lott on the Brazilian gun ban vote

    For now while I go away, and check what’s been linked to. The link used in the article doesn’t work for me, so I’m going to have a look on the site. Off the top of my head the numbers are something like 1500 increasing to 3000 or the like and is probably total gun crime stats including...
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    John Lott on the Brazilian gun ban vote

    It'd help if Lott actually did some homework on the UK. A handful of people actually owned handguns and the 1997 law was pretty much a fait acompli. The stats for gun crime going up are still small. If you have 2 crimes instead of 1 that’s a 50% increase in crime - OMG BLOOD IN THE STREETS! The...
  15. F

    The War in Australia

    Stuff used in London was AP, which is relatively simple to make. Their mistake was probably buying it all from one shop. Most of the homegrown Western terrorists seem to be idiots and long may they remain that way.
  16. F

    Japanese say U.S. can't win war with China, U.S forces incompetent

    Last time there were trade problems with China, England just shipped in the drugs and made them all junkies.
  17. F

    Russia is gearing up again

    Russia's going to end up as an asian colony. Still can't believe people are still going 'OMG TEH RUSSIAN BEAR'S COMING RIGHT AT US!'
  18. F

    When exactly will the SHTF?

    Maybe in my Kids lifetime but things have get to get far, far worse for the SHTF. Like four horsemen biblical SHTF.
  19. F

    Remote Control for Humans Being Tested

    Yeah, I can see this being a big thing in prison's, mental institutes and maybe for high security facilities. How can you riot, escape, walk into Area 51 or the like when your legs keep turning you around or making you fall over?
  20. F

    Falujah Redux - Contractors killed, one burned alive.

    I personally feel Iraq was FUBAR'd beyond repair when the Iraqi military was disbanded and other state industries were denationalised. Quick and dirty elections and some bases would have been better than trying to create a capitalist island in the Middle East. Better to have your own idiots...